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First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

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First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Mon May 23, 2016 10:01 am

Spent a lot of time working on the first episode of my anime review show that includes some Christian perspective. I think it came out pretty well. Speaking to an audience that is not physically their is not yet one of my strong points, however, I am getting better at this. I spent a lot of time on it, It is going to take time to reach the quality I am aiming for, but hey you guys might like it. Feel free to leave any feedback. Overall I am happy that I finally managed to finish this, and feel it is a solid start.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby LecktheTech » Tue May 24, 2016 5:22 pm

I'll have to give this a look sometime, thanks for putting this up. It would be nice to get a better idea of an anime with a Christian perspective. Really, thanks for doing this.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Wed May 25, 2016 12:53 pm

It is no problem at all, feel free to post any thoughts or constructive criticisms in the video comments, or here if you really prefer. It is my first time doing this and I have plenty of my own criticisms, some being harder to improve than others, but hey, can't start off great at everything ;). Any way I think you will enjoy it.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby skreyola » Wed May 25, 2016 5:54 pm

The review of Madoka was very well done. The review of Angel Beats was really stretching the confines of fair use. The third review seemed a little odd, to me. It seemed a wide departure in tone.
Let us know when you post more review, please.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby LecktheTech » Wed May 25, 2016 7:19 pm

First of all, let me repeat most of my previous post. Done, now the first thing I noticed was your camera is slightly off and you aren't centered in the video. Oh, and that is a slightly fish eye lense, right?(Don't pay me any mind here, I just notice things like that. Good pickup on the mic though.)
skreyola wrote:The review of Madoka was very well done.

I agree with skreyola on this, it just wasn't very in depth.
skreyola wrote:The review of Angel Beats was really stretching the confines of fair use.

After having read the wikipedia article on "Fair Use", it would seem to really stretch the letter of the law. I doubt that there would actually be a problem unless this becomes commonplace.
Once again, thanks for doing this.
Oh, you might want to give this a read.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Thu May 26, 2016 4:02 am

Hey thanks for all the constructive feed back. All of it is helpful. I would like to clarify it is not a fish eye lense, though I never realized it looked like it. Probably now that I do it is likely from weird postioning by an angled wall with angled cam, I have limited space. So that may take some time to change. Any way thanks again guys, future reviews will be one anime at a time so hopefully they can get more care. I won't stop till It is something we can all love and enjoy.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby skreyola » Thu May 26, 2016 8:28 pm

LecktheTech wrote:
skreyola wrote:The review of Madoka was very well done.

I agree with skreyola on this, it just wasn't very in depth.

It would probably have been hard to give it more depth without spoilers. :)
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Thu May 26, 2016 11:04 pm

skreyola wrote:
LecktheTech wrote:
skreyola wrote:The review of Madoka was very well done.

I agree with skreyola on this, it just wasn't very in depth.

It would probably have been hard to give it more depth without spoilers. :)

It defiantly would have been difficult to not spoil, I probably could have went over more, however I am not sure how much I would. The idea is to try and capture the essence of the show and anything that might make it stand out. Beyond that I want to try and give insight on it from a christian perspective, insight that is hopefully made more meaningful after watching the shows themselves. This is of course my own christian perspective which might intrigue some out side the faith/ and or create interesting discussions among those who are also Christians.

Either-way I will try to find creative ways to give a better sense of completeness and detail without padding the reviews with standard metrics that tend to exist across reviews. For some shows it might be made easier by being able to discuss a little more of the premise. In the case of Madoka the premise is hard to nail down without spoilers. It doesn't change from the initial premise but how you would describe it does change, and what actually makes it unique changes the more of it you watch.

I highly recommend watching it's one season in the original non movie format. Also the English voice acting, while technically fine, actually gets the tone wrong way too much for me to recommend (not to mention the characters), so I highly suggest this particular show in Japanese with subs. I cannot imagine any one finishing this season and feeling disappointed.
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Mon May 30, 2016 6:28 pm

Hey guys, just thought I would let you know I post personal updates about my thoughts as well as my progress on projects, such as these reviews, on my blog. You can subscribe or follow if you interested in keeping up with that stuff. I really need to theme it some time :/ I also periodically come by here to look for interesting discussions when I can :D
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Re: First Attempt Faith Based Anime Review Video

Postby Jhackler » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:44 pm

Hey guys just a little update on progress and improvements being made for the next episode ... adish.html I took your feed back into account so the next episode should fix some of it, or at least get closer.
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