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So what do you talk to God about?

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So what do you talk to God about?

Postby dothackzero » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:47 pm

So yeah, it looks like the real cause of my lonelyness is actually a lack of a good relationship with God. It just never occured to me that could be the reason since I thought I was having a good relationship with. Mostly it was just ackeleging that he's there and inside us. And mostly just talking to him when I needed to complain, or when something was wrong. The thing is that I have more of a intellectual relationship with God, where I was just trying to learn more and more about him, but it turns out that isn't a real relationship. So really what's being a in a real relationship with God like, and how do you make it grow?
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Re: So what do you talk to God about?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:18 pm

I know my relationship with God isn't what it should be, and I'm not spiritually wise enough to know for sure, but I know what I've been taught, and what I believe. I can at least answer your first question "What do you talk to God about", as far as me personally.

I talk to God about so much. I don't talk to Him enough, but when I do I talk about EVERYTHING. Seriously, if I didn't know Him well enough to know that He has all the patience in the world, I'd say He gets sick of hearing my nonsense. Like you said, I complain to Him about all the "horrible" things in my life when I'm feeling down and beaten. But He still helps me even in those times, because I come out of those whine sessions realizing how immature I'm being, and that I just need to trust Him with my problems. It's like He's standing there, just being quiet because He knows that I need to listen to myself and the idiotic stuff coming out of my mouth.
And then there're the times when I have a burden weighing on my heart, and I know I can take it to Him and ask for His help. If I know anything, I know that God wants to take care of us and help us through trials. He wants to give us what we need, but not necessarily what we want. He wants us to take everything to Him, big or small, and He wants to help us with it. Even if it's something as little as "Lord, please give me a safe trip to the grocery store, because the roads are pretty slick". I've asked Him to pull me through a day at work when I'm sick, haven't had enough sleep, or just don't think I can listen to my coworkers griping one more time. God doesn't want to see us hurting or fretting over things, any more than any other parent does. He wants to feel included in our lives, and not an emergency contact for the "really big bad problems that come along".

Along with asking, God wants us to thank. I mean, seriously, think about how much God has done for you. He's amazing beyond reason, and He gives us so many things we don't need or deserve. So why is it such a big deal for us to just say "Thank you" every once in a while? Whether it's a big, long, prayer of thanksgiving for all His blessings, or just "Thank you for such a beautiful, sunny day". There've been times at work I thought I was gonna fall and crack my skull open on the conrete floor, and afterwards I just felt like I needed to say "Thank you, Lord, for keeping me safe".

A real relationship is two-sided, and if you want God to listen to everything you have to say, it's only fair to act mutually. Have you ever had a friend who talked and talked and talked and talked and never let you get a word in edge-wise through the whole conversation, and they gave you that feeling that you were obligated to simply listen to what they had to say, and not give any input or advice? I think alot of times we're like that with God. I know I do it all the time, and seldom think about it. That's one of my biggest faults. And it's really a shame, because listening to God can be one of the most awe-inspiring things you'll experience. I remember one time I sat by a lake shore on a windy day, and poured my heart out to God, doing my usual thing, where I spent a good hour just talking, and most of it wasn't that important. Then I felt a sudden impulse to just be quiet. So I sat there, and listened. I looked at the beauty of God's creation, and I just emptied my mind of all the complaints and grumbling I felt, and I waited. I've seen plenty of absolutely gorgeous sceneries, but I can't remember anything being as beautiful to me as that simple lakeshore. No, I didn't hear distinct words or sentences, I didn't make any life changing discoveries or decisions, but I still believe with all my heart and soul that I heard my Lord talking to me. It felt so beautiful and wonderful, and I felt such absolute peace. I walked away from that spot feeling more content than I ever did after any of my one-sided conversations.
Sorry if I over-dramatized, but that's honestly how I felt.

And talking to God is just one part of having a relationship with Him. Reading the Bible is important, especially since that's one of the ways He talks to us. Growth of a relationship with God is dependent on spiritual growth in general. Anyways, now I'm getting into subjects that I don't have enough experience with, so I'll leave it at that. I hope what I said was a help, and not just pointless rambling. There's Bible for some of what I said, and some of it's just coming from my heart, so I guess take it with a grain of salt.
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Re: So what do you talk to God about?

Postby SierraLea » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:06 pm

When I talk directly to him, it's to thank Him for something I think of at that moment, like I thank Him for colds because they make us appreciate the times when we can breath easily.
I also talk to Him when I want something, like guidance or help for a CAA buddy.
Lastly, I talk to Him when I'm mad, like when I get my aspergers thrown in my face. I love shouting at HIm.
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Re: So what do you talk to God about?

Postby theblackmist » Thu May 02, 2013 11:01 pm

I just wonder if God truly cares about me as a individual.
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