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Postby TWWK » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:16 am

battletech (post: 1437170) wrote:Clannad After Story has been picked up by Sentai Filmworks. To be dubbed and released in April.They will have an exchange for those you have the sub only release.

I kept thinking of doing that for the first series...but I just thought I would be paying too much for a dub I wouldn't watch. Eh. I'm glad they're giving this option for others, though.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:57 am

I read that they also picked up the Clannad movie, which is a baffling decision. Next week, they're going to announce they picked up the 2002 Kanon or something.

I am really glad that I got my sub-only DVDs before this herpaderp second thought dub business.
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Just watched the first and second episode of Clannad...

Postby Destroyer2000 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:20 pm

I love it. This is one of the most well-drawn anime I've ever seen. I love it, and the character progression is great. Somethign about this show makes me think there will be tears before it is done...
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Postby Mouse2010 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:16 pm

Destroyer2000 (post: 1485106) wrote:Somethign about this show makes me think there will be tears before it is done...

You're a savvy viewer.

(There ARE tearjerker moments in the original Clannad, but I think I did most of my crying during Clannad Afterstory, which was so heartbreaking at some points that I could only stand to watching it by watching an episode or two of School Rumble afterwards to cheer myself back up.)
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Postby Wallachia » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:09 pm

Make sure you don't look up much info about the show online.

It's much better to watch everything unfold for yourself. (And remember that it's based off a visual novel with multiple routes.)


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Postby Destroyer2000 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:14 pm

Wallachia (post: 1485129) wrote:Make sure you don't look up much info about the show online.

It's much better to watch everything unfold for yourself. (And remember that it's based off a visual novel with multiple routes.)

I'll keep that in mind. Furukawa is adorable, though. I don't use that word often, but it just seems to apply to her. So is the last song. My roommate thinks its weird, but it's just...happy.
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Postby TWWK » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:19 pm

Another Clannad fan - yesssssssssss.

It's a wonderful series.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:49 pm

TWWK (post: 1485185) wrote:Another Clannad fan - yesssssssssss.

It's a wonderful series.

I agree. I just finished the fifth episode, and I'm going to bed. I don't want to watch anymore tonight! It's such a sweet anime, for lack of a better word. I love the characters, and the ending song is great. I just can't help but feel a sort of sadness watching it; it's like...the characters seem so desperate to enjoy happy, like it will be torn away from them, but I don't know why I feel that way.
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Postby ABlipinTime » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:53 pm

TWWK (post: 1485185) wrote:Another Clannad fan - yesssssssssss.

It's a wonderful series.

Seconding that.

And I'm with Mouse: the teary moments are strongest in Afterstory (but, hehe, I don't cry).
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:26 am

ABlipinTime (post: 1485209) wrote:Seconding that.

And I'm with Mouse: the teary moments are strongest in Afterstory (but, hehe, I don't cry).

Pssh, don't you know? Ladies love a sensitive guy. You just gotta learn to let that one single tear roll down your cheek, with a *sniff* right afterwards. Works every time!
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Postby TWWK » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:37 am

I frequently get "teary-eyed," but I've only cried twice while watching a series/movie: at The Passion of the Christ and in Clannad After Story.

Bwahahaha! Talk about a juxtaposition...

Anyway, I wanna include here a blog post I wrote about the episode in the series that made me cry. If you want to check it out, don't read it until you get past episode 18 of After Story (spoilers galore!).
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:40 am

Oh, I won't. I hate spoilers. I'll just watch the series on my own; I'll wrap up Clannad sometime this weekend, I believe, and then start on After Story. I have had "Big Dango Family" stuck in my head since this morning...for some reason, I am enamored with that song.
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Postby Falx » Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:53 am

I tried to make dango the other day. Didn't work out so well.

My melonpan came out alright but I've got no idea if I got the taste right.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:04 pm

I'm not sure what Dango is, but I want to try it.

[SPOILER]I just watched episode 9 of Clannad. That's it for now - I have to go do something else. It's so sad! Yet sweet, at the same time. During the wedding, and immediately afterwards, when Fuko appeared to her sister, I was about to bawl. And that is exceedingly rare for me.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:30 pm

We already have a Clannad discussion thread, so I went ahead and merged the two threads ^__^

I absolutely loved Clannad <3 I fell in love with all of the characters ^__^ They all have their own charms ^^

Who would you say was your favorite character so far ^^?
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:43 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1485324) wrote:We already have a Clannad discussion thread, so I went ahead and merged the two threads ^__^

I absolutely loved Clannad <3 I fell in love with all of the characters ^__^ They all have their own charms ^^

Who would you say was your favorite character so far ^^?

Nagisa, by far. She's absolutely adorable, and reminds me of Tohru.
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Postby Falx » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:38 pm

Destroyer2000 (post: 1485311) wrote:I'm not sure what Dango is, but I want to try it.

[SPOILER]I just watched episode 9 of Clannad. That's it for now - I have to go do something else. It's so sad! Yet sweet, at the same time. During the wedding, and immediately afterwards, when Fuko appeared to her sister, I was about to bawl. And that is exceedingly rare for me.[/SPOILER]

Basically it's rice-flour thats shaped into balls and then steamed or boiled. The ones in the show are tri-colour dango and usually have flavor added. The kind I tried to make are Mitarashi Dango and it gets it's flavor from Mitarashi sauce made from soy sauce and sugar in it's most basic form. The sauce was nice but it's definitely not made to be consumed in large quantities. The salt from the soy sauce is masked but still there and I felt kinda ill.

I ended up over cooking the dango and they tasted lumpy and slightly sour.
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Postby gn6me » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:16 am

I watched Clannad because I saw a couple of episodes somewhere else and thought it would be interesting to watch. Eventually I picked it up and as I watched more and more I loved it. Fuko's story made me teary, but what really made cry was After Story.

Clannad has such good themes, but I wish it was entirely clean so that I could recommend it to all my friends. Oh, well. And my favourite characters are Sunohara and Yoshino.
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Postby blkmage » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:25 pm

I watched a few top n (for some integer n) anime rankings on Nico Nico Douga that measured what people on 2ch thought were the best anime of the 2000s. What came out pretty consistently on top? Clannad.

Also a reminder for everyone who's watched Clannad but hasn't watched After Story to go and watch After Story.
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Postby Psycho Molos » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:57 pm

I noticed last weekend that iTunes now has After Story!
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:25 am

Clannad is now, without a doubt, my favorite anime. We'll see if After Story surpasses it.

After Story Spoiler...
[spoiler]Was one of those heartbreaking moments episode six, with the cat and Misai? Because it was indeed bittersweet.[/Spoiler]
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Postby gn6me » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:45 am

[spoiler]That story was definitely bittersweet. I was expecting the boy to come back but he stayed a cat. Ugh.[/spoiler]
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Postby blkmage » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:59 am

When people talk about the heartbreaking moments in After Story, you will know exactly which moments those are when you get to them; I can guarantee that there will be no questions.

Talking about After Story is sometimes a bit confusing, because there are two things that are referred to as After Story: the season and the actual arc, which is called so because of the game. The actual After Story arc itself doesn't start until almost halfway through the season.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:21 am

[quote="blkmage (post: 1486639)"]When people talk about the heartbreaking moments in After Story, you will know exactly which moments those are when you get to them]

[spoiler]Err, yeah. It's quite obvious. And, might I say, I'm still in shock. I can't believe it; I kept hoping that she would wake up, you know? It's such a beautiful story, but man oh man is it sad.[/spoiler]
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Postby TWWK » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:29 am

Destroyer2000 (post: 1487113) wrote:[spoiler]Err, yeah. It's quite obvious. And, might I say, I'm still in shock. I can't believe it]

Keep going, keep going. It ain't over yet.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:43 pm

Alright, I just finished it, with the exception of the movie. That series jumped from being one of the best to my favorite anime, hands-down. All the heartbreak aside, it was still worth every minute of watching it. I've never seen a more beautifully crafted anime, nor a more skillfully told story. In any case, what is everyone's favorite moments of the series? Mine are as follows:

[spoiler]The point in Clannad where Tomoya chooses Nagisa; the breakdown of Kyou and Fujibayashi was terrible, but it was done very well. I've always been a sucker for those pivotal moments in anime.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]The parts as follows in Clannad: the play, where Akio tells Nagisa to continue on with her dreams. Then the part when Nagisa and Tomoya finally get together. Also...the entire Fuko arc, ending the wedding.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]The proposal in After Story, and of course, the ending. I was so glad it was a happy ending, and not completely heartbreaking.[/spoiler]

Those stand out to me the most, but the entire series was just too awesome, anyway. The alternate episodes were pretty cool, too.
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Postby Wallachia » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:53 am

Hey, Destroyer2000. Now that you've finished the series, here's a couple of timeline charts to clear up any leftover questions you might have.

Spoiler tags don't really do much to the links, so I'll just put the mention here for anyone who hasn't finished the series yet. Don't click on the links without having finished After Story.
I don't know about you, but some people get pretty confused in the end... [spoiler]... since it feels like they just pulled a happy-ending out of nowhere instead of sticking with what would have otherwise been an unforgettable, "everyone dies" end.

Of course, I prefer having something happy after all of... that. In fact, I was really hoping they'd give us something nice after making me cry until I was dehydrated.

Considering this was based off a visual novel (roughly 300 hours of reading multiple routes if you play without a walkthrough) where the only way to get the happy ending was to make absolutely everyone during Tomoya's high school life happy and obtain enough light orbs to wish for a miracle, KyoAni did a great job of including everything in the Anime.


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Postby blkmage » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:31 am

The movie is a condensed and alternate telling of the main storyline and it's not really worth watching.
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:41 pm

I saw the movie. I'm still trying to recover from the mediocrety. I know that it's supposed to be a great series, but that movie spoiled most of it for me, and really wasn't that great, so I'm still getting over those feelings from it.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:06 pm

Yeah, a friend told me the movie can be pretty much skipped :-?
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