Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:41 pm
Listening to the songs again, they are quite different... They played like harmonically... This is called a smashup, and it's done with all sorts of songs that are definately not ripoffs... It's just there are only really so many kinds of songs to begin with, and so they fit. They are definately different.
Acutally, I'm not really a fan because he just complains about his dad in every song... It's all about how abusive his dad was (in the first album, anyhow) I did like "how you remind me" though.
BTW, one of Linkin Park's songs sounds almost exactly like one of DC Talk's songs... If I had it playing, I could tell you, but I forget which one of both... Anyhow, I still like Linkin Park (and I still like DC Talk, RIP)
EDIT: I am wondering if I should record that mix and put it on CD, but I don't feel like breaking copyrights, you know? It just sounds too cool. I love those sort of things, just like on the everescence song on Daredevil, and a lot of broadway musicals... Singing two songs together that fit... It just creates an energy that I love. I have listened to that smashup probably 10 times now! It just sounds so cool...
[button=cool]Many combolations, elizagirth. I hope you got all my particles[/button] so cool!
BTW again, I think some editing went into "How you remind me" to get it to fit this song, so it was just a normal smashup and not pure coincidence or anything... This very thing can be done with a lot of songs... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess