Yes, I'm doing another LP. Don't worry, I'll still be doing work on my Emerald Nuzlocke but, with the closing down of Nintendo Power, I figured I'd go ahead and LP the first game that magazine convinced me to buy which was Magi Nation. Perhaps the best Gameboy Color game you never played.
What is Magi Nation?
Long ago, around the year 2000 (probably a bit before...I don't know when they started development on the game), a company named Interactive Imagination took a look around and said "Hey, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh are making a ton of money. We like money lets do something similar!" With that, they set out to create a card game featuring humans summoning monsters called Dream Creatures. The card game was called Magi Nation and it was shamelessly an attempt to cash in on the success of those two franchises. To advertise this, they made a Gameboy Color game that shared the same title and released in March of 2001. The game was your typical Pokemon clone except, in many ways, it was vastly superior to the game it was copying. In fact, I would say that Magi Nation is a vastly superior RPG then Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal without any hesitation. The game was graphically superior to Pokemon in every way (I mean just look at that title screen!), contained a system that was as deep as Pokemon, a world that was pretty interesting to explore filled with secrets and character, and, most importantly, had a good plot with some funny writing and a likable main character. The game was good enough (or Interactive Imagination's wallets deep enough) to get NP to include coverage for it that spanned over two issues (coincidentally the first two issues of Nintendo Power I got) and serves as a guide for the majority of the game. That's pretty good for a Pokemon clone trying to find its place in a market that was getting somewhat crowded.
So, of course, it failed miserably. The GBC game sold ok enough to get a sequel at least into development called Magi Nation: Keeper's Quest but it was never released on the GBC and, instead, was released on various PDA systems. A CGI TV show was planned but then never came out. The card game ran on for a little while in the US before going belly up but continued on for a few more years in Japan. A GBA remake was released in Japan but it too failed to be very successful and contained a rather interesting change in the design of the main character, Tony Jones (American Tony, Japan Tony...yeah different). Then, six years past...
And it was bought by another company. Seems great right, I mean its getting resurrected and hey there's a TV show planned! Sweet, a part of my childhood might actually be--a massive betrayal of the original. I don't know if anyone on CAA saw Magi Nation when it was running on TV but, to quote the Magi Nation wikia, it is "the single most controversial Magi-Nation related topic in the present day." Basically, they displayed a complete misunderstanding of the original source material in the least respectful of ways. As a business decision I get it, I mean no one in the target demographic for that show had probably even heard of the GBC game or the card game, but it could have been done better. I have only seen one episode to be fair so I can't really criticize it too much and hey, it supposedly ran for 3 seasons and created a spin-off MMO that exists. Granted its terrible and no where near as good as the GBC game but hey, its a thing...
So yeah, Magi Nation is one of those IPs that's had a pretty tough life filled with corporate meddling and just bizarre decisions. So we're mostly going to just focus on the good thing in it which was the Gameboy Color game.
How is this LP going to work
This is going to be closer to my now dead Heroes of Might and Magic LPs in that I'm going to be focusing more on how the game works and plays and all that stuff. I'll be getting into a bit more detail on how the game works as well as some things related to the quality of each Dream Creature. All stat rankings, forumla's and most of the tier lists I mention are taken from http://magination.wikia.com/wiki/Magi-Nation_Wiki. I will also be summarizing mos of the story related scenes throughout this LP.
What?! You're summarizing the story?!
Yep. Magi Nation has a very good plot but because of the limits of the Gameboy Color, its told two lines at a time with a moderately slow scroll speed. Given CAA's 10 image per post limit, its not practical for me to post every single screenshot for each bit of dialogue. I'll, instead, post a few screenshots from each scene (some more then others) and give you the gist of what's going on. If you want to get the full plot experience, you'll just have to buy and play the game yourself.
Dream Creature Profiles and You
Throughout the LP I'll be posting a brief profile for each Dream Creature. I'll likely be doing this for each area that you can enter since that'll just make things easier to keep track of. Each of these profiles will contain the following information.
Link to a Picture of the Gameboy Color Sprite
Recommended by NP?
My Tier
Stat Sum Rank
HP Rank
Strength Rank
Defense Rank
Speed Rank
Skill Rank
Resist Rank
The stat rankings are based on the average for each Dream Creature once they reach level 60. I've chosen to give the rankings for each stat instead of the actual numbers for them mostly because I think it gives a better idea of how good the Dream Creature is compared to the others around them. A Dream Creature with a rank of say 22 in Health means that there are at least 21 Dream Creatures who have higher health then it at level 60. The Recommended by NP section tells you if Nintendo Power recommended getting the creature within their own guide. I've included it because for the longest time, those two issues of Nintendo Power were what I used to guide me through this game and because it provides a different perspective on each creature.
There are two tier lists I am using. The first is from Magi Nation wiki by AKFrost and is meant for your first playthrough of Magi Nation. I'll use his own words to describe each ranking he uses.
Perfect-Goes without saying.
Top- Just a tad short of perfect. Usable in every way.
Megathan- High stats, but mindnumbingly low skill and speed, combined with a usually mainly elemental nuke spread.
Good- Stands out amongst the regular crap you plow through every day.
Wasted- Lacks the proper abilities/stats to make use of its high stats/good abilities.
Gimmick- Has some interesting characteristics you might want to try out, but generally poor.
Negligible- Just there to fill up space.
I created my own tier list based mostly off of this list. It is flawed because, really, the Megathan tier is a descriptor for a set of Dream Creatures that range from Top to Wasted but share a similar stat profile. Still, it avoids some of the negative language from this Tier list and is simpler to understand. My Tier list is
Perfect- Yes, it does exist and this creature embodies it.
Hyren- A class of monsters of which any would make a good addition to your team.
Top- Worth getting and using until you've filled your team with Hyrens. Occasionally better then certain Hyrens.
Middle- Not bad but not good either. Worth experimenting with or getting if you like the sprite or something.
Bottom- Don't get these Dream Creatures they're terrible.
You can expect the first update sometime later tonight. Probably very quickly after this post.