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Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

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Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:23 pm


Like a tear in existence, like a glimmer in the dark
Virtue now stands broken
Virtue now stands dead
And the dreams of civilization yet dances in her head
Dances in her head

IC Thread - viewtopic.php?f=42&t=64924&p=1621700#p1621700

The majestic landscape reveals an eerie sense of conflict, yet, it with said conflict a specific kind of harmony. Mountains tower in defiance to the heavens themselves, and deep canyons shrink before its awesome power. The sea, while soft, provides a great danger to even the most veteran of seafarers. The mystical jungle, white forests and endless arid landscapes all house different scars which have been given by time. Yet, it is in such a climate that the world, called Renata. Surrounded by two moons, known by many different names. And far beyond is the star which functions as the sun. Radiating over the beautiful pearl islands and the dark, mysterious marshlands alike. Yet, despite the beauty, the Renata has no innocence of its own to boast. The northern, chaotic stripes harbour some of the most cold-blooded tribes that existence could define, and the south harbours mysteries of its own, yet some of these grow very deep and very dark. Yet where the balance is struck between conflict and prosperity, between harmony and chaos, existential questions begin to arise. Between the radiating light of the sun, to the darkest mysteries at the core of the world, the great search for purpose, unity and truth is now underway. As several key figures take hold of the reigns of destiny, the stage is set for a clash of Titans.

The age in question is an early iron age. There is currently however no major civilizations, though, various settlements still harbour some kind of community, mostly unified through traditions and respect. The only major faction that exists is the Ironhold Keep and it’s massive, fortified city. A trading post that grew rich with time, notable for its major chains which keeps it anchored from all corners of the city, so none can question its power. Yet the city is the only city where art prospers, and a currency has taken form. Be that as it may, its focus has always been on accumulating more wealth, and not expanding its relatively small borders. Outside its large walls the citizens inside see nothing, but a barbaric wasteland and a few see some trading opportunities, however, the world is changing, and the pearl may soon find itself outclassed by a diamond. The drums of war are slowly building up momentum.

Yet this is a long road to walk. And dreams of humble forges may one day consume entire nations within flames. While prosperity and trade is a path of those who seek peace, other aim to find their personal liberation within the flames of war. Reigning down untold suffering, and displaying unbridled bravery in their push towards destiny that binds all. Yet free will, and circumstance is forever two factors that will be at odds with each other. For in this beautiful land, there will be both displays of unhindered charity, and unbridled malevolence. The choices of individuals will form groups, and eventually nations of their own should they find unity and creed. Thus the groups of the world will adapt, die, or perhaps even change the world by finding a greater path. However this is the tale that now shall be told. Welcome to Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart.
Last edited by Jingo Jaden on Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:27 pm

GM - JingoJaden

Co-Gm - Goldenspines

Rules and ethics.


1 – This has largely been an invite-based project. If you’ve not been contacted and want to join, please send me a pm and I will give it a yes or no.

2 – The GM is the ultimate authority of this RP. If it goes to disputes or lawyering, then he will be the ultimate authority of the situation. However, he can only act upon information given to him within a certain time, so that revivals do not have core authority in the aftermath of a conflict. If you had a brilliant battle tactic and only shared it with your ally, and not the gm, then shame on me for not being clear enough about it.

3 – Vacations can be untimely, but required. A vacation puts a war/battle/sometimes conflict on ice. GM may also freeze some of the assets if it becomes extended, but for the most part this is so that the person who’s on a vacation suddenly will not return to find his great empire reduced to a single county, with a chicken farm and a wooden fence as their respective territory, economy and defence.

4 – Main characters and secondary ones are protected by the GM. They can be captured, but not killed unless they carry the players consent. Tertiary characters however are fair game in certain circumstances.

5 – Players can choose from already existing creatures or create their own, but the new creatures must be GM approved, so handle by pm to GM or Co-Gm before posting.

6 – The prosperity of nations is mostly determined by two factors. The first of these is the overall barometer which focuses on 3 main factors. Administration, Economy and Military. The barometer goes from 1 which would be abysmal, and 10 which would be awe striking and very hard to maintain mind you. These are set by the GM each round, but are mainly the result of 3 elements. The environment, which you can do little about. If you’re wrecked by constant plagues and wars, then don’t expect the environment to foster a good economy. The second is resources, which becomes mixed in with player priorities. If you’re nation is largely a glorified trading capital and you find a gold mine, then chances are this will boost your economy very nicely. Finally we have the events system, this is GM/Co-GM dictated, but sometimes play a direct role on your modifiers and focus.

The second factor is tech. Now, even a level 10 military dark age tech group, would be slaughtered by a level 2 military modern age tech group. Tech levels advance fairly straight forward, a certain set of administration points predetermines ones advancement into the brave tech group, and the player will get an event to either stick with the old ways which gives them a massive short term boost, at the cost of the accumulated admin points, or enter into this brave new world which will for a short term gut their economy, administration and military, but, will give them far, far more options in the future. Sometimes additional requirements will be made. But in equal stats and a level above everyone else? That can be very profitable, though, that initial boost will also give you a more considerate short-term advantage militarily, which can make all the difference in the world. Like the military, the administration is somewhat reliant on a decent economy, so be cautious in how you spend.

7 – It is NOT mandatory to play as a nation, though that is generally where the most fun is.

8 – In relation to said points, each nation starts with 6 points, where each category would require a minimum of 1. The default would be 2 administrative, 2 economic and 2 military points, or a variation provided it meets the mentioned criteria.


1 – This game is not meant to be ‘fair’, but the GM will attempt to refrain from making things too devastating as far as the events system goes. However, you will face problematic times were it is far more advisable to hunker down than face the fire.

2 – Should you find yourself at the end of a losing war, and chances are you probably will. Do not despair. It is, and can in fact be far more fun to rp as ‘the losing side’ and it brings up great chances to improve your understanding of story writing in general.

3 – GM can be one arbitrary guy, and in this rp that may sometimes conflict with you forging your desired destiny. If you’re looking to do something unorthodox, better to negotiate than suddenly posting you’ve discovered the nuclear bomb in the middle ages, because such a statement would have a ton of bricks raining down on it. By all means surprise, but be realistic and more openly, honest, about them.

4 – This game utilizes private messages a whole lot. If you plan on secretly invading someone, best not to post it openly. Rather slip a pm to the GM, and once the invasion starts, he will balance the rest. Also, invasions do often utilize the advantage of being surprises. Preparing for these more often than not pays off.

5 – This game may take a few dark turns, if this occurs, then using the pm system to describe certain uncomfortable events may be advisable. Battles, blood and magic is fine openly, overly creative language is not.

6 – Picking a fight against someone who is, or may be stronger than yourself. If you happen to be the inspirational squire and find yourself squaring off against the 3 millennia old legendary knight of the dragonslayer/immortal/unconquerable order. Chances are that you will do as much damage as someone throwing a feather at superman. So typing in that you strike your sword deeply into his shoulder with the power of raw optimism may be a bit eccentric. Try to measure up who’re you fighting with and act accordingly, and if you don’t truly know, better to be cautious than erroneous.

7 – Moderation, this is the most difficult at all.
Basically, you start extraordinarily limited as far as the game goes, so saying you’re starting with a stable government with concrete borders, is not going to be much more than a lie. Seeing how you start as little more than an ambitious collection of towns and villages, with perhaps an old rotten keep someplace, then you may find it difficult to embark on a world conquest when your army is composed of 300 ill trained peasants who may or may not know how to navigate long distances. However, wait some turns, build up wisely, and soon you will be the dread of the region.

Expansion also carries its toll, stability specifically takes a hit. If you’ve suddenly found yourself masterfully winning 3 different major wars, and decide to annex all their territory into your own, and it turns out the native settlers are fiercely patriotic and hate your guts, then it’s not going to last. Better sometimes to attempt to organize puppet states, limited wargoals, if not, chances are you may very well end up reduced to something far less than what you started with prior to said war.

War exhaustion should be a fairly simple term to grasp. Basically, you’ve focused all your resources on having an awesome army since day one, and you’ve had several awesome wars and everyone thinks you’re awesome and smell good, but, alas, your war taxations have your farmers eating their own fences and your treasury is filled to the brim with IOU letters way due their originally payment date. You know what that spells? Major military dissatisfaction, in your meeting you may find yourself escorted to a dark room by soldiers who look at you in strange ways, or your wine may start to taste a bit funny. If your administrative and economic standards are low, and your army standards are high and you’ve been in long term conflict, bad things will happen.

8 - Realism. So, you choose to be an eleven race that lives in perfect harmony with the forest, and suddenly, find yourself mercilessly overpowered when your neighbour starts rolling in with T34 tanks and several nuclear submarines. You’re suddenly faced with the grim realization that lances are not effective as anti-aircraft weaponry, and arrows perform poorly against heavy armour brigades. Then know that it was your species creed that got you there. Not saying it was poor writing or wrong of you to do so, but if you want to keep world technology at primitive levels, then you better find the authority to keep it so or face daunting odds.

9 – A short explanation on the 3 core mechanic factors.

Economy – Now, the GM will try not to be too biased as far as the ideological things goes. It is however fair to say that a modern nation with modern economics will most likely perform better than those who embrace the barter system only sustainable in the Garden of Eden. War hurts the economy, though a successful war can bring plenty of various kinds of plunder making war good for you. Note the ‘you’ specifically.

Administration – Consider this to be the fundamental relation between the affection/subservience of the people, the skill of your political leader and even your image worldwide. If it is later in the game and you find yourself with the value 1, then a civil war is very likely. The GM will try not to be too biased of the system you choose, but, try to respect the eras in question. A modern representative democracy would not fit well in the Iron Age, nor will a shamanistic tribal council be able to effectively govern a modern superpower.

Military – The final argument of kings, the arsenal of democracy, ect, ect. The military both stands to protect and serve, but is not unknown to plunder and loot historically. So, having a strong military is in most cases very desirable. They are, however, extensive beasts of burden, which require a lot of care, a lot of food and generally a lot of currency to keep going. Not to mention as every generation dies out, a new generation comes in and veterans tend to have an edge over new recruits. Meaning that if a nation has been embroiled in many conflicts, it tend to have a more well-oiled military tradition, however, tradition can often come at losing odds against progression as history has displayed several times. Regardless, developing and constantly upgrading a powerful military is expensive, and perfecting it requires an equally advanced understanding in both political, economic and military matters. However, a military with high investments, and little experience, often falls into a decadence of its own, relying too much on the old ways of war mixed in with a few new toys. Doctrines are always being developed along with tactics and strategies, and sometimes, having a poor administration yet a powerful military often puts the generals of said nation in a dangerously aristocratic position. It’s a beast against all enemies, but its hunger can easily turn on the citizens within should everything go south. Those with power always finds a way. Also be aware of military exhaustion, too much of it and many things inside your nation will become less and less unified so to speak.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:29 pm

A picture of the map with more info to come.

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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:32 pm

Species compendium, to be updated based on both GM/Co-gm writings and approved aditions.

Beastmen – Raiders

While not exclusively related to any climate, generally finds themselves restricted to the northern climates or certain steppes. These beings identify themselves as the chosen warriors of the great invisible one, a God of war and tribute. They despise cowardice, and even sometimes in face of suicidal odds, find themselves religiously and biologically predisposed to engage in warpaths. For these souls, either glorious triumphs or glorious deaths await those who heed the call, and it is not uncommon for these being do dismantle their primitive homes and settle in regions which offer better overall opportunities. Though, their blood thirst can be temporarily quenched by tribute or a wise ruler may even seek to redirect their thirst for glory. Despite their aggressive nature, these beings are not beyond speaking with their honoured foes, regardless of their negotiating position.

Raiders have a notorious tendency to engage in small-scale cattle raids, which they regard as their sacred duty and cultural rights, regardless of what general truce or understanding they may have reached with others. They have a feared reputation for their ability to rapidly pillage and sometimes even level entire villages to the ground. They are, however, reluctant to engage where there is much fire to be found. In close combat these beasts are oddly constrained depending on their situation. Generally when attacing, they are clear-headed and able to respond flexibly to whatever threat they find ahead, though they are poorly organized, on the defensive, however, they have the ability to go berserk, which makes formidable warriors all the more intimidating and dangerous. Their weapons, however, tend to be of generally subpar quality, often primitive compared to their tribal leader, who’s weapon represents the clan more than their warriors who rely on anything from wooden spears to their bare hands. They are a mixed community with creatures ranging from minotaur, centaurs’ and duckmen, in rare cases, they mingle with even more primitive dogs of war as they are refereed, which is beings of a primitive intellect below the level of general communication. Most also follow a macabre ritual known as kinflaying. Essentially when a mighty beast-man has grown old and their skin hard, and death is shortly around, it is customary to sacrifice their pelt to be used as armour for the upcoming battles, so that their ‘war spirit’ never fades away.

Despite their brutal tendencies, they are not considered malicious beyond their thirst for war and violence for the most part. Though, they have less respect for beings who refuses to defend themselves. Viewing them as sacrilegious or even blasphemous towards the laws of nature. Yet they claim to respect nature and lives, but are predisposed to hate development away from the natural path, even though, the greater challenges of war excites them.

Beastmen - Mountainkin

While referred to as Mountainkin, these tribes, much alike the raiders, have the ability to settle beyond the preferred Northern homes. These tribes do not enjoy a warm relationship with the raiders, but often have the diplomatic shrewdness to engage in permanent ceasefires. Unlike the raiders, these tribes tend to be somewhat more organized and developed. They are however, without question biased towards living ‘the old way’, meaning they neither like nor tend to engage beyond basic trade with more civilized kin. They do however reserve their right to defend themselves, sometimes even going into ‘protective raids’ that they deem fit to by their tribe some time. They are known to be respectful if not courteous, and for the most part stand isolationist to the development of the world around them, if not oblivious. It is not uncommon for mountainkin to form indirect unions of friendship with other tribes, or even if it is absolutely required understandings with larger civilizations.

Pixies – Green Sprites

Generally occupying themselves in colonies known as marshlights known for crystal-like green light and net-shaped primitive structures. These creatures almost exclusively settle in marsh-like regions or in rare cases in smaller colonies on islands. These creatures are primarily known to have a malevolent predisposition and attitude both towards themselves and towards other creatures. While they have no personal notion of the concept of ‘evil’, these beings are known to develop harsh, if not macabre ways of defending themselves or even generally live. While not greatly populous, they are not beyond communication or the concept of civilization, in exceptionally rare cases, individual Green Sprites may partially integrate into civilized societies, but their nature towards malevolence is one that is unmistakable, meaning their most virtuous examples tend to develop into cold administrators.

While mostly isolationist, these creatures are not beyond waging war, or punitively seeking to damage other regional authorities. Their justifications tend to be crude, nearly childish upon going to war, but no less articulated. They are, however, not suicidal collectively speaking. They rely entirely upon the judgement of a ‘queen’ which may or may not be able to balance their natural tendencies with that which is advisable towards the colony as a whole.

Regardless, these creatures make fierce fighters with a natural potency towards magic. While natural swarmers, their bug-like appearance, sharp teeth and overall tendency towards violence leave no mistaking them as anything other than the formidable foe that they are. They are however, exceptionally susceptible to fire and increased heat will almost certainly ward these creatures off. These creatures are by no standard considered brave, but if ordered directly from the queen will almost certainly do as they are asked.

There are many myths around the Green Sprites, virtually all of them reflecting their malevolent nature. Sentient beings even to the north tell their children not to venture out in the woods at night so they will not be captured by these creatures, regardless of their authenticity, it is common for both civilized and primitive life to seek to avoid any significant proximity to these creatures, as they are significant fighters, and certainly not beyond the concept of revenge.

Pixies – Red Sprites

Unlike their green neighbours, red sprites are known to have a generally benevolent demeanour which stand with contrast to their red-hot fiery beings. These creatures are extremely few in numbers, and live mostly near volcanoes. Sometimes, by accident, they migrate unto fiery battlefields before their childish minds completely comprehends out the nature of the situation, and, it is not uncommon for rouge Red Sprites to be the reason for forest fires or even starting fires in villages or towns. Regardless of all this, they are creatures which enjoy company and stand quite unable to understand some of the destruction they are able to cause, to them fire is a life-source, not a source of death, and they are all too slow to grasp the injury it is able to cause other creatures, and an already poor state of memory does not help this.

Regardless of this they can in rare cases be ‘housebroken’ enough to integrate into towns. Though they are known to be notoriously clumsy even such. On the greater scheme of things they are not however particularly liked, loved or accepted among most creatures, and only half of that is due to security. They have a natural love towards certain mages though, practically viewing fire-mages as deities and not realising the often wicked nature behind some of them. Ironically they are virtually unable mentally to protect themselves, but when stressed they emit a lot of fire, which is prone to do the job for them.

Faeries – Skykind

These faeries come in many different kinds and colours, but their appearance is always distinctly biased towards the brighter side of the contrast. Besides their somewhat expected appearance, these creatures differ quite greatly in personality. While nearly unanimously having some different set of kind attributes. Yet, regardless of such, they also have a sorted past as they have found it exceptionally hard to live purely among themselves, and even worse, they are ‘deaf’ to magic. Meaning they both have some natural resistance to magic, but stand entirely unable to ever use it. While natural tinkerers of kinds, they generally find their place in life in various administrative roles, being fond of what they call ‘Life Promise’ in which they swear completely and full honesty to another creature, however, such never come lightly.

They do however have a troubled past, and most organized towns consider them ‘lesser kin’ due to their variety of deficiencies. They are known to have no initiative as far as bravery is concerned, they are very easily frightened, and they are overly thoughtful, though this rarely yields to any significant conclusion.
They are, however, adept administrators and know their way around numbers, much better than their natural ability to bargain. They are prone to being bullied in more ways than one, and often, they have their ‘life promise’ abused to the extent that they are often sold on the markets themselves. Needless to say this has generated some controversy. Yet, they are unable to do much about it should it go that way.

Known to be generally kind and gentle, and never prone to legitimately ill intentions. These creatures do sometimes aid in creating a good environment, but for the most part, civilization allows these beings no such graces.

Moostrees - Forest Guardians

Towering anywhere from 20 to 50 feet, Moostrees have terrified lost hikers for centuries. They are truly a sight to behold; towering creatures that resemble a two legged moose with their rough brown fur and massive horns that are draped with various types of plants. Often seen strolling through the forest moaning in a low deep voice, many terrifying rumors have been started about them, especially since no one can seem to kill one.

Yet Moostrees pay no mind to the petty ideas of creatures smaller than them and wish only to live life peacefully with the forest away from the strife of the rest of the world. They are solitary creatures since there are so few Moostrees left in the forest and they rarely meet up with one another. Though, their number cannot be fully determined since Moostrees can easily look like trees if they are sleeping, which they do quite often.

Moostrees for the most part ignore the world outside their great forest and the other species that live there; the despise any type of war or fighting. Yet, there have been rare reports of one or two Moostrees helping humans or fairies build living structures or clear rock slides.

Pufflewikins (commonly known as “Puffwinks”) - Gardeners

Puffwinks live up to their name in being ridiculously cute and puffy. They stand around 2 feet tall on average and have fluffy fur coats with a mixture of moss, mostly on their heads. The nearest comparison anyone can make is that they are like very large moss covered groundhogs.

Puffwinks are very tolerant creatures and dislike making any trouble for anyone, thus if you happen to even seen one out of the forest, it will most likely be putting up with the adoring children who cannot resist hugging it. Though despite this simple-mindedness towards humans and other creatures, Puffwinks' expertise lie in gardening and overall agricultural knowledge of every type of plant and tree known to man. They can grow almost any type of plant in the ground and small colonies of Puffwinks tend to territories of the forest to keep it healthy as well as grow food for their families. Their superior sense of smell as well as their skills of digging come in handy for their work as well as finding rare plants that can cure some diseases.

Puffwinks do not like fighting and their best defense is to dig a very deep hole and hide (which they can do very quickly), but they are not against communicating with the outside world if need be.

Bovox – Cattlefolk

These human-sized creatures have a distinct bovine appearance about them. Only have two working fingers and 3 large nails in between that connect the same way. In short, with their stubby legs, great appetites, and clumsy agility, these creatures are not considered the most sophisticated with their primitive tools and basic way of life. However, despite all this, they are exceptionally hard workers and have essentially no desires towards a life of luxury, valuing peace above all else. Often placing the most amount of trust in the most senior member of your tribe, though, said member never tends to be that much of an adapt leader, just a mediator between what few conflicts the clan or family is likely to have.

While not exactly blessed with a towering intellect, they are capable enough to learn how to read on a basic level. Though very few ever advance to that level. For the most part, they are a peaceful kind, not too trusting, but neither cynical. Culturally they are known to virtually all be farmers, they either settle down on agrarian land, or they happily rent that which others will allow them to have, in return for an outrageous return on what they produce usually, but these creatures care little for profit or trade. They tend to live basic lives, but, in case of war, they prove utterly useless. They always flee, even from loved ones, and they are unable to fight properly even with their natural strength taken into consideration. As such, they have defined a creed of passivism, and have suffered, though lived, ever since it was formally and unanimously embraced by their kind. It also promotes respect even for those who does wrong and love for all of life, generally, due to the subservience practiced by these, they are tolerated by every, other than the most vicious and warlike of creatures.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby goldenspines » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:09 pm

What an introduction. Perhaps worthy of the impending doom we all shall soon face. \(^w^)/

Kodora – Playful Warriors

Kodora are 3 to 4 foot cat-like creatures that stand easily on two legs. Notable features include their very silky fur, long tails, large pointed ears, and most importantly their shiny eyes that seem to follow anything that moves.
They are extremely curious and often risk takers to find the source of something interesting, but they are not stupid enough to get their ever twitching noses caught into too much danger. Playful by nature, Kodoras love to have fun and enjoy frolicking about, but only with their own kind. While not ignorant to the rest of the world, they consider themselves quite better than most if not all other species and also fancy themselves terribly clever.
Kodoras are skilled fighters as far as their size goes, while lacking in pure strength and defense, they make up for it in flexibility and speed. Their claws can also do some outstanding damage if given the chance.



Administration: Currently a loosely fitted together nation, it consists of many colonies of varying sizes each with a “leader” of sorts who all meet together monthly for a council meeting to decide such issues as food gathering, trading for supplies, and just getting together to have fun.
Each leader for a colony is decided through a battle between two challengers. The battle is not to the death, but rather to cut off the opponent's tail, a symbol of their dignity. While Kodora tails do grow back, it's a very slow process.
In the event of more than two challengers, a three way or four way battle is conducted. Never in the recorded history of the Kodora has their been a leader battle with more than four challengers.

Economy: Stable, but variable depending how well the Kodora are getting along with each other. Recently, there has been a push for developing better ways to gather/produce food, supplies and some weapons.

Military: Strong and skilled, but not unified. Each colony has it's own protection force, lead by none other than the leader of each colony (the deemed “strongest and smartest”). While relying mostly on their claws in the past, many Kodora are resorting to using newer types of weapons (such as knives, clubs, etc.) in order to save their claws for more desperate struggles.

Administration: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 2


Name: Kiritail (Kiri for short)
Species: Kodora
Gender: Female
Position: Leader of the 7th colony in Amberdose
Age: 25
Appearance: 3'4” with black fur with golden highlights on her nose, paws, ears, and the tip of her fluffy tail. Her eyes are emerald green and she is fairly sleek and fit as far as Kodoras go.
Personality: An ambitious but cautious Kodora, it was a shock to many when Kiri won the battle to become a leader of a colony. She devotes herself entirely to protecting the colony she is charged with as well as being a good diplomat and getting along with the other leaders. Unlike many Kodora, she is more curious about the world and species outside of Amberdose.
While she is known for being kindhearted, she will not hesitate to stick up her nose and sneer at those who ridicule her. Despite some doubts to her ability to be a leader, there have not been any challengers to her position for the past 5 years.
History: Kiri grew up much like every Kodora. She spent most of her time gathering food for her colony, but spent her free time training to fight, especially after her father lost a challenge and having too much shame from losing his tail, fled to the wilderness, never seen since.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:14 am

The Sovereign Commonwealth of Sabarant

Made up of several tribes of red pixies, the Sovereign Commonwealth of Sabarant is an attempt by a strong leader to build their scattered race into a solid wall of fire, built to withstand the machianations of their neighbors. Their capital, Sabarant, is in the mountains at the central northeast of the map, on the fringes of the desert, ringed by singed brush and fields of barren, ashy ground on the foothills of a volcano. It consists of a blackened tower, left behind by some forgotten empire, surrounded by rudimentary dens and dwellings, hastily tossed together.

Administration: The country is run by a calculating, incisive autocrat named Vantari, loosely backed by a council which almost always backs up its leader's decisions unanimously. Slowly and steadily, they have been gathering power in the region, drawing more bands under their influence, mostly through word-of-mouth, spreading their leader's beliefs across the land, attracting the curious to their cause.

Economy: Weak. Red sprites feed on heat, and as such have no need for agriculture. Furthermore, few material goods can withstand the fires they cause accidentally, and so they produce very little and trade even less.

Military: Highly individualistic, almost accidental in nature. While red sprites are formidable opponents thanks to their power over fire, they have little concept of strategy or fighting as a team, and most prefer to avoid conflict despite how often it comes upon them unintentionally.

Administration: 3
Economy: 1
Military: 2

For a red sprite, Vantari is quite large, standing a head taller than the others. He is the unquestioned leader of the Commonwealth, and wears an obsidian pin through his nose as a sign of his office. Personality-wise, Vantari is different from any other of his kin. He has become obsessed with a vision, one that he believes will lead to ultimate, eternal peace for his people, and everything he has done so far - building the Commonwealth, piecing it together, gaining power - has been in service of making it a reality. To him, no cost will be too great to achieve his dream, no sacrifice too deep.

One night, Vantari saw a star fall from the sky, a star vaster and brighter than any he had ever seen. Silently, it arced through the darkness, growing brighter and brighter before disappearing beyond the hills, where it landed with a fiery flash and a deafening noise. It left a mark in his vision, one that lingered long after the night had gone, and into the next morning, and the morning after that... He came to the conclusion that it could only be a sign from the god of fire, or maybe the god himself, arriving from the stars to bring them the true mastery of their power, and with it, the salvation from the hardships of their life, from being bedeviled by wild creatures beyond their understanding, to an end to the great flash floods that doused their livelihoods away from time to time.

He had to go there, to meet their god, to receive his boundless blessing. But first, he needed friends, he needed the faith and the combined strength of all the red sprites to prove that they were worthy of the power they would receive...
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Zarn Ishtare » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:22 am

This project has my interest. I may decide to contribute to it, circumstances permitting.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Xeno » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:32 pm

Species: Human

The Republic of Basius

Established in the great upper peninsula of the southwestern-most continent, Basius just a few hundred years ago consolidated itself into a single nation. Prior to this consolidation several co-existing towns and tribes littered the peninsula, often trading with one another for things they were not able to produce themselves. The consolidation of power was one of relative easy, though no short task: the Republic being ran by the Senate, which is appointed by the consuls, who are in turn elected into their offices by the people. Beyond this has been the incorporation of the individual tribal religions into a single state religion. For this task the pontifex maximus has been established with bringing all people into unity under the state flag.

The Senate's goal now is expansion as a means to strengthen trade, commerce, and the spreading of the state religion.

Administration: 2
Economy: 3
Military: 1

Administration: The Senate is run by an appointed group of men very dedicated to the running of the Republic. Most of them are very calculating in what they do and how they go about things. The only interests they have are the advancement of the Republic.

Economy: Strong for a fledgeling republic. Having brought together so many tribes during this era, it's economy is stronger than most.

Military: Very weak. Desiring to spend more investment on the development of culture, religion, and economic policies to unify the tribes, military strength was allowed to remain at basic tribal defense and hunter/gatherer level.

Pontifex Maximus Emlen
Emlen is the high priest of the College of Pontiffs and a promagistrate consul, having been in office for five years. Emlen is mostly tasked with ensuring the individual tribal religions mesh together into an appeasing state religion. Also a politician with extended term periods granted by the Senate, he keeps certain members in office and removes those who are preventing the Republic from the progress he sees as necessary.

Emlen is very nationalistic at heart and would give anything for the Republic, yet at the same time is quite indulgent. He takes advantage of his position in power quite frequently to obtain favors, and when he sees a woman he fancies he will move mountains to make sure he has her, regardless of her consent. Among his other indulgences are his writings, which is part of his job as the high priest. Currently Emlen has written over two dozen tales of the various gods of the pantheon he has amalgamated and is currently developing the epic detailing the foundation of the Basilic region.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:28 pm

So far, all approved and accepted.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:29 pm

Rhythians- Soul Searchers
Rhythians are a race of human-like people with the biological ability to read and send out electrical impulses through their skin. They tend to have long limbs, big lungs, lean muscle, and skin that glistens with a coat of moisture to allow for their electroreceptivity.
They are very peaceful people with an affinity for nature and psychology. They are driven by both emotion and logic, and tend to cling to either one side of the spectrum or the other. They enjoy interacting with other races and studying cultures.
Rhythians, although far more attuned to diplomacy, are capable fighters who prefer their own style of martial arts which incorporates physical strength, manipulating pressure points, and using electric shocks.
Administration: The nation is really more of a collection of tribes that operate under a common code of ethics agreed upon during the first meeting of tribal heads. The heads of each tribe meet biannually to review and amend the code, share their research of nature, and test whether each head is still able to lead their tribe appropriately through a series of ceremonial challenges called The Trials.
Each tribal head is “chosen” by birth. Rhythians are typically predisposed to base their lives on either entirely logical or entirely emotional impulse. The birth of a Balanced One, a Rhythian who can equally use reason and emotion, is a fairly rare occurrence and therefore one of great import. Tribal heads are chosen from the small pool of Balanced Ones using The Trials.
Economy: Somewhat stable depending on trade capabilities of the tribes’ different regions. Their agricultural abilities are usually quite strong, however, as they constantly study the native flora and fauna and tend to cultivate only naturally occurring crops. Their art and weapons are quite distinctive with their flowing lines and engravings and may trade well depending on the taste of the other race involved.
Military: Each tribe has a small grouping of warriors trained in the style of martial arts detailed under the national code. Their style of martial arts is their primary form of defense, but tribes that have close ties with other races may adopt other techniques of combat.
Economy: 2
Name: Koema Meraud
Species: Rythian
Gender: Female
Position: Tribal Head of the Third Realm
Age: 23
Appearance: Koema is tall for her race, standing at 6 feet even. She has warm brown eyes and always wears her hair in a long, tight, black braid. She tends to wear greens and browns to blend with her environment. She wears jade gloves and removes them very rarely, as she believes using her particularly potent electrical senses is unfair and should only be used in great need.
Personality: Koema is known for fairness and generosity, but tends to regard outside races with suspicion. She does not make friends very easily, not out of coldness, but out of concern for their safety. Deep down, however, she has a tender heart that only wants the best for her people.
History: Koema was treated as a pariah when she was young. Her overdeveloped electrical ability made her not only an anomaly, but dangerous to anyone that she could possibly touch. When she accidentally electrocuted her pet bird at age four, she was shunned until her Balanced identity came to the forefront. When she was old enough to face The Trials and her strengths became known most of the stigma fell away. There are some who still distrust her, one of which being another tribal head, but their numbers are few.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby LastLfan » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:38 pm

Species-moostrees/ bovoks but i'll only play as the moostree
Nation-the forest state of Nonian.
The nation is more of a city state which began as a small community of Bovok. At one point a Moostree found the village while it was under attack from beastmen. The moostree defended the poor catlle folk and created a bond. The bovok have slowly begun to build a trade system and have learned about community and order from those they trade with.
Administration:the bovok all get along and try to have civil elections for new leaders but of course they are still new at the idea and so they stumble. For instance at one point they decided to pick a leader by having a foot race. They don't seem to have a lot of unrest but that can always change as they begin to adopt a more modern lifestyle. Their relationship with Gregor the moostree is quite interesting as Gregor simply provides help as needed without asking for anything in return, no one knows his motives
Economy:simple bartering system with other small nations, the bovok make a lot of their own tools and clothing so they don't need to buy many necessities.

Gender:male if they have genders?
Position:protector of the state
Appearance:around 39 feet tall, dark brown fur, and really nothing to differentiate from other Moostrees.
Personality: more kind than any other Moostree because he has seen his species die around him and wants to see life thrive not die
History: he is one of the oldest living Moostrees, he had stumbled upon the bovok village and felt a sense of compassion for the strange creatures. He watched leaders rise and fall until they reached their current leader, devoan. Weather or not he has an ulterior motive is anyone's guess.
Last edited by LastLfan on Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:12 pm

Slight alteration needed on your part Lastfan. The administration needs to be set to 3 and the military 1, or the economy 1, military 1 and administration 4.

1 in Military is as good as disarmed, and fighting the beast-men with that is mildly put it going to be a bit of a challenge.

That being said, elections are fine, think of old Athenian direct democracy in a more primitive form.

Otherwise looks alright for both you and Silvanis, more info to follow shortly.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby LastLfan » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:47 pm

Ok I'll get up that fixed quick, and the beast men was more of a one time raid in that context but will probably grow, but ya I was thinking Athenian style only with less philosophy.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:58 am

Dice-roll turn

Each nation gets one roll from either the GM or the co-gm each turn. Some effects will give the player choices with how to deal with it, and some effects will offer no options. You will be contacted via pm and asked, if not replied given the turn time, then it will automatically be presumed you take the most neutral option. Here is the entire list of the 20 events that can occur each turn. Also remember, there is no value beneath 1 or above 10, so a few may get lucky/unlucky in placing the values. Also, it should be noted. 5 is the average for all values. If a score is above that, it suffers a -1 decadence each turn, if a score is underneath that, it grows by +1 each turn. Both prior to the events mind you.


1 – Greater Plague

Woe is upon us. Our streets are littered with the dead while the living kill others for suspicion or superstition. The grain has turned bad and the army is suffering, the markets have stopped and our leaders are fleeing. Must we stand on our own? Or is there a saving grace on the horizon? Perhaps even our leaders will give up and join the dance of death.

A – We are on our own. ‘Economy is set to 1 during this turn. Followed by an administrative hit of minus 3. Military gets a -1 penalty and otherwise stands unable to conduct further offensive operations for the remainder of this turn.

B – Friendly rescue. ‘If another nation is willing to donate 2 of their economic points the effects will be reduced to minus 3 economic points, minus 1 administrative point and -1 military point, yet will still stand unable to conduct offensive military missions’

C – Dance Macabre ‘ The administration is unwilling to take anything on the zig-zig-zig. Due to sheer madness, all points are reset to 1 across the board.’

2 – Nobles demand compensation

It is common throughout history that nobles, aristocrats or even financial institutions have suffered greatly from war or due to certain economic scenarios. This is generally an unpleasant situation for a head of state to find himself in, as denying aid will create widespread panic both among the administration and populace in general, whereas granting said aid will be costly, and still not remove the fear of further decline.

A – No compensation shall be given. ‘-3 administrative points’

B – The state shall come to the rescue. ‘-1 administrative and – 1 economic points’

3 - Corruption spreads

Corruption is perhaps the most adaptive creed that has ever been created. It is difficult to cleanse, and neither the leaders of the administration, generals or economic institutions of a nation is impervious to the effects.

A – ‘ -2 points on player-selected tree’

4 – Anti Military tide

No more war! No more intervention! Our so called ‘enemies’ want nothing but peace! A great peace demonstration has taken a hold of the capital. Torches are lit and songs are song pleading the state to give peace a chance. Should we send in the shock-troops and disperse of these hooligans? Or perhaps, the time has come for us to lay down our ambitions.

A – Break up the protest ‘ - 2 administrative points and – 1 economic points’

B – Make fundamental changes ‘ – 3 Military points, but +1 economic point’

5 – Merchants harassed

Our merchants are reviled abroad. Everywhere they go crowds seems bent on harassing them, sometimes even burning down their properties. Not respecting the wealth they give.

A – Oh dear ‘-2 economic points’

6 – Poor advisors

At times in history, all nations will have different quality of leadership. Sadly, this time has granted the nation more chaff than wheat.

A – Will someone rid me of this turbulent priest? ‘- 1 economic, administrative and military points’

7 – Poor harvest

It was not uncommon for years to yield subpar harvests. Today’s year has been particularly brutal on your crops. Should let the citizens fend for themselves during the coming famine? Or shall we upon up the grain depots of the army?

A – Let them eat cake ‘-3 Economic points’

B – The armies grain shall feed all ‘ – 1 economic point and – 2 military points’


8 – Advancements of the arts

A brilliant artisan has just arrived in your capital. He is willing to create a work of art that will stun others for generations to come. Shall we grant him our blessing and money, or send him on his way?

A – This investment will be worthwhile ‘-1 economic points for +1 administrative points’

B – Best spend our money elsewhere ‘No changes’

9 – Military reforms

A particularly shrewd military tactician has proposed a complete overhaul of our armed forces. This will be hugely expensive, but will yield impressive results in the short term.

A – For Alexander! ‘Will grant a player a + 3 military bonus, at the cost of -1 economic and -1 administrative points’

B – Lets give peace a chance. ‘No changes’

10 – Beautiful day

Today is particularly sunny, and the nation’s capital seem peaceful given the circumstances. Perhaps, this is a year to be calm and reflect.

A – Enjoy the day while it lasts. ‘No changes’

11 – Economic endeavors

One extraordinarily prestigious financial family is offering his services for the state. While most certainly looking promising, parts of the leadership will not approve, and the cost of the military will have to be reduced.

A – We will empower our merchants. ‘+ 3 economic score, -1 military and -1 administrative points’

B – Our merchants are doing fine. ‘No changes’

12 – Military focus

Part of our leadership has proposed an idea to empower our military.

A – Arms for the valiant. ‘+2 military at the cost of – 1 economic and -1 administrative points’

B – The pen is mightier than the sword. ‘No changes’

13 – Administrative focus

Part of our leadership has proposed an idea to strengthen our cultural unity.

A – Let’s build a national monument! ‘+2 administrative points. – 1 military and -1 economic points’

B – Our leaders are the finest in the world. ‘No changes’

14 – Economic focus

Part of our leadership has proposed an idea to empower our financial institutions.

A - All roads lead to trade. ‘+2 economic points, - 1 administrative and -1 military points’

B – But the expense! ‘No changes’


15 – Bountiful harvest

The year has been as good as perfect for your farmers. The crops grown are abundant and of only the best quality. Should we just sit back and marvel, or should we employ a different purpose for this gift?

A – Lets eat cake! ‘+ 3 Economic points’

B – An army marches on it’s stomach ‘ +1 Economic and +2 military points’

16 – Great general emerges

Someone who seemed like an upstart has risen to the top of the military command in a short time. He is relatively short and has a thing for broad hats, but there is no doubt he is a child of destiny. Let him protect our nation and lead our forces!

A – Wars are won by making the other poor fellow dying for his country. ‘+3 military points’

17 – Skilled advisers

Historically the leadership of various nations had different quality of leadership. This time however, we have more wheat than chaff among our ranks.

A – We rule! ‘ + 1 administrative, economic and military points’

18 – A people united

Do you hear the people sing? Great parades are organized by the people for the leadership. You are loved and your administration has never had an easier time.

A – We never shall be slaves! ‘+3 administrative points’

19 – Great reformation

We now have the means to show the world that we are great.

A – Proof of our superiority! ‘+2 for any player-selected modifier’

20 – A golden age

This is the dawn of a truly remarkable age. Our administration features some of the most prominent phillosophers of the world, our merchants have never enjoyed more success and respect abroad and our military strikes fear into the hearts of all other. Should we focus our blessings and rewrite history? Or just enjoy the tremendous success of our empire?

A – A brave new world. ‘+3 economic, military and administrative points’

B – Our finest hour. ‘+10 to any single selected modifier’
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:24 am

Time for two of my characters.

Character Name – Great Doge Basil the serene.

Race - Human

Character title – The most serene Doge of Ironhold. Arch-patriarch of the council of ten, Ruler of the black sea and all waves beyond. Supreme commander of the republican guard, sacred protector of the Elavorarian faith, lawgiver and favoured son of the Gods.

Height – 6.1

Weight – 225 pounds

Age – 57 years old.

Hair – While most on his head have gone, but the side. A rather elaborate hat covers the details he would rather not see exposed. Other than that it is white, and visible on his sides.

Physical appearance – A mixture of a hard life, and an indulgent life as far as food is concerned would best characterize his physical appearance. No scars of visible deformities, and he stands more strong than overweight. Having an impressive, but not a rare physical appearance he strikes a character that would stand out in most circumstances. He is renowned for his grey eyes and has no facial hair. Yet, he is also known for looking rather tired and for that matter, having little patience.

Clothing – Wears a dark cloak ordained which is cautiously ordained with diamond and golden symbols. Around his neck is a precious dark pelt with gentle, reflective red paint outlines that creates a subtle pattern around, and is connected at just under his throat. Adoring right under this is a large golden chain, carrying 10 distinct, but beautifully carved jewels of different kinds. The most prestigious being a great ruby which is at the centre between two eagles, which is the symbol of Ironhold. Visible underneath this is a red, silk shirt, with several red and blue jewels crowding its surface among intricate golden symbols. The belt holds a symbol much alike the red ruby on his chain, and his pants stand dark, fairly baggy with golden outlines on the mesh which meet what seem like proportionally fairly small shoes. Needless to say these clothes makes him seem larger than he really is.

Personality – Above all he is known to be a fiercely proud individual. An insult to his person is as good as a death-sentence. He views the centre of Ironhold as the only light of civilization in an otherwise barbaric worlds, and all subjects who are allowed to live close to it as forever indebted to his generosity. He views himself as the ultimate authority on matters legal and moral, and his subjects know well enough never to question his will or his decrees.

Yet despite these givens, he tends to be extraordinarily focused and pragmatic. Going in line with his view on the outside world, he has no love for foreign dignitaries and could not care less about their cultures and their customs. Yet, during his rise as a high-ranking patrician to essentially the despot of Ironhold, he displayed all the qualities of a grey eminence, a competent commander and a sophisticated schemer. His view of himself is not merely hubris, but something he has interpreted as his destiny and his place. However, he knows very well that without his wealth and prestige, he would be seen as no-one, and thus he encourages the council to aggressively seek out trade with other nations to further enrich him and the great city. He has set up a very efficient centralized rule, but with fairly lose trading restrictions. He has also ensured, however, that the wealth will be biased in favour of the nobility and patriarchs there are 3 rings of Ironhold. The outer rings are composed of 7 sectors in which the size of their walls is the most impressive display. These areas are very overcrowded, extraordinarily poor and overall uneducated. Yet, his codes and efficient guard has kept the city in peace ever since the conflict that saw him rise. He has no love for the plebs, but does not discriminate those who rise and effectively pay their way into the second circle, which is quite wealthy, with artisans thrive on continuing projects to increase its prestige ever more, yet, the centre of Ironhold is for the elite of the elite. An elevated show of grand manors and palaces situated around a massive park, and in the centre, the great Ironhold keep in which the chain connects to each quarter of the city, signifying its unbridled dominance. He rarely if ever associate with those of lower-mid ranks, and he has a visible distaste for the outside. Stil, despite his prejudices, he is not blinded by them, though, as he sees his destiny linked with his prestige, will tolerate no abbreviation of his position and authority.

He has however proven himself articulate, wise and above all effective. He is a force to be reckoned with

Character name – Johannes

Nickname – Johannes the explorer

Race - Human

Height – 5.5 feet

Weight – 255 pounds

Age – 61

Hair – Thin monk-cut. Entirely pale.

Physical Appearance – A rather short, stubby man. Yet, he has lived a very active life of exploration. Being an explorer, seafarer and even at times an envoy, and all this is manifested physically on his person. Small scars, bruises and small deformities are visible, though, he is not a deformed person by any standards. He indeed boasts a tremendous stamina all things consider, but his age cannot be rejected in the equation.

Clothing – Wears a fairly humble, brown cloak of kinds. Adorn by simple strips of ropes with keep it together. A tattered-white shirt is found underneath that and worn-out, baggy pants to follow. He carries his only valuable, a copper-amulet of kinds on his person, and seems to rely on a staff to help navigate his walks.

Personality – Always known to have a smile ready for any situation, he also boasts a tremendous appetite, which should be obvious given his appearance. Despite this, he seemingly never seeks to rest, always having some appointment, task or activity to keep himself occupied with. The closest he seems to get to relax these days is writing, which he does frequently. It has taken a toll, even on his always optimistic outlook on things. While a fairly humble man, he takes great pride in his past explorations and knowledge of the world and that he has lived anything, other than a boring life. Yet, there is a sense of deep melancholy within him and he is not afraid to express this openly. For all his exploration, he finds himself no more than a witness to history and it is his great desire to change something, and this to a large extent drives the way he acts.
He is also considered very generous and caring, but, when it comes to wine, he is the incarnation of greed itself. Not one to let the wares in a feast go to waste, he is renowned for his tremendous appetite. It should be noted that his manners are adequate, though, not the most reserved when it comes to such. He loves to boast of past stories and has been known to over-talk and indeed, bloviate certain myths and encounter, despite this he is not one that has a reputation for lying. He has an extensive network of past acquaintances and co-workers, so he is a good contact to go by.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby goldenspines » Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:30 pm

I'm late saying this, but welcome to everyone who has joined! I hope it will be an enjoyable time for all of us. ^_^

As a reminder, I know all of this can get rather confusing, so if you have any questions, please let either me or Jaden know (via PM or OCC in here) and we will help you out.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby goldenspines » Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:32 pm

For story purposes, adding two new characters to mess with help with Ironhold matters and beyond.

Name: Perfiliousryegostingamarkham the 27th (goes by Perf for ease of communication to all except her fellow green sprites)
Species: Pixie – Green Sprite
Gender: Female
Position: Administrator/adviser/diplomat for Ironside (works in a team with Glint)
Age: Unknown. Looks around 14 years old, but acts quite older (probably around 35).
Appearance: Aside from her dark brown leather-esque dragonfly wings, which she keeps folded nicely on her back, she looks like a normal 14 year old human from first glance. Yet, she has a couple insect like qualities on her face especially like two short, green, fuzzy antennae protruding from her forehead and green, shiny scale-like material at the edges of her eyes. Her hair looks normal enough, but it's arranged in two large buns that can look uncomfortably like giant eyes.
She wears a business type suit and is always carrying around a notebook and pen. Occasionally she will wear a pair of glasses, but she doesn't actually need them.
Personality: Most of what you would expect from a green sprite, but more “domesticated” for the sake of working in human society. Perf uses her child like innocence to an advantage to get simple masses to trust her, but is quite clever and cunning. While she is remarkable as an administrator and advisor, she will sometimes go to ruthless extents to make sure her plans succeed; thus it's uncertain where her real motives lie at times.
She comes across as no nonsense, but like her fellow green sprites, she has a rather twisted sense of playfulness.
History: Even though Perf is a direct descendant (with 52 siblings) of one of the most powerful queens in the Green Sprite world, she chose to take a different path in life. Whether driven by greed or simply a thirst for power, she gave up her life of living among her fellow sprites and ventured into human societies and beyond to make use of her skills and feed her already inflated ego.
She works with Glint because, on a whim, she saved Glint's life and now can't get rid of her.

Name: Glint Faar (also called “Lint”, but only by Perf)
Species: Faeries - Skykind
Gender: Female
Age: Looks about 10 year old, actually 32, but acts childish.
Position: Administrator/adviser/diplomat for Ironside (works as a team with Perf)
Appearance: Childlike with large blue eyes. She also has a pair of shiny black swallow wings on her back as well as a tuft of feathers on her forehead that compliments her black hair. As a contrast to Perf, Glint wears a white, knee length summer dress and white boots.
When Glint is happy, her cheeks turn pink.
Personality: Always cheerful and optimistic yet not naïve to the dangers in the world. She makes a very smart and charismatic diplomat, not only because of her clever and fair solutions, but also because it's hard to say “no” to her. She gets along well with almost every species.
History: Glint comes from a long line of idiot Skykinds; all of whom managed to get fooled either into slavery or into getting eaten by beastmen (who think they are birds). The latter almost befell Glint until she was saved by Perf and had some sense slapped into her (“Your purpose in life is not to be eaten, idiot!” Perf words stayed with Glint ever since that day ten years ago). They have been together ever since under a Life Promise given by Glint.
Last edited by goldenspines on Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I commited a sin in grammar and needed to repent.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Crossfire » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:25 pm

Species/faction: Tel-Liseran (tell lee-say-ran)
Country: Anliser (ahn-lee-say-r) and the Occupied Territory of Jurisdiction of Richkanor
Richkanor capital: Stonsval
Anliser capital: Elvonmere

A little bit about the country and people: The Tel-Liseran are a proud and oft self-described noble clan of Elves that hail from the coastal lands of the South-Central World. As a long-standing custom Elves tend to shy away from the interaction of other species (except in times of great need), as it is often viewed as borderline heretical to associate with outsiders. Dedicated to preserving Elven secrecy and staunch supporters of isolationism, more so than other Elven clans, the Tel-Liseran were outraged to hear of their neighbor-kin’s decision to open up its borders to The World. After failed attempts at negotiating (read; assassination of particular individuals), the two clans found themselves engaged in a bloody war over governance of the land. In the end, the superior numbers and armaments of Anliser prevailed, effectively shutting down the budding trade and commerce within the region. That was not considered a heavy loss however, as the valuable resources hidden among the mountain’s caverns and crevices now belonged to the Tel-Liseran and their High King. Much to the dismay of native citizens, Richkanor was given the new status of “province”, but life nevertheless remained as it were before the attempt to contact the outside world.

Administration: 2- Orderly, albeit a little chaotic due to the recent invasion of Richkanor. The people are nevertheless obidient to the call of their High King, be it traditionalist Valkanors or Tel-Liserans.
Economy: 1- The economy, although managing to provide basic needs to the average citizen, is in a rather poor state due to prolonged conflict.
Military: 3- Warriors by virtue, the Tel-Liseran have valued strength in arms since the formation of their clan.

Character name: High King Elhirrim Liser
Gender: Male.
Appearance: 6' (a little on the short side by Elven standards), fair-skinned, shortish blond hair. Usually adorned in a royal blue coloured robe, except when traveling abroad. Wears a thin crown comprised of a black metal, with a single ruby in the forehead.

History/personality: Elhirrim was born into the royal family of Liser, who have lead the Tel-Liseran since the dawn of their recorded history. Although his rather short stature and outwardly frank personality turned some ears away, he nevertheless gained respect during his incursion into Richkanor and ending his cousin's heretical rule. Although usually calm and well-mannered, Elhirrim is prone to cynical actions when he feels insulted or otherwise angered, be it through tongue or the quick strike of his sword. He has grand ambitions for his reign, and the recent conquest of Richkanor only fuels that desire.

*Note, this is my first "serious" sign-up for a text roleplay. If I got anything wrong, PLEASE TELL ME.
Last edited by Crossfire on Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby goldenspines » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:35 pm

Yay, awesome! Welcome aboard, Crossfire! I'll go give Jaden a poke to add you to the map so we can have you hop in.

But before that, for the sake of mechanics, could you give us your setup of points for your nation? Each nation starts out with 6 points that it can distribute between Administration, Economy, and Military. each section must have at least one point in it, though (nothing at zero, basically). You will gain more as the game progresses, but that's what you start off with for now.

An average/default point setup would look like this:

Administration: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 2

But you can adjust it accordingly to how you want your nation to be as other players have. ^_^
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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Crossfire » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:42 pm

Heh, I was editing in the points as you posted :lol: . As for a spot on the map, I had this general area in mind;

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Re: Nationstates – A Heresy of the Heart OOC/Signup

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:38 pm

Accepted, will update map soon.

Welcome on board! :D
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Jingo Jaden
Posts: 2175
Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 2:26 pm
Location: Norway

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