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Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

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Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:01 pm

So. My father has always not been the greatest. he's hit me an dmy twin brother out of anger before, and he even has threatened to kill us 9though i doubt he was even slightly serious). Just last night he was getting really amd about a really dumb subject. My mom was trying to calm him down, I heard it from my room, and they were talking in their room.
Mom: You want to have a good relationship with [The twins] don't you?
Dad; I really don't give a [S-word] anymore.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby K. Ayato » Thu May 01, 2014 8:18 am

I'd report this to the police.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Mullet Death » Thu May 01, 2014 10:11 am

I think you need prayer and to report this to someone, though I have no idea what the safest route for actually doing that would be!

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Thu May 01, 2014 10:57 am

Echoing k-chan and Mullet, I'll be praying, Marro :>
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Thu May 01, 2014 4:32 pm

He hasn't actually threatened my life in like 3 years, and even then he wasn't actually serious (at least I think not), also, I don't want to ruin my relationship for my mother. I just need to pray and hope he either changes, or just disown him when I turn 18. :/
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby nillapoet » Thu May 01, 2014 4:41 pm

My wife works for CPS. I can talk to her about what would happen if you reported it, if you'd like.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Thu May 01, 2014 5:52 pm

I don't want to report it. I just want God to help. I don't want anything to change with my relationship withmy mother, but thank you.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby nillapoet » Thu May 01, 2014 7:23 pm

Will be praying for you.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Xeno » Thu May 01, 2014 7:32 pm

That's not how it works. Domestic violence doesn't have a statute of limitations. If he's assaulted either of you, report it to the police. The way you do this is by picking up the phone and dialing 9-1-1. If he keeps doing this then the relationship is going to change between everyone whether you want it to or not. Take control of how it changes before someone else does.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Fri May 02, 2014 1:40 pm

He's only assaulted us a couple times, and the assaulting wasn't bad, he would just slap us or punch us a couple times. (and it has only happenned like 3 times) it's mainly verbal abuse. It's perfectly fine to hit us for misbehaving, but doing it out of anger is wrong, but it's only happened a couple times, and not in a while. Plus we are almost 18, at that point we can move out.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Never thirsty! » Fri May 02, 2014 2:36 pm

I seriously think you need to report it to someone if you don't want to tell the police at least a trusted teacher because who's to say there's no chance the he'll hit you and actually try to hurt you there are some things God doesn't just make better because we wait for Him to sometimes we have to trust that He will lead us to make the right decision to help our situation you can ask God for protection or whatever you need, but that doesn't mean you should just put yourself in a position that is a 180 of what you just prayed for ex: like if I asked God to protect me from running into a shootout then later that day pull a gun on a police officer since I prayed for protection from a shootout and basically walked right into one by my own doing I put myself in a position that would naturally cause the opposite of my prayer. sorry that example was so extreme but I didn't really know how to compare it to anything else and know two things 1. God is always with you as He repeated many times throughout His book 2. If you weren't strong enough to make it through this God wouldn't have given you this situation and finally I am praying for you by the time you read this I've been praying for you for 30 minutes
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Fri May 02, 2014 3:06 pm

At this point, I'm as big as hima nd could probably beat him in a fight ifhe actually triued to hurt me. I'm not too worried about that.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Fri May 02, 2014 5:17 pm

Thanks everyone for your prayers. :) I really appreciate it. :)
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Xeno » Fri May 02, 2014 6:45 pm

marro1 wrote:It's perfectly fine to hit us for misbehaving

No it is not. This mentality has led to children ending up dead from "corrective beatings." It's never okay to hit someone else unless you are defending yourself. I really don't understand these concepts.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Sat May 03, 2014 10:57 pm

You kidding? Children can be spanked, it's not nearly as harsh as disciplines in the Bible.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Xeno » Sun May 04, 2014 2:59 am

And it's perfectly fine to use slave labor, because things were actually worse in the Bible than how they are now. Or if that's too extreme, we'll just make sure women can't vote or have rights, but we won't treat them as property because that's what the Bible does and that's worse.

That's a pretty dumb argument. I know this is kind of beside the point of what this thread was originally about, but abuse of any kind is abuse. There is this thing called a cycle of abuse -- essentially what happens is one person abuses their child, the child comes of age and as an adult abuses their children in the same or similar manner as they were abused because they believe it's normal, those children then come of age and continue the process and down through the generations this family, and all the families it brings forward, until the abuse has spread far and wide and is ingrained in many other families many generations later.

The problem here, is that "spanking" your children, whether less offensive than other things in the bible or not, is still abusing them -- and ultimately it is no better than beating them with piece of metal or throwing rocks at them. It's using negative reinforcement to try to correct a behavior that you don't like, when there are better proven methods to correct those behaviors. And before you go quoting Proverbs 13:24 or 23:13, remember that proverbs (as a general term) are meant to be taken as a symbolic concept, and not as literal instruction. Those verses encourage correction of children for their upbringing's sake, but do not necessarily endorse physical abuse to do so.

So no, I'm not kidding.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby IPv4 » Sun May 04, 2014 12:13 pm

Xeno wrote:And it's perfectly fine to use slave labor, because things were actually worse in the Bible than how they are now. Or if that's too extreme, we'll just make sure women can't vote or have rights, but we won't treat them as property because that's what the Bible does and that's worse.

I love when people quote the bible... when they tell from what part they quoted it from :D
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Xeno » Sun May 04, 2014 1:03 pm

IPv4 wrote:
Xeno wrote:And it's perfectly fine to use slave labor, because things were actually worse in the Bible than how they are now. Or if that's too extreme, we'll just make sure women can't vote or have rights, but we won't treat them as property because that's what the Bible does and that's worse.

I love when people quote the bible... when they tell from what part they quoted it from :D

Oh, you want passages showing that the content I'm talking about is actually there? Okay then.

Seven passages showing slavery in the Bible: Leviticus 25:44-46; Exodus 21:2-6; Exodus 21:7-11; Exodus 21:20-21; Ephesians 6:5; 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Luke 12:47-48.

And about women being property, lets go back to Exodus 21:7-11 for a minute. It says that one can sell their own daughter to another person, as property. Oh, and if a woman didn't show signs of being a virgin come time for her to be wed, they'd stone her to death, because she had no rights and was only valuable as a trade item (Deuteronomy 22:20-21).
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby goldenspines » Sun May 04, 2014 2:49 pm

Yeah, this has derailed too far for a prayer thread. Unlike the past, theological debates are heavily discouraged on the public forum. Take your discussion to PM, please.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby TheAlbinoMoose » Sun May 04, 2014 6:38 pm

So what you want is for your relationship with your dad to change for the better, right? Is your dad a christian? (I'm praying btw)
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby IPv4 » Mon May 05, 2014 8:46 am

Xeno wrote:
IPv4 wrote:
Xeno wrote:And it's perfectly fine to use slave labor, because things were actually worse in the Bible than how they are now. Or if that's too extreme, we'll just make sure women can't vote or have rights, but we won't treat them as property because that's what the Bible does and that's worse.

I love when people quote the bible... when they tell from what part they quoted it from :D

Oh, you want passages showing that the content I'm talking about is actually there? Okay then.

Seven passages showing slavery in the Bible: Leviticus 25:44-46; Exodus 21:2-6; Exodus 21:7-11; Exodus 21:20-21; Ephesians 6:5; 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Luke 12:47-48.

And about women being property, lets go back to Exodus 21:7-11 for a minute. It says that one can sell their own daughter to another person, as property. Oh, and if a woman didn't show signs of being a virgin come time for her to be wed, they'd stone her to death, because she had no rights and was only valuable as a trade item (Deuteronomy 22:20-21).

Im happy to see after reading all passages mentioned above that none of them talks about voting.

Yes, the LAW tells us that you can buy and sell males and females as slaves, I dont see it being encouraged though. Luke 12:47-48 is about the return of Jesus, not slavery per se. Also the LAW has harsch punishments (e.g. stoning women for adultery) but we all know that no man can keep all the 613 rules mentioned in the Torah.

A reminder is that things arent that much better today than it was in the Bible days in general since 50% of the world population cant spent more than 2 USD a day (2008), and if you have access to a place with 4 walls and a roof, and can eat enough you belong to the 8% of the richest people on earth.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 05, 2014 10:59 am

You're a troll, right?

Nobody's said this yet, but verbal abuse is still abuse. Threatening to kill someone is still a threat, even if they're not going to act on it. He's not going to change, that's not how it works. You can't wish away the fact that you are living with a mentally and physically violent person. Insert paragraph about the cycle and normalization of abuse here and so on.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Mon May 05, 2014 11:28 am

Yes he is a Christian, and no I'm not a troll. My mother believes he is Bipolar, and he was in fits of rage when he threatened my life. he wouldn't have actually done it though.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 05, 2014 11:51 am

Sorry, I was asking IPv4 if they were a troll.

He needs to see a professional if he hasn't. Bipolar is still not an excuse to threaten or harm. That is, if that's what he has. Make very few assumptions until an actual trained professional tests it. Then there can be options for treatment.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Mon May 05, 2014 12:52 pm

Thanks everyone for you prayers, i'd like to say something. i did only ask for prayers, not for help in decisions to make. I don't mean to be rude, but I know how to live my life. At this point, I don't care how my father lives his life, i just wanna be able to get through the next 5 months before I turn 18 without my father verbally attacking me at every point. I do thank you for your prayers, and I think they are helping, but I only have to deal with it for a couple more months, and that's not enough to do anything drastic. I don't want to send him to jail or anything, cause he provides for my mother. I just need help from God to change things.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby DaughterOfZion » Mon May 05, 2014 1:41 pm

Too bad kid, you posted in a place that thankfully has people that aren't going to sit around and tell you what you want to hear, especially when someone speaks about a potentially dangerous situation. Maybe you're too naive to understand it but Jesus isn't going to snap his fingers and magically change your father's personality. That's not how anything works.
And when did anyone ever tell you what to do with your life? People have only pointed out what you apparently refuse to even consider because they know abuse of any kind is not to be ignored.
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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby marro1 » Tue May 06, 2014 2:09 pm

Daughter ofZion, get oyut of my post and stop demeaning me.
Now I see. You’re Jealous. You’re jealous of humans aren’t you? According to you, humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than homunculi. And yet, even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their paths, they continue to get up and fight. Everyone around them helps them get back up. And you’re envious of that.

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Re: Not sure if I need prayers, but here goes...

Postby goldenspines » Tue May 06, 2014 3:13 pm

Boy, maybe this thread just has a tendency to get really heated or something? Since Marro1 has been mainly asking for prayers and has already got quite a bit of advice, it may be better to close this up for now.

I ask that everyone avoid holding ill feelings towards each other though. I may be asking the impossible, but while text communication can be easily misunderstood, please do know that I think everyone, even those who were rather harsh, was trying to look out for your best interests and your safety, Marro1.
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