When Quick Edit works, it's really really cool ... but two problems are cropping up.
The first one SL already knows, but just to see if others are having this problem. On my posts, and my posts only, or close by them, phantom scroll bars keep appearing. If I click Quick Edit, the scroll bar is close to, if not identical to, the scroll bar that appears in the Quick Edit window, and when I click "Hide", both the Quick Edit window *AND* the phantom scroll bar go away. All of my posts have these phantom scroll bars. I know it's to do with Quick Edit because they didn't appear until the Quick Edit feature was added to the lite skin. (I'm observing this only in Camino [Mozilla derivative] on the Mac -- MSIE6 seems to do okay on my rotten office PC.)
MSIE, however, has a problem that Camino does not which I discovered this morning. If you click on Quick Edit, and the window is smaller than 1024x768, you have a real risk of the Quick Edit window appearing outside the bounds of the window itself, meaning you can't even click the Hide button to make it go away! The Quick Edit window seems to appear right near the Quick Edit button, at least in IE.
Anyone else seeing these problems?