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SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

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SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:27 pm

Is this on? oh hi!~ I'm Pika-chan, and i'm a total newbie here. I don't even know what i'm doing right now, eheh... so, um... i'm me. if you want to know who me is, then me thinks you should ask me a question!~ me also thinks me should stop talking like this... anyway, here's a couple fun facts about me i guess...
1. I have no favorite color. it changes too much for me to say i actually have a favorite color.
2. I am an anime fan, but i'm super picky about what i watch so i actually haven't seen much compared to some people i know.
3. I am addicted to chocolate and sour gummy octopuses. octopi... whatever the plural for that word is.
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Neane » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:25 pm

Hello, what are your favorite:

Comic Books (If any)
Video Games?
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Ally-Ann » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:41 pm

BESTEST BUDDY *GLOMPS* (Yes, we're friends, everyone, have no fear. XD )

Welcome to CAA~!
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:30 am

Welcome to the site Pika-chan,
1. That's why i saw my favorite color is black because it's the most well balanced version of all colors at onced depending on how you look at it.
2. I am also picky and as such haven't seen as many anime as most others I know. Which anime/Manga have your watched/read?
3. A quick google search turned up this
Grammarist wrote: Octopi, the supposed plural of octopus, is a favorite among fans of quirky words, but it has no etymological basis. The form was created by English speakers out of a mistaken belief that octopus is Latin and hence pluralized with an -i ending. But octopus comes from ancient Greek, where its plural is octopodes, and though it came to English via scientific Latin—one of the late varieties of Latin that kept the language alive long after it had died out as a first language—it was never a native Latin word and didn’t exist in that language until scientists borrowed it from Greek in the 18th century (and if it were a Latin word, it would take a different form and would not be pluralized with the -i ending).

All of that is beside the point, though, as octopus has been in English for centuries and is now an English word when English speakers use it, so there is no reason not to pluralize it in the English manner. Granted, some Latin and Greek plurals survive in English by convention, but octopi/octopodes is not one of them. Octopuses is far more common than octopi in edited writing of all kinds, including scientific writing.

Still, while the use of octopi can’t be justified on an etymological basis, it is not wrong. It is old enough and common enough to be considered an accepted variant.
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby rocklobster » Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:24 am

:hug: Welcome to CAA!
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:09 am

Hello everyone~ wow i didn't think anyone besides Ally would say hi... .-. HURRAY!~ oh, here's the answers to the questions and such...
Neane- my favorite...
anime: i think i'd have to say naruto. it was my first anime (excluding pokemon) and started my obsession. :3
manga: well I really liked hikaru no go, even if i only read like the first chapter just last night... THANK YOU LIBRARY.
movies: ok, this is one of those things where you get a list... but i'll narrow it down to two... princess mononoke and nausicaa.
comic books: i actually do have some comics! my dad was way into those as a kid. he swears i should have been a boy XD i like spiderman comics, they're funny.
video games: er, im not the gamer of my family, but i like to play the pokemon games, and then eternal sonata...
(wow this is getting really long, im so sorry humans!)


broly ultimatrix- HA i knew it was octopuses. hey saying black would be a good idea... i might just say that from now on. -3- i've seen earl and fairy, ouran high school host club, pokemon, naruto (haven't gotten to shippuden yet though), some hetalia (not much, because they curse too much for my liking, but i adore the characters), fruits basket, one episode of inuyasha... heh, maybe i've seen more than i thought cause i know there are more than that... i'm actually in the process of reading pokemon adventures, hikaru no go, inuyasha, dragon eye, and uh... what was that other one... bah, i'll remember later.

rocklobster- OH MY GOSH A GLOMP SMILY! i cant use the smilies for whatever reason... what the cheese is a jelly baby?
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:40 am

BAAAAAAAAAH I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS PLACCCCCCE. I think i posted something here, but i'm not sure what exactly i did, and i cant see it when i click on the thread or whatever it's called, and i cant figure out how to use smilies because they don't pop up when i click on them on the side, and im just going to go beat my head against the nearest wall, ok? TT_TT
Last edited by mechana2015 on Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: All initial posts by new users are moderated. A mod will approve posts shortly. Smileys are currently only functional if you type in the code for them. Sorry.
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby seaglass27 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:33 pm

Welcome to the site. You sound like a fun person, Pika.
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby AdriTan » Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:46 pm

Welcome!!! :D I hope you love the site! Do you like to RP?
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:39 pm

Thanks Jordan! >w< I'm just kinda hyper, heh.
YES I LOVE TO RP ADRITAN!!!~ I do it all the time with my friends over facebook. this is my first experience with any kind of online thing though. :3
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:26 pm

Konichiwa!!! Here's your belated christmas panda bear hug!!!!!!

You already seem like so much fun to have on this site, i look forward to seein' you around :>

Oh, happy new year (almost) and enjy your stayyy!!!
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:04 pm



And, HUGGLES! (>^ ^)>
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:42 am

hello fuzzy huggles! (>^^)> HUUUUUUG!!!!~ :D

ASDFGHH i got a panda bear hug! YES!~ to be quite honest, i've been waiting for that, i've seen you in a lot of places giving out panda hugs. :3 thank you so much, and happy new year to you too!~
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Nate » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:31 am

Pika-chan wrote:i like spiderman comics, they're funny.

I agree.

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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby AdriTan » Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:33 pm

Pika-chan wrote:Thanks Jordan! >w< I'm just kinda hyper, heh.
YES I LOVE TO RP ADRITAN!!!~ I do it all the time with my friends over facebook. this is my first experience with any kind of online thing though. :3

You should check out the RPG thread! We could use another RPer around here! :D
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:50 pm

I plan to, i'm just trying to get used to the way things work around here. I might go find one of the rps my friend is involved in and stalk it, see how the pros do it~ :P
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Vilo159 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:28 pm

Good day to ye, Pika-chan, and welcome to the CAA! :thumb:
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby LupoRedgrave » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:17 pm

Hello Pika-Chan!
I have to admit when I saw your name I thought of Pikachu.
Welcome to the CAA and have an amazing time here!

I love Princess Mononoke too! Studio Ghibli is amazing :)
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Pika-chan » Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:31 am

Thank ya Vilo!

actually Lupo, thats why i used it, cause im on a pokemon kick at the moment :3 and studio ghibli is amazing. THANK YOU FOR WELCOMING MEE!!! *glomps back*
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Re: SUP PEEPS?! yes i mean the little marshmellows. but humans are welcome too.

Postby Lilac#18 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:34 pm

Hi, Pika-chan. :n_n:
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