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the Olive Tree

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the Olive Tree

Postby firestorm » Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:56 am

this is for my english class because th computer I am currently on doesn't have word. I have to choose a tree and use it as a metaphor for my life

Ivan Delgado

English IV

the Olive Tree

I sit here in the ground, getting ready for the spring. During the harsh cold of the winter called life far above, I wait to bloom. Waiting to burst from the ground the hinders me, I begin to dream of the successes which can be achieved for a plant like me. I dream of standing stately before all trees. Standing taller then most, I dream of sprouting into the tree tha t represents peace, faith, and religion. I dream of excelling in all the areas In which a plant may live. In the midst of the winter I continue to dream. I am the seed.

I stand up in the sunlight. High above the other newborns. With each inch I grow, more and more successes, like water are sucked up into the roots of my soul. Tasting like honey, I continue to strive for more and more, to quell the thirst of my inner plant.

I stand before you, an experienced adolescent Olive Tree. I have surived the many winters of life and sorrow, and learned many lessons in my life. I was once a shrub but now a tall tree, with my friends the birds resting on my branches. They tell me their problems and I give them my advice. My roots go deep, not just in soil, but in God. Many a wanderer, most with heavy burdens, have rested in the strength of my branches or the trenches of the hollows of my trunk. I have lived a life of joy and tears, love and fears. But I know my life is just beginning. Another winter is coming my leaves are gone and my branches are bare, but just like the joy that comes in the morning, I know that life will come in the spring.
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Inferno » Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:44 am

good very interesting, i loved it! keep on writing!
"rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

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Postby firestorm » Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:33 pm

Inferno wrote:good very interesting, i loved it! keep on writing!

thanks inferno, and By the way I like your Agent Fluffy story!
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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