I feel odd posting in here...but I feel moved to, so here goes.
I ask...that you guys please pray for me to have the courage and strength to for once in my life...follow my heart.
I feel that God has been tugging on my heart about a few issues in my life for about three months now, one of them, the main one, more recently.
I've been given a path to follow...and I'm scared. I'm nervous. I can't seem to convince myself to take that first step into the unknown, away from everything I know. I know that God is there holding my hand, but I'm so afraid to go somewhere that has no clear path.
I've been ignoring God for about a year about something in my life. I know that's a horrible thing to do. I know. I've asked for God's mercy for not listening already, and I will continue to do so. Anyway, about four months ago, I had the chance to do what God wished, and I fought it tooth and nail, because I was simply afraid to change something that had been a "comfort zone" in my life for four long years.
Recently, I have found out exactly why I SHOULD have made that change...and now I'm in a royal mess, to be honest. I've possibly missed out on a God given opportunity. In fact, in the past month or so, I've been given plenty of chances, I just..haven't made myself ready to take them.
I think I have the chance to fix this and follow God's will, but....I'm scared and I lack the strength and courage to make this huge change.
I have to make a LOT of changes in my life. I have to make some confessions to people I've been dishonest to. I also have a very BIG one....but that one will have to wait until I am able to freely make that confession, if I can get myself together before my chance has passed by.
Will you guys please pray that God gives me the strength and the trust to make that step? I know this is His will.
Thank you all for reading *hugs* Please remember to keep everyone here that is hurting and lost in your prayers foremost.