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[Fall 2013] anime orientation week

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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby ForeverInspired » Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:26 pm

Kuroko no Basket - Episode 18

I haven't been posting really about what I have been watching (I hope to get to that as soon as possible), but I had to post for this episode. Man, I was hoping for this result for ages. Kuroko is the best as always - his play, encouragement, and don't forget that fist at the end... :hug: Even Kagami impressed me. It was really interesting to see the match in the perspective of the entire Miracle Team. Also, Kise has really grown on me over the first and second seasons. Even some of the secondary players that originally rubbed me the wrong way are proving to be more likable. What amazes me the most is how long this show can extend a basketball game without it being boring. Literally, this episode of 24 minutes covered the last 8 minutes of the game. The only aggravating thing is that I have to wait a week or weeks sometimes for the series to finish one game. All is well that ends well though. I can't wait for what's to come! :)
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby drill » Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:36 pm

Golden Time - Episode 11

I just picked this show up again after stopping at episode 9 which was over 2 months ago (honestly, its hard to believe its been that long :XD: )

I will have to say that the characters seem decent, and the story isn't bad, but just like when I stopped two months ago, I thought that something was missing. Also, I was hoping that Oka would have been more involved in the story as I thought she was much more interesting of a character than Kaga.

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Also, I'm glad that Banri #2 didn't completely mess things up.
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:04 pm

Golden Time episode 19:

Aargh-- the fact that Banri didn't just tell the poor guy the truth right away really got on my nerves. :bang: (Same with Chinami-- what the heck. If she likes Mitsuo {as it seems she does}, she should've done something about it in the first place rather than just leaving it at the earlier rejection, and then taking her feelings out on Banri besides, who was doing nothing wrong whatsoever with Linda there.) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (Oh well. At least the romance fail near the beginning was kinda amusing... :forehead: :P ) Anyway, I have to admit that I was annoyed enough with the stupidity of that stuff to finally consider just dropping this entirely (even despite me having coasted through a fair number of the series' other annoyances until now; but I guess my {rather considerable, if I do say so myself ;) } patience still only goes so far)... I know there are only a few ep.'s left, though, so I suppose I might as well finish it... :shady:

Kill la Kill episode 19:

Holy crap-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: wasn't expecting them to pull a "One Month Later" post-apocalyptic timeskip at this point. :pikka: Super-good ep., though. :thumb: (Well, I mean, aside from Satsuki's sicko of a mother, of course; but I'm not even going to comment on that... :pikka: )

Other comments of note: LOL, now everyone's in NB. :grin: And haha, yes :jump: -- I *knew* Gamagoori liked Mako! <3 Oh my gosh, the Mako x Gamagoori stuff in this ep. was hilariously adorable, especially the 'flirting' bit (bwahaha!) and then his reaction when his rescue got upstaged by Ryuuko at the end, LOL. :lol: :hug: Speaking of Ryuuko, though, yikes, she's gone a bit emo there. :pikka: Poor Senketsu... (Oh, and remember: "IT'S D-T-R!!" :grin: )

And Nagi no Asukara episode 20:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Nice discussions as usual, etc. Also, it's interesting that Uroko only showed himself to Miuna, and won't appear to the others (at least so far)... Oh, and I found it rather amusing that what woke Manaka up wasn't a kiss but an argument. :grin: So, now that she's awake, let the feels trainwreck commence! :P :grin:
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:45 pm

Golden Time episode 20:

Eh, not quite as drop-worthy as last week's ep., but still a little annoying. :P I'm mostly just bored with it now, though, to be honest. (Oh well...)

Samurai Flamenco episode 18:

Oh my goodness, this episode. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First things first: Goto is the best. <3 And "People tend to be more honest on river embankments," bwahaha!! :lol: (Also: All that Engrish. :grin: ) And LOL, I laughed so hard when Hazama was totally confusing the alien with his initial response to the offer :lol: :lol: (though of course he did figure out a proper response later :) ). And that explanation at the end... wow. To my disbelief, that managed to be both completely ridiculous and yet still actually make sense. :pikka: :grin: (Basically, Hazama's grandfather used the universe's magic word and his wish was one of the fraction that happened to be granted, which gave his grandson Haruhi-like powers {plus some stuff about the Will of the universe and parallel worlds and leader-type people's 'energy,' etc.}. Anyway, as ridiculous as it sounded when it was being explained, it was still surprisingly cogent, given the outright craziness of the past few arcs-- in fact, it took all that craziness and actually wove it right in to the explanation. {Speaking of the magic word, though-- LOL! :lol: }) Anyway, I'm incredibly curious now as to what in the universe ( ;) ) is going to happen in the last four episodes (since, aside from the little tracer-pen tease there, this episode could pretty much have been a perfect closer to the series). Looking forward to the next twist! :thumb:

Kill la Kill episode 20:

I'm to that point again where I can barely even comment on this anymore, LOL (though I don't mean that in a bad way at all, of course!). SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL, "best selective hearing," indeed. :lol: Also, holy crap-- nice reveal about Nui. And while I was basically expecting the switch of sides (and uniforms) of the sisters there at the end, it was still done really well.

And Nagi no Asukara episode 21:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Heh, so they're putting off the obviously-imminent feels-trainwreck until a little later, then. :grin: Actually, this was mostly just a nice, pleasant episode overall (though a couple little things with Manaka seemed a bit ominous, and the Tsumugu/fish bit {including him actually being happy about it, LOL!} was just plain hilarious :lol: ).
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby GeneD » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:22 am

I'm finally up to date with Yowamushi Pedal! I miss the first OP and ED, but the new ones have grown on me a lot. I particularly love the way they've made the "credits" a part of the scenery in the OP.
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:46 am

Golden Time episode 21:

Well, this was actually a fairly good (if also rather predictable) episode... is what I was going to say, but then that ending happened. What the heck? :pikka: Whether that was a dream or reality, now I'm kinda wishing I *had* just dropped it... :shady:

Samurai Flamenco episode 19:

This episode was really amusing at first, with all the banter + people being annoyed at how peaceful and 'boring' everything was... :grin: ...and then wow-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: in came another twist (of course!). :pikka: Now, to be honest, I actually wasn't surprised at this particular development with Goto and his girlfriend and the e-mails, because I had seen a number of people literally post this *exact* theory a long time ago already; however, even predicted ages in advance, it was still a good twist, and it was pretty sad to see my favorite character of the show have mental issues ( + my second-favorite character distressed over his inability to help him). :( On another note, I really liked the fact that they brought back that kid who had listened to Hazama back in one of the very early episodes-- and as (apparently) the new villain, no less. Looking forward to this final arc! :thumb:

Kill la Kill episode 21:


And Nagi no Asukara episode 22:

Excellent episode! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Man, the salt-flake snow getting worse, Manaka's punishment, and all that explanation by Uroko... I knew that rescuing Manaka was going to have some pretty big consequences, and I also knew that it couldn't be just Ena that was taken, but I have to admit I wasn't expecting *that.* :pikka:
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:20 pm

Golden Time episode 22:

*Sigh*... no comment. :shady:

Samurai Flamenco episode 20:

Awesome! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: OH MY GOODNESS YES, so this twist is actually a psychological one! :jump: Not knowing whether the kid is indeed real (but only Hazama can see/hear/feel him) or just something his mind created... I am absolutely loving this.

Kill la Kill episode 22:

"I have to live up to that craziness"-- most accurate quote ever, LOL. :lol: Also: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "Bat-crap crazy" people, sisterly bonds, and Fight Club President Mako FTW! :thumb: :grin:

And Nagi no Asukara episode 23:

Yes! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Loved the discussion that being able to love is important no matter what, and that it can make you a better person, even if the love is not returned (because I have the same opinion myself). Also, it's nice that some things are moving forward with Sayu resolving to ask Kaname out, and Tsumugu not only (inadvertently) confessing to Chisaki, but (*finally!*) gaining Ena, something he's been longing for his whole life (oh man, I did a mental fist-pump when that happened, I was so happy he got it!).
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:29 pm

Golden Time episode 23:

Yep, that all went down pretty much exactly as I expected. :shady: (Well, aside from that {unintentionally?-}hilarious-when-taken-out-of-context 'make-up' conversation between Mitsuo and Banri... :grin: :P ) I'm just glad this is almost over.

In contrast... Samurai Flamenco episode 21:

This ep. was awesome! :pikka: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Okay, so at least Kaname and Goto can hear and see the kid-- meaning, it *isn't* just all in Hazama's head. I had already been leaning towards him being real, since there was the whole emphasis on him repeating the magic "Flamenco" word and such (giving him his powers/wish, etc.), but the confirmation was a bit of a relief. :) Also: The reveal that Hazama actually doesn't know/understand what love is (nor does his young, crazy, self-proclaimed nemesis) was quite interesting, and the whole ensuing discussion about love and its different forms and such was really good, as well. (Although, I really hope this doesn't go the yaoi route with it in the end, LOL... :P :sweat: :grin: ) Oh, and that was also a really good cliffhanger! :pikka:

Kill la Kill episode 23:

And yet again, I have no words for this, LOL. :grin: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Nice credits interruption, too. :thumb:

And Nagi no Asukara episode 24:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: OUCH, Chisaki. I mean, at least it was explained a little bit better later; but, man... despite being the oldest (or second-oldest?) of the group now, she's definitely the most immature... :sweat: On the other hand, I was really relieved that Sayu finally made Kaname realize that there was someone who loved him, and that he was willing to accept her feelings moving forward, too (that scene was so sweet). <3 :hug: Oh, and that was an interesting and rather clever idea that Tsumugu had about the ceremony, too... it should be interesting to see what happens next.
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:54 pm

Golden Time episode 24 (finale):

So, final thoughts on this: Well, I do have to admit that it was an interesting little twist that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: it turned out Banri actually *could* see and hear his 'ghost' self the whole time, he was just ignoring him. :pikka: Other than that, though, while this was a 'nice' ending and all, I found the whole thing a bit too convenient/cliché (and the entire series also ended up having a severe lack of 2D-kun, who IMO was the best character of the show-- I wish he had gotten a lot more screen time than the meager amounts he did; maybe then I would've enjoyed it more)... so, well, let's just say that I'm glad this series is finally over, LOL. :sweat: :P

Samurai Flamenco episode 22 (finale):

.........I... I don't even know how to react to this... :pikka: :sweat: :forehead: :?: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ...Okay, first things first: That flashback was so sad. :( As for the 'present': With this show having basically run through the entire gamut of hero 'types' on purpose, I liked the reference to the 'dark hero,' and the kid was actually pretty genuinely creepy there in terms of his plans to turn Hazama into one. And all of that was great. What completely threw me off was everything after that-- not only the unexpected accuracy of the episode's title ( :sweat: :grin: ), but in particular Hazama's desperate, clueless, and *ridiculous* last-ditch attempt to stop Goto from shooting the kid (which, while almost killing me from laughter/embarrassment/facedesking :grin: , was still... uh... well, you know :sweat: ). So much for my hopes that it wouldn't go the yaoi route, LOL. :sweat: :forehead: I mean, I'm not *entirely* sure if it really did go that way or not in the end-- that whole scene was all because of Hazama's utter cluelessness, after all + Goto was right back to having the 'girlfriend' send him messages again at the end anyway :grin: -- but, still... :sweat: ) Yeah. I have no idea what to think now, LOL. (Though I *did* enjoy the vast majority of this show-- parodies, lunacy, trolling, and all-- so... whatever, I guess. :sweat: )

Kill la Kill episode 24 (finale):

Gotta love that humor even during the most 'serious' of scenes. :lol: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Between the unceremonious 'dismissal' of the NB guys right in the middle of their transformation, the stuff with Gamagoori, and the "nonsensical garbage" bit + response (which I was literally LOL'ing at :lol: ), the creators kept a really good balance here with not having the show take itself seriously even during (supposedly) deadly-serious circumstances. And how they won was just awesome. (R.I.P. Senketsu, though... :( ) Finally: ROTFL at the Elite Four stalking the three girls on their 'date' (complete with a blushing Gamagoori holding flowers for you-know-who <3 :grin: ) at the end, oh my gosh. :grin: I couldn't be happier with this ending. :jump: (Which I'm even more grateful for considering the endings of the two shows above, LOL... :P :grin: )

And Nagi no Asukara episode 25:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Flashback reveals that Manaka loves Hikari, and not a single person watching this show was surprised. (...Well, okay, that's probably a slight exaggeration, LOL; but, seriously, who *didn't* see that coming?) Tsumugu's straightforwardness during that chat with Chisaki was pretty amusing, though. Also: LOL at the whole thing with Uroko and the car (that was way too funny to me for some reason). :lol: *Ahem*-- now, as for the end of the ep.: I just knew that switch (Miuna for Manaka) was going to happen (though I didn't want it to)... :shady: Seems like there's going to be rather a lot to wrap up in the finale, though, especially since that next-ep. preview looked a lot like another timeskip. I guess we'll see...
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby GeneD » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:03 am

MangaRocks! wrote:Samurai Flamenco episode 22 (finale): SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ... the unexpected accuracy of the episode's title ( :sweat: :grin: )


For all the fun that the series was overall, I thought the end and last arc of Samurai Flamenco were a bit weak unfortunately, although I don't really have any ideas on how I'd have liked to see it end.

Kill la Kill on the other hand had a fantastic ending. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I didn't expect Senketsu to die, but should really have seen it coming. I thought maybe Satsuki would be the one to make some sort of sacrifice. Too bad Harime Nui didn't get a giant faceful of comeuppance though.
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Re: [Fall 2013] anime orientation week

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:52 pm

GeneD wrote:
MangaRocks! wrote:Samurai Flamenco episode 22 (finale): SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ... the unexpected accuracy of the episode's title ( :sweat: :grin: )


For all the fun that the series was overall, I thought the end and last arc of Samurai Flamenco were a bit weak unfortunately, although I don't really have any ideas on how I'd have liked to see it end.

Kill la Kill on the other hand had a fantastic ending. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I didn't expect Senketsu to die, but should really have seen it coming. I thought maybe Satsuki would be the one to make some sort of sacrifice. Too bad Harime Nui didn't get a giant faceful of comeuppance though.

^ Agreed on all the above. :)

And my final Fall 2013 post-- Nagi no Asukara episode 26 (finale):

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Okay, so NVM, that wasn't a timeskip in the preview, LOL. :) I really liked them showing the flashback to the original sea-god and Ojoshi-sama's story, in contrast to the folktale accounts told earlier-- seeing what really happened made things a lot more clear (and it was pretty sweet and sad, too). Also learned from that flashback: Sea-god is surprisingly not a jerk at all, LOL (well, at least intentionally, anyway :) -- he was trying to be kind, but went about it the wrong way, so it didn't really work out the way he intended... :sweat: ). And there was some good closure, there, too. I also really liked the show's ultimate message (reinforced again here) that the ability to love (no matter the outcome) is very, very important indeed. Now, all that said, there were still some loose ends (I mean, seriously, would it have killed the creators to show at least one of the 3 implied-canon couples at the end sharing a kiss or saying their feelings out loud or even just holding hands or something for once? :eyeroll: :P Also: Sea-people + land-people apparently now fast friends all of a sudden, tons of people actually have the ability to awaken Ena {I think?}, and I guess there's no more impending doom, either...? :P ), all of which I would've liked a bit more closure on (actually, the openness on all that made me drop my MAL rating for it a point...); however, this series was a decent watch overall, IMO, so whatever, I guess. (It didn't feel like a waste of time, anyway. :) )
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