Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Volt wrote:I dislike people like that.
The bible was written over a huge period of time by poeple who had never met each other and yet they all seem to talk about the same thing and their stories fit together perfectly.
You have to be a crack-head not to see the how The Bible's scripture and prophecy fit together like the gears in a Rolex. (aka perfectly) I mean even scientists are baffled
If I were you guys I'd just leave em. I had the same atheist freind, Sometimes I think the only reason they keep debating with me is for the sake of argueing. So after A while I just stoped and said "whatever you think I don't care, I've had enough" Because it seemed like she just kept doubting God in everyway she could find just for the point of argueing with me and having something to talk about.
So that's my advice, just leave 'em alone. When you stop paying attention to them and their constant disbeleife they'll change tactics and start argreeing with you. Sometimes it's because the kid wants attention. I'm not saying that's exactly the way it is but that's all the advice I can give, Weather it be right or wrong.
ShiroiHikari wrote:Okay guys, not meaning to be intrusive, but remember this is a prayer thread, so take any further disagreements to PM.
Hitokiri wrote:well good news. He agreed to go see the Passion with one of the guys and then to his youth group for discussion
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