Basically this. It's not a big deal or anything, but it is fun nevertheless when you find someone else who has some understanding of the Jungian underpinnings. Makes it that much more interesting.
Also I am an INFJ 5w4>4w5>9w1. If you have any idea what that means... see me for your congratulatory cookie.
mechana2015 wrote:If I'm reading right and those are Enneagram numbers with wings, I see it, though the 9w1 is throwing me off since 4 is the only connection to 1 and thats through wing integration?
Short version is that I think I do, but the > signs are throwing me off since I haven't seen them used that way.
Makachop^^128 wrote:Yeah I took the enneagram, but it was a free test. I got a tie between 4 and 2 but I have a feeling it was a bad test, not complete. I still haven't read the profiles of all of those yet so idk what I am....haha but yes I agree with the Myers brigg thing the Cognitive functions are really important, it someone is really interested they shouldn't just relay on the test, and also its more interesting that way haha.
Makachop^^128 wrote:wow INFP from a INTJ thats a big difference haha. although I did look into those types before I settled for INFJ.
You're ignoring the P, which implies that they're more spontaneous then orderly (like their J counterparts).
Warrior4Christ wrote:When I last did a test some years ago, I was an ISTJ. I think they're generally regarded as the most boring, yet loyal of the bunch.
Dante wrote:INFP - but I used to rank as an INTJ. Also, I doubt the INTP computer thing. You're ignoring the P, which implies that they're more spontaneous then orderly (like their J counterparts).
The Introverted Thinking mind presumes logical order rules the Universe; illogic is dismissed as just so much mental clutter that needs to be swept out of the mind. Beliefs, understandings, and information is taken in and logically organized in clusters of thought, with principles at the foundation. It strives to fit new pieces of information into clusters of thought where it most logically fits. It sorts out and discriminates that which makes logical sense from that which does not. Like a detective, the Introverted Thinking mind is drawn to mysteries - seeking clues and root causes - to solve a problem or a riddle.
Ti: What logical relationships necessitate this system working the way it does, and how can I make them make sense to me?
Ne looks for novel outcomes and imagines how the things around you could be changed into other, more interesting things. Ne sees new information as part of a larger, emerging, as of yet unseen pattern that extends far beyond the self, and whose meaning will continue to change as the context grows and we discover more of the all-encompassing pattern. Rather than directly confront an issue, Ne will often broaden the context until the issue seems insignificant by comparison to the much bigger and more expansive ideas it imagines.
Extraverted Intuition scans the external world to explore new ideas, new people, and emergent possibilities. The Extraverted Intuitive mind is imaginative, inventive, and innovative - seeing and describing ways things can be reshaped, altered, or improved. It naturally energizes people and engages action towards a vision of what could be . . . of future possibilities.
Ni - Introverted Intuition reflects on patterns, relationships, symbols, meanings, and perspectives on matters from complex phenomena to magical connections to practical problems. The Introverted Intuitive mind typically creates a unique vision and arrives at unique insights about things, phenomena, or people. It strives to discover the essence of things and fill in the missing pieces of a puzzle. Introverted Intuitive types frequently will have complex visions or perspectives that they are unable to explain with clarity to others.
Te - Extraverted Thinking's focus is order. It is organizing and ordering the outside world; organizing both people and things to achieve a purpose. It is using logic and reasoning in dialogue with others. It is directing action, calling plays, and making decisions. It is purposeful sorting out; discriminating among alternatives. Extraverted Thinking asks questions, collects information in an orderly way, and solves problems in a systematic manner.
junomoule wrote:Does anyone else here go through the guilty pleasure of trying to type characters from anime, manga, or videogames? C'mon folks, speak out! I know I can't be alone in this one!
junomoule wrote:As far as the enneagram goes, I'm a little less clear- fighting with myself as to whether my motivations are closer to that of a nine or that of a two. Common battle, really.
junomoule wrote:Sure thing, Tereya! I'm always happy to talk over personality theories. As far as typing characters goes, perhaps we should make a thread for it? Y'never know, it might catch on. Ahem.
junomoule wrote:Anyways, on to that elaboration you asked about.
Both the two and the nine are focused on assisting others, their core motivations and sense of value are met by the way of lending aid; the two to love and be loved, and the nine to live and let live - these two philosophies look very similar.
junomoule wrote:It's my understanding that the core difference is that the two is more proactive or aggressive in their desire to assist than the nine; the nine waits for someone to come to them for help, and the two seeks out someone to help.
junomoule wrote:Given that I do bellyache over my identity and am as mutable as I am, it's more likely that I am a nine than a two... and because I stress to "flight" [6] much more than "fight" [8]. I can become very motivated and passionate in my desire to help someone, however, and it's my understanding that willingness to adopt the welfare of others as a commitment is closer to the motivation of a two.
That is the seat of my personal confusion, and it's probably bundled up in my tri-type or something. Thoughts?
junomoule wrote:You really do enjoy this, don't you? Haha, can tell by the knowledge and heart with which you speak- it makes you an informed and enjoyable conversation partner! Consider your offer on that PM accepted, I think perhaps that geeking out in tandem is something we can excel at. Of course, you're welcome to approach me any time you'd like as well. The metaphorical door is always open.
junomoule wrote:You make a very good point about the perception and reality of the two and the nine, there- it was an error, since as you've described the ends [helping out] do not inherently justify the means. The way how you describe the differences between the two are reminiscent of the two resembling an active protester and the nine a wise guru archetype. Help the masses versus help the individual. Glittering generalities abound on my part, but it seems like an okay foothold to distinguish the two types.
Funny thing is I've been passively researching this stuff over the last several years, you're the first I've discussed it with outright beyond the basic. Seems I keep coming back to where I started, if that's not a symptom of the typical nine I don't know what is! I am unsurprisingly indecisive on the wing, and can't say if that's due to some level of balance or just ignorance of myself. Going to have to mull over the overall implications before I settle on anything, charming and eclectic as folks accuse my nature to be I'd be more inclined to guess at 9w1 but I have to read up on it all over again to be sure.
S'nice to be confident in INFJ at last, heh. I must say, life experience is a helpful tool in determining personality and motivation.
junomoule wrote:On a somewhat but not really unrelated note, does it make you want to flip tables when folks peg introverts as shy and extroverts as outgoing?
Yamamaya wrote:So out of curiosity, which personality type do you all find the hardest/easiest to get a long with?
Furen wrote:Yamamaya wrote:So out of curiosity, which personality type do you all find the hardest/easiest to get a long with?
That's a difficult question, but I think that's because the people I don't get along with wouldn't take a test, where as I would. It's difficult to gague, but that's interesting, I'd love to know which type I don't tend to enjoy.
drill wrote:I just took this test and got ISTP, I would say that out of all the combinations, i would not like ENFJ, but really i would say that the person's values play more of a factor of whether or not I got along with them than their brigg's personality rating. I would have to say that I would probably get along with ENTPs the best out of any of the combinations.
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