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lucnh table friend

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lucnh table friend

Postby Hitokiri » Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:24 pm

Our lunch table is all full of for one. And he's a super athiest, liberal, as far as you can go left wing. He's a good and cool (and extremely smart) guy. We've been witnessing to him and he's .....kinda getting it. Though he just comes back with something else about how somehting doesn't make sense if this is how it was.

Heck, he denies even the existance of Christ and the Bible was wirtten by a group of guys who wanted to create a god to help to make themselves confident that they will go somewhere when they die.

Just pray that he opens his heart and that we can all give th right words to speak to him. One of the guys is taking him to go see The Passion and just pray for that, that he sees pass what msot of the world sees the Passion as (blood and gore and alot of gross things) and what it truly talks bout.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:29 pm

I dislike peo
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Postby Staci » Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:30 pm

I will pray for your friend and that he soon believes in the Higher Power.

Adding this: my family is all athiest. I grew up in a house hold that only "prayed" to the Lord on Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas. It has been many friends who came to my aid in deciding that I did believe in the Lord and what the Bible states: once in third grade, once in fifth grade, once in eleventh grade, and finally, last year by my fiance.

As you can see, it took time for me, so it may take time for your friend. Be patient, be loving, be kind - eventually, he will see the light.

Think about it this way: he is already - in a way - listening to everyone at the table because he is questioning, even if he argues otherwise. It is advisable to take him to see The Passion of the Christ. Maybe, after that, take him to a play about believing and getting saved at a local church. Get some cool quotes out of the Bible, say them, and if he asks where it came from name your souce.

Edit: Sometimes a friend/acquaintence cannot be saved. Let us not forget the lesson of "casting pearls of wisdom to swine". After a while it is just a waste. I'm not saying he is a lost cause, but it may turn out that way, so please be prepared.
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Postby blueraven » Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:04 pm

I'll be praying. You've planted the seed, just don't give up. Even if it does seem like a hopeless cause, remember the power of prayer.
"Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
and things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art; to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul."
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Postby Rogie » Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:26 pm

Yeah, just persist! If he seems like he's heard at least some of what you're saying, then you're making progress. The simple fact that he sits with a group of Christians at lunch has to mean something, right? I'll be praying for him as well as you and your friends.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:34 pm

Don't give up on the guy. Asking questions might be his way of figuring things out. I'll pray that his heart will be opened.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Mar 01, 2004 6:40 pm

I'm a skeptic and analyst by nature, so I know where he's coming from. Faith is very difficult for some people, while it comes more naturally to others. It was very difficult for me to even get the basics of faith that most children naturally grasp. Questioning, constantly questioning, because I wanted to KNOW. I wanted to PROVE. I wanted to BE SURE. It's just the way my mind is built--faith is very difficult for me. But through others, others who did not give up on me (and most especially the Lord, who NEVER gave up on me), I finally broke those barriers and am now accepting things much more readily on faith. It can still be difficult sometimes, but now that I have accepted Christ back into my life it gets easier each day, through Him. So don't give up on your friend, especially if he is asking questions and seems interested. It very likely means he's considering the faith. Ultimately, he will have to take a leap of faith--as I've learned, you can never have undeniable physical proof--but you and your friends can bring him closer to that point (through the Spirit of course, and through prayer). I will pray for your witness and for your friend.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:00 pm

im not the one really witnessing sadly...I play a small aprt at the table...comic relief. Two of the guys however witness to him.

Unlike some people, this guy is very knowledgable in ploitics and science . However, he's very kind and he understands somewhat where we are coming from. It's not like he hates us, if he did he wouldn't be at our lunch table. When we have our weekly group prayer,. He doesn't leave, he just backs out from the table so we have room to pray and waits till we are done. Doesn't try to stop us. The guy is very nice and he doesn't argue to dis us, he debates intectually (he's on the debate team)

It's just hard getting through to him caus ehe's so embedded in science and philosophy and stuff that he fails to see it.
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Postby Vyse » Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:26 pm

Volt wrote:I dislike people like that.

The bible was written over a huge period of time by poeple who had never met each other and yet they all seem to talk about the same thing and their stories fit together perfectly.

You have to be a crack-head not to see the how The Bible's scripture and prophecy fit together like the gears in a Rolex. (aka perfectly) I mean even scientists are baffled :shady:

If I were you guys I'd just leave em. I had the same atheist freind, Sometimes I think the only reason they keep debating with me is for the sake of argueing. So after A while I just stoped and said "whatever you think I don't care, I've had enough" Because it seemed like she just kept doubting God in everyway she could find just for the point of argueing with me and having something to talk about.

So that's my advice, just leave 'em alone. When you stop paying attention to them and their constant disbeleife they'll change tactics and start argreeing with you. Sometimes it's because the kid wants attention. I'm not saying that's exactly the way it is but that's all the advice I can give, Weather it be right or wrong.

I'm sorry but you have totally the wrong attiude, hardly even Christian, Christ said to love the sinner not the sin, he even said to live with the sinners! He never to abandon them.

And to the maker of this thread, yes I will pray about it.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:10 pm

Okay guys, not meaning to be intrusive, but remember this is a prayer thread, so take any further disagreements to PM.
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Postby Vyse » Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:48 pm

ShiroiHikari wrote:Okay guys, not meaning to be intrusive, but remember this is a prayer thread, so take any further disagreements to PM.

Thats fine, I'd just like to go on the record for saying that I wasn't the only person that said more then "I'll pray for you".
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Postby Kisa » Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:41 pm

Yea we have a friend like that who isnt saved but still goes to a Christian school and says all Christians are hypocrites and we are just trying to show him wrong right now so he will listen. We can only be good examples for God to him right now.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:44 pm

well good news. He agreed to go see the Passion with one of the guys and then to his youth group for discussion :)
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Postby Staci » Tue Mar 02, 2004 2:52 pm

Hitokiri wrote:well good news. He agreed to go see the Passion with one of the guys and then to his youth group for discussion :)

Wow, that's excellent! If he agreed to it that should indicate toward his curiosity. Who knows, he may just feel threatened or scared by it because most of his friends are so devout.

I will continue to pray for him and that The Passion of the Christ has an impact. ~_~
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Postby Roll » Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:45 pm

Oooh, if science is up his alley, you should have him check out the Answers in Genesis site! The people who run it are SMART and show how tangible evidence (such as fossils) scientifically supports the Word of God rather than secular philosophies. (It's not intended to prove His existence but to defend and promote our faith.) I'll be sure to pray for you too!
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Postby CobaltAngel » Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:31 pm

The only advie I know to give; tell the truth. That's all God's word is. The truth. :)
I'll pray. ^_^
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