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Sub vs. Dub !!! (excluding edited dubs)

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Postby Atria35 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:21 am

rocklobster (post: 1506891) wrote:new additions:
Full Metal Alchemist: I really think the sub voice doesn't work for Ed. It sounds too feminine.

I seem to be one of the few people on the planet that doesn't think that Ed's voice was too femnine at all. But then agan, my bro kind of has the same tones as Ed's, and I would never mstake my bro for a girl.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:31 pm

I don't bother with dubs unless there is no other option, partly because half the stuff I watch has no dub, and partly because I have been soured by years and years of absolutely atrocious dubs. Seriously, just...I can't believe it took them this long to start making passable dubs.

I've been watching Baccano dubbed and I actually think they did a good job overall. Plus, with such a Western setting, it makes sense for it to be in English.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:33 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - [DUB]: I feel confident in saying that, for me, this dub is on the same level as the Cowboy Bebop dub. It was executed flawlessly with regard to direction and acting. I also must applaud Maxey Whitehead for her performance as Alphonse. She far exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds, especially for the last episode. While I do think she struggled a bit in one or two episodes, overall, I think she did an excellent job and should be commended.

Legend of the Mystical Ninja - [SUB]: The dub is passable, but only just. I'm sorry, but Tiffany Grant playing a little boy, while commendable, can get on ones nerves after a few episodes. Vic Mignogna's portrayal of Goemon was...well...different...than the original. It's not really BAD per se, but like Tiffany Grant, you can get tired of it.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Oki - [SUB]: Mona Marshall as Ryoko...why, oh why, oh why. Who was the casting director that made THAT decision?! And who was the recording director who told her to use the "Izzy/Toboe/Chagum" voice for it?! Please tell me why, because heaven knows I would love to know. Don't get me wrong, everyone else was pretty bad; I mean, Tenchi sounds completely wrong, and Ayeka sounds WAY posher than the original, but seriously, Ryoko takes the failcake.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:16 pm

Sub vs Dub
...wait, there's a difference?!?
Just kidding, though for the most part I'm indifferent now.
However, I disagree with the dub VO's interprentaion of TK from Angel Beats. But all the others do good I think, so I can't really call it out.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:59 pm

Haven't posted in this thread awhile (and I'm the one who started it, even!)

Okay, let's see....

Heroic Age. TIE! It's excellent in both English and Japanese. Whichever track you choose to listen to, you will not be disappointed ^.^

I have yet to actually prefer a sub over dub. But I MIGHT have found the anime that would sway me that way. I watched a fan trailer for Higurashi and they used the English track and....WHAT THE???!! THAT'S KEIICHI'S VOICE??!! If that's seriously what he sounds like, then I think I'll watch this in Japanese when I get the chance to see it. I mean, if I'm too lazy to read subtitles, I'll see it in English (also to satisfy my curiousity) but man....
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:58 am

AnimeGirl (post: 1507374) wrote:I have yet to actually prefer a sub over dub. But I MIGHT have found the anime that would sway me that way. I watched a fan trailer for Higurashi and they used the English track and....WHAT THE???!! THAT'S KEIICHI'S VOICE??!! If that's seriously what he sounds like, then I think I'll watch this in Japanese when I get the chance to see it. I mean, if I'm too lazy to read subtitles, I'll see it in English (also to satisfy my curiousity) but man....

If you happen to hate Keiichi's voice, I can't wait to see your reaction to the rest of the cast! (you also might have a hard time seeing it legally anywhere- Funi let the license relapse. You'd have to buy the dvds)
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:52 pm

Atria35 (post: 1507031) wrote:I seem to be one of the few people on the planet that doesn't think that Ed's voice was too femnine at all. But then agan, my bro kind of has the same tones as Ed's, and I would never mstake my bro for a girl.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! :thumb: When someone told me Ed was voiced by a girl, I seriously thought they were joking until I found a video with Romi Paku talking in Ed's voice. She's so good at sounding like a young man!
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:02 pm

[font="Garamond"]I enjoy both the subtitles and the dubbing. I'm always excited about DVD series that give you the option of dubbing or subtitles. <3 I love dubbing, because it is a lot of fun to see the characters speaking English.

Most all of my anime watching is done while doing something else (cleaning, sewing, cooking, sweeping, laundry, etc) With tasks like these, I can't keep my attention on the TV for long. With an English dubbing, I can listen to what is going on while my attention is elsewhere ~

Hetalia has my all time favorite dubbing ~ I liked it much more then the original / subtitles . :3
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Postby Vracer111 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:19 pm

It really depends on the title, but I do often prefer Japanese with English subtitles more. This holds particularly true for the following titles:

Birdy the Mighty: Decode - English dub makes it a different show compared to the Japanese with subtitles. A more crass and idiotic show.
Bubblegum Crisis
Evangelion 1.11 & 2.22 - Shinji works much better as a character through the Japanese VA as does most of the other cast. The performance allows Shinji to come off more frustrated and dejected than more like an infantile crybaby...
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Initial D - Oh, the English dub...:shake:
Rurouni Kenshin OVAs - Ack the English dubs are a little stilted...the Japanese goes much better with the characters.
Trigun (Vash is Vash and Wolfwood is Wolfwood in Japanese...not quite Vash and Wolfwood voiced in English.)
You're Under Arrest

Now, the main titles where I feel the English dubbing outshines the Japanese are as follows:

Cowboy Beebop
Dai-Guard Comedy gold in English...not so much in Japanese (but still good!.)
Samurai Champloo
Solty Rei
Viewtiful Joe - So Over the top Silly/Hilarious in English - works well for the show!

And finally, titles where both the Japanese and English language feel equally excellent to me are:

Ergo Proxy
Jin-Roh Maybe a slight edge to the Japanese...
Moribito: Guardian of the SpiritBalsa is actually more intimidating and fearsome in Japanese...
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Origin: Spirits of the Past
Sky Blue/Wonderful Days - Korean anime movie that is subtitled only on the DVD release (Japanese import) and English dubbed only on the UK Blu-Ray release.
Summer WarsI prefer it subtitled, but the English voicing is just as well done.
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Postby Vii » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:59 pm

Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Nearly a tie, but DUBS

I heard them both in English first, and since finishing both I've gone back and watched some of it subbed. I don't think Ed's Japanese voice is girly, but it was a bit higher than I was expecting. I don't think Ed's English voice is too low either. I mean, he's 15-16, so he's not going to have the voice of a 12 year old, despite having the height o-"WHO YOU CALLING SO SHORT HE COULD PASS FOR A 12 YEAR OLD WITHOUT BEING GIVEN A SECOND GLANCE?!"
Oh, and Winry's voice is really high in the subs, it just doesn't sound right to m-"WHO'S VOICE ARE YOU CALLING HIGH?!!" *Gets hit by wrench*

[font="Courier New"]>At this point the writer is passed out from Winry's wrench hit...

>The writer is now conscious and will continue her post... [/font]

Yay I'm back!

Fruits Basket - DUBS

I haven't really heard much of the sub, and the dub is good.
Although frankly, I don't like Yuki's voice in either. He sounds too young in the sub, and really weak and sickly in the dub. However, I've been listening to a good, fan-produced, radio drama of Fruits Basket (can be listened to and downloaded here) and I really think that it has the best voice of Yuki yet. (Boy, that sounded like advertising. 0.o Completely unintentional.)

Ouran High School Host Club - DUBS

I watched the first episode subbed and kind of chuckled at that blinking arrow that pointed to the vase...and then I watched it dubbed and actually understood the jokes and comedy and wackyness and was seriously fighting the urge to laugh out loud. Yeah, it took a while to get used to Vic as Tamaki (Considering I watched FMA first, Ed kept on popping into my mind, especially because Ed and Tamaki both go berserk in similar ways.), but since the anime focuses on comedy, the one that made me laugh the most was the one I liked best.

The Melancholy/Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya - Pretty close but...SUBS...usually

While I do like Crispin Freeman as Kyon, I just don't agree with Haruhi's English voice as much.
Disappearance had a better English dub, but I still prefer the sub.

Haibane Renmei - TIE

I started out watching the dub, then halfway through switched to subs without really noticing a difference. I'm taking that as a tie/they are too eerily similar to tell the difference.

Mushi-shi - TIE, but I watch the dubs out of personal preference

Like Ouran High School Host Club, it took me a little while to get used to Travis Willingham as Ginko and not Colonel Roy Mustang, but I like not having read the words and being able to watch this whilst doing other things because it's a nice, calm, show.

Kodocha - DUBS
I've been taking a break from this show and saving it for the summertime when I'm less likely to get a stress headache from it, but I've only seen the dub and I like Sana and Akito's VA's (Tohru and Kyo from Fruits Basket anyone?)
...I'm also afraid of what the subs would look like with Sana's rapid fire machine gun way of talking.

I must look like a dub fan now, but I actually watch a bunch of other series subbed either because the dubs aren't to my liking or there aren't any. I'm am NOT a "dub only" person.

This post turned out way longer than I intended it to.
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:06 pm

Vii (post: 1510944) wrote:]Ouran High School Host Club - DUBS

I watched the first episode subbed and kind of chuckled at that blinking arrow that pointed to the vase...and then I watched it dubbed and actually understood the jokes and comedy and wackyness and was seriously fighting the urge to laugh out loud. Yeah, it took a while to get used to Vic as Tamaki (Considering I watched FMA first, Ed kept on popping into my mind, especially because Ed and Tamaki both go berserk in similar ways.), but since the anime focuses on comedy, the one that made me laugh the most was the one I liked best.

I didn't get the episode the first time, either, but rewatching made me understand things and got me rolling on the floor... not because it was in dub (I watched it in sub both times), but because the second time I knew what was happening. I think the first episode can just be like that for some people.
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Postby Vii » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:16 pm

Atria35 (post: 1510947) wrote:I didn't get the episode the first time, either, but rewatching made me understand things and got me rolling on the floor... not because it was in dub (I watched it in sub both times), but because the second time I knew what was happening. I think the first episode can just be like that for some people.

I recently went back and watched the first episode on Netflix again (for probably the third or fourth time) and I finally got what those light bulbs were for. They were for when another member of the Host Club figured out Haruhi was a girl. XD I felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.

Anyway, maybe I should try watching more episodes subbed when I have the time. I always like seeing how anime differs in each language. ^_^
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Postby Juliannesan » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:18 am

For me it depends one the place where the anime is taking place.
For me, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood or the original series just work better in English than in Japanese. That's just my take.

However, take Rurouni Kenshin for example, that story was taken in Japan, and normally I would stick to the Japanese, but for me the English sounds better (in my opinion) and there is far less language.

So it depends, really.

Ouran High School Host Club was a really toughy for me. I love Vic, but I also love Mamoru Miyano. So it's really a toss-up for me. Both really well done. Although, I think I find it funnier in Japanese than in English.
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:44 pm

Vii (post: 1510944) wrote:Kodocha - DUBS
I've been taking a break from this show and saving it for the summertime when I'm less likely to get a stress headache from it, but I've only seen the dub and I like Sana and Akito's VA's (Tohru and Kyo from Fruits Basket anyone?)
...I'm also afraid of what the subs would look like with Sana's rapid fire machine gun way of talking.

But...But Akito's dub voice is so low! :drool: It makes him sound about five years too old, if you ask me. And they pronounce his name - which should be "AH-kee-toh" - as "uh-KEE-doe" *shudder*

And I actually found Sana's mile-a-minute talking easier to understand in the subs, because I could read it, but maybe that's just me. I have issues with understanding dubs...or, well, anything in my own language without subtitles <_<

Okay, why don't I just shut up now, because I'm obviously just weird.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:57 pm

the_wolfs_howl (post: 1511580) wrote:And I actually found Sana's mile-a-minute talking easier to understand in the subs, because I could read it, but maybe that's just me. I have issues with understanding dubs...or, well, anything in my own language without subtitles <_<

I actually have a hearing issue that means that a vast majority of fast- talking goes over my head unless I'm really focusing. And, heck, sometimes normal speech goes over my head because of a processing issue I have. Subtitles help an infinite amount.
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Re: Sub vs. Dub !!! (excluding edited dubs)

Postby Dabstract » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:08 pm

Fruits Basket: I guess it could go either way for me but I prefer dubbed and that is for one specific reason. I started watching it in subbed but for awhile I was under the impression that Yuki was a girl. He sounded like one (to me) and he sort of looked like one. So I started watching in dubbed. It's okay I guess but atleast Yuki sounds more like a guy.

Ouran: I like both. I watch it more in dubbed because Tamaki's voice is so funny and cute in the English version. But both are good.
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