MomentOfInertia (post: 1556969) wrote:A little something to tide you all over until the new episodes turn up.
Dalek Relaxation Tapes for humans
Twister980 (post: 1587287) wrote:Asylum of the Daleks:
[spoiler] The whole Amy and Rory divorce thing seemed a little sudden. I know it was supposedly a few years since the Christmas that took place in 'The Doctor, the widow and the wardrobe.', but her reason for the divorce, and the modeling, I can see her being upset at not being able to have kids again, but seriously, why walk away from a man you obviously love so much? Otherwise, the episode was pretty boss. I loved the part where he sent the Self destruct Dalek, (What people have started calling the Derpy Dalak. "I just don't know what went wrong.) back into the room full of Daleks, and blew em up. [/spoiler]
Yuki-Anne (post: 1587390) wrote:[spoiler]It was a completely worthless throw-away plot point. We know they love each other. It makes no sense in the narrative anymore to throw that away, so instead of being any kind of character development it just ended up being a cheap "subplot" with absolutely no tension because we already knew how it was going to end up anyway.[/spoiler]
Twister980 (post: 1587853) wrote:[spoiler] It'll be amazing to see how Moffat writes his way out of this past episode. [/spoiler]
SierraLea (post: 1587890) wrote:When someone called me weird recently, I told them that "Everyone's weird, just in different ways. Mine just happenes to be very visible." They told me I would love the Doctor Who show. How are those two things related?
Yuki-Anne (post: 1588751) wrote:Good episode. I liked it. It was pretty dark though, considering what the Doc did at the end... I mean, it's not like it wasn't just, but still...
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