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Factbook of Nations

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Factbook of Nations

Postby Dante » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:08 pm

What follows is a fact-book of my nation, a reference of sorts for myself and other players within N&S Reborn. At first, this will only contain information on the races that are thought to exist in myth and those that are the main players within ZODEAC, however, this will eventually expand to contain further information on various weapons systems and technologies that my nation utilizes or other national... facts. I may take the direction of writing these down as though they were written by someone else, which admittedly may seem to be floating into the RP territory, but I ask for some leniency in this regard as I am simply attempting to make it interesting and spamming the main thread seems as though it would only distract players from meaningful RP. I also would like to invite other members from the N&S game to add their own fact book information in this thread, this should only relate to your own nation however. In this manner, we can have a place where condensed information can be easily accessed that will allow for a better RP'd storyline and less encyclopedia reading. Also, please try to disable your signature in this thread to avoid extra distractions.

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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:15 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"]WHO'S WHAT? THE COLORFUL ZOOLOGY OF Z.O.D.E.A.C.[/SIZE][/font]
[SIZE="3"][font="Book Antiqua"]By: Rir Nishihara[/font][/SIZE]

The four main species that occupy these lands are the Vesari, the Oniru, the Urnak and the Ninja Monkeys. Three of these four species are the result of a free genetic trade effect that took place when those more open to interbreeding began to test out new radical genetic structures that this portion of the world had never seen and combined them with the pre-adapted Hume genetic structure that had originally came from the northlands of Ethiopia. The remaining eight minor species include (in order of population), the Hume, the Nekojin, the Slith, Aikon, Neorm, The Corrupt , Vampirics, and the Wyrms. The last four (referred to as the Forgotten), are mostly remnants of the The Old World that once roamed these lands, and they are considered very rare, or simply a popularly accepted myth. Most scholars postulate that they do not even exist or that they number in the dozens throughout the Congo, hidden away in foreboding caves and hidden enclaves. Recently however, the mythic Neorm were discovered living among the western heights of the perilous Selene Mountains, giving new interest to these ancient legends. Still, expeditions searching for the mythical city of Nos south of the territory of Chad has resulted in nothing but strange nonsensical tales, giving this land an eerie sense of mythical awe with respect to these lands. To understand the characters within this continent, let's take a closer look at the main species.

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]The High Classes[/SIZE][/font]

Vesari: The Vesari are a highly sociable result of Neko-jin, Hume and some distant, fully assimilated ancestor, supposedly from the mythical city of Nos. Mature Vesari are typically about 4 to 5 feet in stature and weigh between 80 and 120 pounds. As a species, the Vesari represent the largest population within ZODEAC, owing to large mammalian families that did not undergo the birth rate reduction experienced by the (typically) economically wealthier Oniru. They have incredibly large dexterous ears with which they can pinpoint sounds and their eye's are strongly attuned for night vision, both elements inherited and enhanced by their Neko-jin ancestors. Unlike Neko-jin however, Vesari have digitigrade instead of plantigrade legs and their body is mostly covered in a thick fur that acts a natural form of protection. Fur patterns and colors vary widely across their species, as it acts as a kind of attractive feature to females who have a natural bias to males with certain patterns (and they have patterns designed to represent their genetic make-up as well). As a whole, their life-span is typically shorter then Hume or Neko-Jin, living an average of 40-50 years - but they have an equal period of youth to avoid decreasing species fertility. Normally (and it was assumed until a recent major discovery) it was assumed that the Visari had no Hume genetics at all, but this was a factor that was strongly refuted by another odd physical trait focused on only recently, they share the same tear-duct and emotional reaction that is only present in Hume. In other words, Visari can and very often DO cry for emotional release, an attribute that is almost "characteristic" of the Hume species.

Being the free-spirited center of life within ZODEAC, Vesari are very playful, friendly and affectionate to friends and extremely curious and trusting towards strangers, including other species. They typically live within the cities (although some forest dwelling tribes are still known to exist) and prefer to move from roof-top to roof-top instead of taking the typically crowded city streets. This has lead to a few deaths among the Vesari, who do not have a non-lethal terminal velocity. Still, their keen eyes and incredible agility and gymnastic abilities typically make up for safety concerns. Their lighter weight, has also made most falls non-lethal, but still can result in broken bones and pride.

Life as a Vesari isn't entirely without it's worries however. Vesari are Strongly Interdependent and cannot live without companionship, if left alone for any significant period of time (several weeks) it has extremely adverse effects on their health and mental well being. Long term isolation can kill them from stress induced illness, and has been described by ancient Urnak texts from the war as being "a pain for them, worse then the sword the can provide." Because of this, particular attention must be made within the ZODEAC to watch the social well being of Vesari (especially among youth). Having a couple of friends may sustain them, but if they are isolated, intervention is not a commodity, but an essential aspect of their life and well-being.

This same trait is also responsible for their intense loyalty and protection of those close to them and Vesari in the military or changing locations, must have a "transition period" in which they can acclimate and acquire new friends. While not typically exposed to danger, Vesari will go out of their way to protect those they are close to. They will abandon any objective and disobey any order if it is to save those they care about. Should someone close to them die, they become extremely emotional and unstable, and require at least a weeks rest to mourn their loss, though they are fully capable of "functioning" (to vicious extents in combat).

Furthermore, the Vesari are strongly impulsive, which is a trait derived from their "free-spirited attitude". This results in that odd desire to run across roof tops, choosing an object to use as their means to break their fall only moments before they jump (far too late to stop typically). This attitude leads to all kinds of strange complexities within the ZODEAC, as Vesari who can skip work, school or important meetings to meet up with friends, or have even been known to streak through town, toss eggs at mayors, or eat bugs if dared should "their gut" tell them to do so. This doesn't mean that they're intellectually inferior, just impulsive for things that seem to cause no harm in their eyes.

At the same time though, they are more lovers then fighters and represent a strong pacifist movement, avoiding confrontation unless it is the most logical option. As a consequence, they rarely present a threat to the state, but they typically desire to avoid confrontation with other nations, even if pushed around a bit. When war is declared, it is always the Urnak and never the Vesari who demands it, even if it were only Vesari that would suffer for it. On the plus side, these traits make them particularly good for urban military police, as they will protect the civilians they learn to know with their lives and try to form peaceful solutions to most confrontations. That is... if they show up to work and aren't out sky diving or swimming at the beach.

Excellent Agility (2)
Good Acrobatic Skills (1)
Good Running Skills (1)
Excellent Night Vision (2)
Good Vitality (1)
Excellent Social Skills (2)

Strongly Interdependent -2
Guardian -1
Strongly Impulsive -2
Pacifist -1
Depression from the loss of a close friend -2

Interesting Political Example of Vesari Behavior: The impulsive Vesari nature once led to a rather controversial outcome when Triumviri Chidak bragged about flipping a coin to determine military action against Local Ninja Monkeys as a retaliation for an attempted political assassination, in which they were highly suspect. The coin landed in the favor of the Ninja Monkeys, narrowly avoiding war.

Later on, the infamous coin was given away as a white elephant gift and, upon analysis, was revealed to be a trick coin, typically used as a kind of weighted dice in shady Go Fish gambling events. Modern scholars state that while the coin could have been planted by the Ninja Monkeys, they must also ask how they would know which side Triumviri Chidak would choose... implying that the whole thing was a hoax. Further later evidence resolved the investigation, discovering no involvement of the Ninja Monkeys whatsoever... making this one of the more pleasantly odd events in the Triumvirate. The shock came mostly from Oniru and Urnak, who called the decision appalling, while Vesari found it perfectly acceptable and worthy of a good laugh.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:25 pm


FIG 2: The above picture shows a common picture that happens more often then you'd imagine in ZODEAC life. One Vesari and two Oniru (the Vesari is on the left, caught fishing when he should have been at work, his manager is on the far right and in center is an accountant older Oniru, losing track of a number in a long list of additions). ((Future pics in production))

Oniru: The Oniru are a curious race to hold the most power within the entirety of the ZODEAC. Genetically, they are the result of Neko-jin and the lost Mooglin race. They grow to no more then 3 feet tall and only 2 feet on average, weighing in at about 25-35 pounds... if they were healthy. Most are well fed and achieve weights on the order of 45-50 pounds. They have two ridiculously large ears on their head and a set of impressive whiskers on either side of their nose. Their entire bodies are covered in fur which is meticulously combed, and their "cute" features make them look more like a stuffed toy than a power-mover and shaker of the nation. But power movers they are.

Not in physical strength of course, they have the muscle tone of a cabbage and they would have a hard time carrying their huge bags of cash home if they didn't have someone to escort it with them. But cash they have and they have it in significant amounts do to a number of physical and personality traits.

The Oniru, live extremely long life-times, typically between 150-225 years to be precise. Outside of The Forgotten Ones, they have the most longevity of the bunch. And, as they would quickly point out, "there is good reason for that"! Being a herbivore by genetics, they do not eat meat nor dairy. They are very studious and from a young age tend to cloister themselves inside, where they either work away with their very adept tiny hands, or read, going outside rarely, except to perform Think-Walks.

And should you ask the Urnak about them, they will quickly tell you that they are cowards of the first rank. This might be well true, as their self preservation seems to be their most precious virtue and they avoid any kind of danger, no matter how slight with all of their being. For that matter, they are not above pointing to another to distract attention from themselves if faced by an open threat, just to aid in their flight (even if it were to cause that person severe harm). If a certain aspect of their invention seems particularly hazardous... they hire someone else to do it.

In the ancient war of kings, they survived, only because they were wealthy, cunning and good with their hands. They invented the first firearm, and the first long range sniper rifle... simultaneously. After all, nothing else would do. When close quarters combat was needed, they would rather hire a Hume mercenary to fight then enter themselves. But this doesn't mean that they won't enter a fight, they seem quite willing to start war, just so long as they're not the ones doing the fighting. Oddly enough however, they tend to make good tactical bombing pilots as their small bodies are good, light-weight "flying brains", which can take aircraft through incredible G's greatly increase the bomb payload, and their highly adept hands can produce some of the most incredible maneuvers ever seen... as long as it's to get away from the hornet's nest they just kicked. Their small sizes would also make them particularly suited for submarines, but unfortunately, they require extensive quarters for personal grooming, bathing, and their book collections.

But for all of this, they are the most powerful force in all of the ZODEAC. Their long lives and studious habits make them incredibly wise. From their many advantages, they have become both masters of invention or masters of finance by trade. Many Oniru start saving and investing their income when they are as young as ten years old, leaving them hundreds of years to acquire huge sums of wealth, if it isn't already guaranteed by their parents (They shrewdly eliminated the inheritance tax, which keeps wealth strictly within their family lines, the second vote came from the Vesari, as their short lives made such a tax too much of a personal burden). The Oniru often have personal Hume servants, acquire the best outfits and large houses - with a good number owning mansions, a collection of cars fitted to their bodies and even private jets. Those that invent are the foremost creators of all of the ZODEAC, acting as chief engineers and getting their hands into small spaces that no other species would dare try... they just need a little help reaching the screwdriver on the wall.

A final note on Oniru, is that they are incredibly good cooks and artists. Their precise small hands allow them to do with food and art what they normally do with machines. They can produce extremely precise recipes for themselves and omnivores alike, and occupy cooking positions in the top 5 star restaurants of ZODEAC. Unfortunately, most are interested in finance first, invention second and they leave the other stuff to personal hobbies or servants.

Masters of Wealth, Inventions and Arts (3 points distributed between these)
Long Life +3
Great Intellect +3

Very Short -2
Very Weak -2
Cowards - 3
Easily Provoked: -1
Fussy -1

Interesting Political Example of Oniru Behavior: One of the early complications of the ZODEAC government was a resistance movement led by unemployed Urnak. The Oniru Triumvir, Raladur, (who is only recently perished), noticed that many of the problems that were driving the resistance (and a very real threat of an all out revolt) could be traced back to a lack of employment. Urnak are generally too ill-behaved, arrogant and insubordinate (to other races) to be desirable employees for Vesari, or Oniru and yet they are ill-suited to managing money to run a company for themselves (Company "owners" would only spend the money on booze).

What was particularly "Oniru typical" of Raladur, was to notice that the economy seemed to be stalling do to a lack of products. There were insufficient raw materials available to meet the demand of the blossoming nation. To put it frankly, there was a huge population boom from the merger of the three nations, but not all of the population was working (the troublesome Urnak). Raladur noticed not only that the two problems were connected, but he also determined a means to solve the problem.

Taking a portion of the governments national funding, he invested in a "scrap purchasing company". Scrap materials left over from previous generations, created an abundance of surface material, if only there were enough people to dig it up and haul it long distances back to the city. Raladur had his minority Slith companions advertise it intensely among the Urnak (who tend to respect Slith above most species). Needing wages to survive, he then paid the same Slith to demonstrate the process, getting them to haul a piece of scrap over, have it weighed for raw material and then receive a "cash bounty" for their find.

The result was a rather peculiar success. The Urnak began to follow out of example and soon a large amount of raw material was flowing into the new government venture from the scrap scattered around the land. Multiple branches were opened and soon new products were filling store shelves, produced by the excess material. The Urnak on the other hand, began to have available cash without having to work for anyone and the land began to look cleaner by the day. The company would eventually have to close it's doors when scrap became scarce and Urnak began ripping things off of public and private property to resell. However, it reopened shortly there-after as a pair of subsidiaries, providing tools that allowed Urnak to mine in mineral rich areas. The Urnak, who could work hard but simply disliked being told what to do, used these systems well, even through today (although social skills have been improved dramatically, even if it still leaves much to be desired). Paid by the weight of their acquisitions, they can enter a job-site and work at their desire and leave at the end of the day. They typically pay no taxes personally, as this is automatically taken from their wage without making a point of it. The general moral of the story, is that Oniru tend to look for related patterns of problems in life, and then use carefully assigned economic policies to eliminate both problems and develop positive wealth for themselves and others in the process. It should be noted that not all problems have solutions. While never verified, Triumvir Raladur was supposedly quoted once as saying "Economic and physical problems big and small we solve. But for the Urnak, there is no solution available, neither to God, nor Creature".
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:29 pm

Urnak: The Urnak are a strange hybrid of Hume, Slith and supposedly by tradition, the forgotten Dragon Knights. The last statement seems hardly unreasonable, as they seem to have a certain rough edge that might qualify as Slith, but their love of conflict cannot be matched by any other species known to our records (even though a few have attributed this to Hume, their interest in violence seems to be on an entirely different playing field). Instead, only the mythical Dragon Knights could match their belligerence and bloodlust.

For this reason, the Urnak are typically very strong, have skin as tough as nails and are excellent fighters, whose strength nearly resulted in the genocide of the Vesari and the Oniru during the The War of Kings.

This is about the extent of their "abilities" however. The typical Urnak is extremely "boorish", being blatantly offensive and crude on a regular basis in addition to having a short temper. They are also incredibly arrogant creatures, believing that they are "above" everyone else with only a "few" equals. And while they're armor and strength was terrifying during the War of Kings, their skin seems to provide little resistance against fire-arms (the saving grace of the Oniru), and their strength is only useful for physical labor and never for military conflict outside of hand-to-hand combat (and that's only if they get ahold of you, they tend to lack a certain "agility" with their hands. Their boorish nature can also prove useful as they seem to get a kick out of sheer intimidation, even though it is questionable whether they do this to get what others want or to simply start fights.

Despite all of these negative features and an intellect that exempts them from education, they do seem to have an uncanny understanding of "nature". They can make excellent farmers, and can read a forest like a book. For this reason, they are most at home within nature itself, often times spending life in the city for "seasons" of work before returning to their natural habitat. This would normally have made them excellent kin of the Ninja Monkey's, save for their bad tempers and nasty personal habits (Tip: If you wish to keep your sense of smell, never accept their request if prompted to "Pull my finger". After falling unconscious, you will most likely never recover your sense of smell fully again, if at all).

Natural Armor +1
Strength +2 (They can lift a small refrigerator)
Intimidation +2
Strong Natural Understanding +2

Boorish -2
Arrogant -2
Bad Reputation -2
Short Temper -1
Clumsy -1
Generally Dumb -2
Bad Odor -1

Interesting Political Example of Urnak Behavior: This interesting political example of Urnak behavior has been removed on threat of death to the author and his next of kin by the current Urnak Triumvir, Galzorgan. As he showed up at my door with a ten foot slab of iron he referred to as a sword, I take it that he means bussiness. I hope you can forgive this lack of completion in this text, but Urnak really shouldn't be trifled with, especially when angry.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:51 pm

Ninja Monkeys: As quoted by the International Zoological Survey,

[quote] Monkey's trained in all things ninja. They are known for their secrecy and stealthy ways. Their culture revolves around the remains to three “holyâ€
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:47 pm

Ok, two early military techs, pay attention Pascal and Peanut. These are the basic air and naval tech which I mentioned.

Name - 'Hopper' Aircraft. The first standard unit of the HR Luftwaffel
Type - Air
Design - Large, bulky, more square than rectangular. Have 4 jet packs on each corner and a large one at the back. Heavily armored on all sides with small, but existing weak points. It includes two extended mini guns at the bottom front that fires exceptionally quick and powerful mass driver weaponry. Meant for light/medium damage control. However, in case of armored targets, it got two rail guns at the bottom on the other side. It's meant to bring in re-enforcements even in tricky situations on short-medium distances. If it's armor is disassembled the large jet on the back can be fitted with fuel cells that will allow for flight across the continents. Otherwise, it just acts for a short speed increase.
Reason for nickname - Considered to be the frog as far as the name of the military nature is concerned. Can pack a punch, is not the quickest vessel, but is good at disturbing enemy lines and excellent as a transport. Can also transport a decent amount of goods.

Manning - 2 Pilots, 4 gun seats 'can be automated as well' Place for 16 and two entrances.

Name - HR 'Wave' First main frigate of the HR Imperial Navy.
Design - A frigate with 2 main cannons with alterable ammo for direct attacks. With two anti aircraft and one anti torpedo installment as well as an underwater rail gun. It's main armament however is the 32 small, medium range semi-automatic mortars that covers most of the middle deck. They rain an exceptionally quick rain of bomb-lets over the target areas. Designed to harass any land installations while still keeping an overall stable logistic addition to any fleet, this particular unit comes best in numbers. Can also be used for trading due to a fairly sizable cargo hold.

Manning - 16 For navigation. 35 For the armaments. 20 Engineers and room for 200 soldiers or civilians if overcrowded.

Reason for nickname - They tend to come in sizable numbers with the bomblets dropping in harmonic rhythms. Thus some soldiers liked to call the battle sound it made like a wave and the name stuck.
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Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:36 pm

((Who's What Continued))

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]The Clay Born[/SIZE][/font]

Hume: As quoted by the International Zoological Survey,

Exactly what you would expect, though years of advancement in technology has allowed cybernetic enhancements to be made to their bodies. Even after the war with the beasts, this technology persisted in a cruder, simpler form. Cybernetic limbs are stronger then their normal counterparts but tend to be bulkier and less efficient while cybernetic organs are more efficient but tend to require more maintenance then their fleshly counterparts.

Pure Hume within Africa have slowly become a weak minority, outnumbered by four other species (and nearly 5). But their ancestors now represent their genetic heritage to great extent in at least two of the three species and possibly more. Even today, a truly "pure" human isn't entirely possible. Trace elements of the other species are often found, even if strongly denied with animosity if noted to those who take pride in being "pure". Furthermore, Hume of this region no longer resemble the ancestors who were said to be of many colors. Instead, generations without sunscreen and the heat of Africa has reclaimed their natural beautifully warm dark skin, the melanin content of their skin restoring itself to the regions natural balance. Outside of this, no major differences, they're your typical human beings.

Nekojin: As quoted by the International Zoological Survey,

[quote] The most playful and carefree of the races. They are a peaceful bunch though are known to be fierce fighters when cornered. They are lighter and more agile then any of the other races as well as being surprisingly intelligent. Shockingly, they've used this time to focus on the more intellectual pursuits instead of using their physical giftings to become tremendous scouts. Most loan sharks now employ Nekojin's to take care of their “accountingâ€
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Economy of ZODEAC

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:40 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"]ECONOMIC POLICY WITHIN Z.O.D.E.A.C.[/SIZE][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]By: Oscar Bleichroeder[/SIZE][/font]

Economically, the focus on personal liberty and freedom has resulted in a capitalist style economy in ZODEAC. Business operations are typically unimpeded by the government, unless that operation is deemed to significantly reduce the freedoms of others. However, the Urnak (who still desire the ways of the hunt and life near nature) Triumvir in addition to national goals to maintain peace with the Ninja Monkey's has led to a fairly strong ecological policy, in this regard. Still, economics, and the power drawn from therein, is fully controlled by the Oniru, so while the Urnak and even the Vesari may complain about such affairs, such a strong ecological policy is (even if secretly) most likely also a result of the Oniru natural appreciation of the environment, or for other economic reasons of course.

Finally there should be an a note concerning the ZODEAC's economic tax system, which is the reverse of that found in most nations. In an effort to help the economy flourish, the Oniru were able to push through a tax system where the wealthier citizens paid less taxes then the poor... or at least in some extent. Overall the nation has a flat income tax set at 30%. However, as one's wealth increases, a citizen goes into higher and higher tax brackets that allow them to take more and more off their income tax, if they reinvest the money into the stock market.

This money would then remain in the stock market, while dividends earned from the investment are added back into the citizens personal income, which can only further increase their tax bracket. Citizens in the top 1% of the nations economy are allowed a 5% annual income investment, while citizens at the 0.1% bracket can invest up to 10% of their income tax, reducing their effective income tax from 30% to 20%! Of course, there is no valid reason to turn down such an offer as at worst, they've lost nothing and at best they've earned a significant source of income, while helping to grow the national economy. Overall, this gets a great number of citizens deeply involved in the economy as a proper investment can produce generous rewards.

On the flip side, such a system benefits the government as well. The national income tax may be reduced for higher income individuals, but if they strongly increase their earnings, they are more likely to provide a bigger paycheck the next time as 20% of a $250,000 dollar paycheck provides a much better source of revenue for the government then 30% of a $25,000 dollar paycheck, or even a $70,000 paycheck. The system has also been validated by the Oniru (who strongly supported this action) as it allows the poor to invest more of their funds into governmental products and services they use more often then the wealthy, such as homeless shelters, food stamps, public schools and law enforcement. Furthermore, it has been argued that this reinvestment has helped reduce unemployment in the ZODEAC by providing readily available funds for new logically sound, innovative ventures and helps to inspire larger returns due to higher start-up cash that allows companies to pay their employees more after financial success, resulting in a higher overall national income (helping to alleviate the effects of poverty).
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - I

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:46 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"]ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0[/SIZE][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]By: Dr. Cipher Bladeborne[/SIZE][/font]

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 1: AESOP [/SIZE][/font]

(Advanced Earth Space Orbiter Program). The AESOP is a moral in what happens when the industrial revolution meets Buck Rogers. It is a multi-purpose space satellite created for modular construction and mass production. The system provides a standardized DC power source utilizing a solar cells in combination with an onboard RFCS (Regenerative Fuel Cell System) to act as a kind of "rechargeable battery". When this advanced fuel cell system is combined with a holographic solar cell array that utilizes holograms to refocus light of various wavelengths onto silicon sectors utilizing multi-frequency zinc manganese tellurium (ZnMnTe) junction system to both produce incredible efficiency and reduced silicon area, it results in a low cost, highly efficient system that can power everything from powerful communications to weather satellites. In the space of myth that is notorious for it's unstable electromagnetic fields, safety is integrated with an EMF hardened Faraday cage shielding the internal electronics from EMP damage. Additionally, for onboard system reprogramming and information transmission, each satellite system is designed with an onboard multi-frequency radio transmitter, with the option of AES standard encryption (Between 64 and 4096 bit) for military or other private communications.

The internal cage, provides standardized power cables that users can easily adapt their projects to, with a constant DC output. Multiple pylons are also built in for easy mounting of the internal units (one of which must be a communications unit). Once the system is mounted to the satellite body, it is tested to see that it matches the users desired outcome and loaded on the Valkyrie Rocket ((See Tech Slot 2)) for immediate use.

Additionally, the satellite also has a built in with a built in air-propulsion system which (utilizing the communications hub for navigation) is capable of boosting it from Geo-transfer to Geo-Stationary orbit and maintaining the stability of that orbit for years to come.

Currently, ZODEAC MILCOM and Terravox are sponsoring a series of satellites, to be launched to geosynchronous orbit. With the purpose of providing weather coverage, global RF communications and reconnaissance.

Global Communication, Severe Weather Warning Capabilities and some Military Reconnaissance.

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 2: Valkyrie Rocket[/SIZE][/font]


The Valkyrie Rocket presents a means of transporting unmanned satellites into orbit (ZODEAC has yet to place a living person in space). The mass produced system is designed to rise AESOP form satellites into Geo-Synchronous Orbit by first transfering them into Geostationary Transfer Orbit as described by the ancient texts. The rocket can bring between 4,750 kg and 13,000 kilograms to this orbital trajectory. Each rocket is one-time use and uses a solid rocket booster system to get to it's destination.

Allows space cargo transportation to GTO

(Geostationary Transfer Orbit)

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]
Tech Slot 3: Armored Container Ship[/SIZE][/font]


The Armored Container Ship (ARC) is designed to transport goods, enhancing the economic capabilities of whatever two nations utilize them for transport, by allowing for the bulk export and import of goods across ocean routes. As the home nation reaps cargo transport profit and because they also have the ability to slide economic advantages in their favor in dealings, the ARC provides a larger advantage to the nation basing the craft out, over the nation who is awaiting the craft (but both do reap an economic advantage).

In order to fit through a proposed Suez Canal that is found on ancient maps of the world, and simply because of construction limitations. These Cargo vessels are Panamax Grade, allowing them move through any future proposed or mythic canal systems. Furthermore, while these ships are typically sent with destroyer escort, they are equipped with armored walls and Urban Special Combat Units (that design some of the cargo containers to meet their ship ambush needs).

Increases Economic Growth Score by +.5 for home nation, +.3 for the trading nation. 10 total

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 4: Cargo Air-Transport[/SIZE][/font]


Developed by Ragnarok Heavy Industries, the Cargo Air-Transport is designed to lift large quantities of cargo from one country to another, or provide a large transport for military men and equipment. If used like an economic transport, it provides the same kinds of advantages as a set of Armored Container Ships, but it is limited in range to only 4,800 km when loaded. Outside of this range, it must use an airport hopping strategy to get to it's destination. But if such a route is not available due to infrastructure limitations or diplomatic limitations, then it won't be able to continue to provide it's services. On the plus side, not much infrastructure is required to land the aircraft as it is designed to land on very rugged runways (as shown above), all that is needed is some fairly flat land for it to make it's landing on.

(It is also useful to note that it is armed with two 23mm machine guns)

Increases Economic Growth Score by +.5 for home nation, +.3 for the trading nation. (10 total, so +5 for home and +3 for trading)

Can transport military units to foreign destinations at an accelerated rate.

Is limited to 4,800 km in range when loaded.
Basis Aircraft
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - II

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:48 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 5: RFX- 4 Multi-Role Fighter.[/SIZE][/font]


General Characteristics & Performance

Crew: 1
Wingspan: 32 ft.
Height: 13 ft.
Length: 49 ft.
Powerplant: 1xRagnarok F178-PW-100 Pitch Thrust Vectoring Scramjet-Hybrid engines
27,500 lbf of thrust (Supercruise)
62,000 lbf (Afterburner)
290,000 lbf of thrust (Scramjet)
Max Speed:
Mach 1.4 (Supercruise)
Mach 3.1 (Afterburner)
Mach 7.5 (Scramjet)
Ferry Range: 4500 km (With twin external fuel tanks)
Combat Radius: 750 km
Maximum Design g-Load: 13 g


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color] The F RFX- 4 Multi-Role Fighter" is a 7th generation fighter-bomber developed by RAGNAROK AERODYNAMICS which is designed to fill the rolls of a fighter and a bomber. As a DUAL ROLED aircraft, it is capable of delivering a vast array of air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions. It's roll as an air-to-ground system makes the aircraft a rapidly deployable delivery platform, from which munitions can be used for AIR INDTERICTION and TACTICAL ground attack roles. However, utilizing a stealth air-frame, an IR-Shielded thrust-vectoring engine and a vast array of technologies and weapons produced over the years, it is a potent defender of the skies of ZODEAC.


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color] The Cockpit of the RFX- 4 features a roomy "glass-cockpit" design. Commands can be entered manually or via an integrated "user dependent" Adacel DVI (Direct Voice Input) system which accepts commands from the pilot verbally. The plane also contains a full-panel-width "cockpit panoramic display" to display warnings, RADAR systems, sensory information and other relevant information. The on-board computer can accesses an INTERNAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (IRS), which provides color and shape coordinated information on the enemy aircraft type and provides CURRENT battlefield knowledge of the maximum enemy RADAR detection range (yellow line) and missile range (red line). Overlapping enemy RADAR and missile regions are combined to avoid user clutter and the pilot is informed via the HMDS when they have fallen into either. Pilots can also use touch screen commands to share information with other pilots, by clicking on particular targets, or setting way-points at their command allowing for a fluid flow of information from one pilot to the group during a conversation (priority being given to the group leader).

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color] All planes will utilize a HELMET MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEM (HMDS) to display enemy air-craft with missile systems cued to lock on by simply looking in the direction of the desired target if desired. Alternative methods that can be sent to the FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (FCS) including "manual" or "automatic" target selection. The aircraft does not contain a HEADS UP DISPLAY (HUD) system and relies completely on the HMDS to convey information to the pilot.

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color] All aircraft are equipped with a RAGNAROK US16E ejection seat. Furthermore, control of the aircraft utilizes a right hand stick controller and a left throttle control.


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color] The FCS XN7 fire control system is designed to maximize the effectiveness of the RFX- 4. The aircraft is designed to acquire and track up to 150 air, land and sea targets on the COCKPIT DISPLAY PANEL and HMDS, and fire up to ten weapons simultaneously. Target acquisition is performed utilizing a combination of continuous radio-frequency and Infra-red tracking systems via AIIDU (Advanced Integrated Infrared Detection Unit) HdCgTe based SAIRST. Autonomous tracking for standoff weapons and further enemy information can be acquired via an on-boar d ELECTRO-OPTICAL TRACKING SYSTEM (EOTS) (Stealthy version of this). In combination, this array of sensors integrates with the FCS to provide full HIGH OFF-BORESIGHT weapon (HOBS) capabilities to all weapons - making aircraft orientation un-important.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color] These systems are designed to work with a local "Group AEWACs", local group networks or space based networks via a MULTIFUNCTION ADVANCED DATA LINK (MADL), which transmits data between the planes and various military networks without compromising stealth features of the plane. The application of a satellite based WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN), which can transmit data at 548 gigabits per second and receive at terrabit speeds, allows for pilots to have full battlefield combat situational awareness and at the same time allows them to focus in on a smaller region to handle threats or objectives closer to home. The system provides pilots the full range of sensory information acquired by other secured network aircraft, AEWACs, EAE DETECTION EARLY WARNING (DEW) Long and Short Range RADARs along with ground support from EAE Air Support mobile RADARs and IR DETECTION STATIONS, and other detection networks validated by MILAC. When combined with BEYOND VISUAL RANGE missiles, the FCS and Networking system allows the pilots to even target and fire on enemies outside of their current sensor range, using the other systems information as the targeting system to acquire a "lock".

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color] Networking is also a valuable system here as it can automatically assign targets to each individual missile according to priority, and the weapon best designed for the given target via a INTERNAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (IRS) which is continuously updated during combat operations via the network grid so pilots can have the best understanding possible of the enemy. This allows the group to utilize it's munitions to their fullest potential by rapidly assigning each weapon a unique target and allowing them an instant opportunity to fire or disregard each target at their discretion. With proper authorization, the system also has an auto-fire command allowing weapons to be fired as soon as the system has a lock-on on a non-friendly IDENTIFICATION FRIEND OR FOE (IFF) signature that has been designated as that systems target. It also allows pilots to enter the combat situation with an optimal understanding of the enemy as interactions occur on the battlefield.

[color="#FF0000"]5.[/color] The FCS system will also be able to make optimum use of new LOCK-ON AFTER LAUNCH CAPABLE missiles, allowing the user to fire the missile and then program the target into the missile after it is already in flight (also critical for internal bay launched missiles). After launch programming capabilities also allow for "nape of the earth" near-surface to air combat attack orientations. These allow the aircraft to fire upon enemy forces near the ground while using terrain as an active cover. On board navigation systems will soon also allow the programming of a BEYOND VISUAL RANGE (BVR) missile's flight trajectory so that it acts as a temporary "cruise-mode" before rising up to strike at it's opponents in the distance.
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - III

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:48 pm


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color] The on-board navigation system utilizes a RING LASER GYROSCOPIC INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM combined with on-board GPS positioning. On-board systems determine the aircraft's location in space on Earth, allowing the pilot to know their position at all times relative to their environment. The aircraft also has an AUTOMATIC GROUND-COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM (Auto GCAS). This system allows the aircraft to safely navigate along the "nape of the earth", utilizing terrain features to reduce the probability of detection by hostile forces and allowing for deep penetration into enemy territory.


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The smaller size of the RFX- 4, requires a significantly reduced internal weapons bay to larger fighter aircraft. It compensates for this lack of fire-power with a larger assortment of weapons and cheaper cost ((allowing for larger squadrons of twelve planes instead of eight)).

Gun: 1x40mm Lancer auto-cannon, 540 rounds

((I'm utlizing hypersonic versions of all air-to-air missiles for planes that fly at wicked high speeds))

Missiles: Aim 11x Sidewinder, SIR-73H, JAGM Missile, AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-88E AARGM, AGM-154 JSOW, MBDA Meteor II, SARAH-37B Missile

Bombs: CBU-100 Cluster Bombs, JDAM Series, Mark 82, 83 and 84 GPBs,
Paveway Series Bombs, Small Diameter Bombs

All craft are additionally armed with chaff and flares for aircraft defense.


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color] RFX- 4 Utilizes a MILAC/APG-93 ACTIVE ELECTRONICALLY SCANNED ARRAY (AESA) RADAR system. The RADAR system is controlled by via two TENSOR COMMON INTEGRATED PROCESSORS (CIP)s, which can process 170.5 trillion instructions per second and have 3 TB of memory. This information is processed further by the on-board FCS XN7 computer system which provides the information in an easy to understand, informative display in the cockpit. The RADAR system has an expected range of approximately 200-350 km, with up to a 580 km range when utilizing a narrow beam search pattern.

Additionally the aircraft has 6 IR-sensors, and a Ultra-Violet MISSILE APPROACH EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (MAWS) both of which combine to be as a missile warning system with continuous coverage on all angles of the aircraft. The system is integrated with the FCS XN7 system and an AN/ASQ-273 (Barracuda) ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEM (EWS). Additionally, the aircraft has seperate ECM and CECM pods smoothly integrated into the wing-tips for addition support. ALL on-board electronics are EMP hardened to protect the aircraft in the event of a major EMP strike such as encountered during the First and Second East African Wars.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color] In addition to the EWS used to protect the aircraft from electromagnetic attacks, an extensive on-board security suite is installed to avoid interference with the network via "hacking". All ZODEAC networks run on a SECURE ISOLATED NETWORK. The system utilizes FULL 2048 BIT ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) technology to encode all relevant information between parties. In addition to these encryption technologies, all networks will operate in "stealth mode", acting as though the network didn't exist to any party outside of those programmed into the main system. No party can acquire /ROOT ACCESS to the software while the aircraft is operating, nor while the wireless network system is active. Data transmissions are monitored by ZODEAC personnel to observe that no erroneous information is being fed to the system by an errant enemy source. Furthermore, aircraft /ROOT ACCESS requires a high level manual password validation that would allow the user more then simple "use" of the software and transmitting authorized data forms (passing and receiving information from various programs). If such authorization cannot be acquired within five tries, the system invokes an F-DISK and destroys the hard-drive, destroying all internal code and the ability of the unit to interact via networking. Access to this screen requires it's own separate pass code to avoid accidental or sabotage based attacks, this has an unlimited number of tries, but would be impossible to enter without a proper code (only valid for the hour of it's entry).

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color] In the event that a system within the network is considered compromised, the system can be cut off manually from the CENTRAL NETWORK from the inside given the proper authorization codes. The system will not take effect on aircraft however, until it has safely landed on the ground. The on-board electronics, such as the hard-drive, cannot be removed from the system without proper coded authorization (similar to the /ROOT authorization protection), such systems are in place to prevent the physical removal of critical pieces of hardware and subsequent analysis by an external separately built device. All of this works to create an extremely secure defense around the working network, to prevent unwanted access by enemy forces.
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - IV

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:49 pm


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The RFX- 4 utilizes LOW OBSERVABLE TECHNOLOGY throughout the design of the aircraft to minimize it's RADAR cross section, IR signature and visual signature. VEHICLE SHAPE attributes reflect RADAR off the aircraft at large angles, reducing returns and an S-Shaped air intake reduces the returns from the turbo-fans, while a thin layer of conducting Indium-Tin-Oxide, reduces the RCS of the cockpit.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]IR emissions from the engine are reduced by avoiding a circular tailpipe, such as the slit tail-pipe design ((Such as found on the F-22 Raptor)). This engine design also finds it's way onto the RFX- 4, which helps to reduce the aircraft's vulnerability to IR detection stations and heat-seeking missiles. The advent of optical systems also requires further stealth characteristics, which is why aircraft coloring scheme is designed to help reduce shadows and blend into it's environment. The system utilizes advanced projector based optical illusion] system ((Watch the video, this stuff is awesome)). However, reflections and shadows cannot be eliminated (even though they are reduced) and six onboard camera systems must be used to gain full panoramic vision and to produce the external optical projection. For stealthy features, the projection systems are designed to work in full spectrum, from wavelengths of 1/4 the length of the aircraft (to deal with the quarter-wavelength limit of this technology) all the way through the visible spectrum. Additionally, the cockpit cannot be concealed either.

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]As is to be expected with any aircraft, all of these stealth features become ineffective at high speeds, with extreme localized scrutiny (even by a human observer) and during maneuvering. To work properly the aircraft can only be operating in super-cruise (do to it's "clean burn") and flying level with the Earth (and this only "reduces" it's probability of detection). Any damage to the craft will instantly increase the craft's RCS Radar Cross Section, making RF stealth ineffective. It is estimated that a human observer would be able to pick up variations in the visual image within about 1 km of the aircraft, whereas the capabilities of most electro-optical detection systems will be able to determine abnormal variations at about 3 km. Ground based advanced systems will still be able to focus on the aircraft and detect it within about 3-5km, or potentially more depending on the size and complexity of the observation station.

[color="#FF0000"]4.[/color]Therefore, in order to safeguard the craft under adverse combat situations, the RFX- 4 utilizes a light nano-composite armor for defense against small arms fire and partially against smaller air-to-air missile detonations near the frame. Furthermore, internal vibrational meta-materials redirect vibrations resulting from hitting air-turbulance with the scram jet into a mass damping system that dissipates structural vibrations into heat (vastly increasing the longevity of the craft from scram-jet use from tens of runs to hundreds or even thousands before structural integrity is lost). However, these dampers also heat up intensely during scram-jet runs, especially during turbulent weather, producing a high IR source for enemy heat-seeking weapons.

[color="#FF0000"]5.[/color]((OOC: So basically the craft has nice maneuverability (thrust vectoring with afterburners), speed (scramjet), or reduced observability characteristics. However, it can't have more then one at a time (for the same reasons as most aircraft in the world).

[Indent]If it is utilizing high maneuverability while using the scram jet, the forces would black the pilot out and rip the aircraft to pieces in an instant. High maneuverability also exposes the belly of the aircraft and changes the scenery rapidly resulting in visual distortions and an amazing RCS return that make it perfectly clear for lock on.

If it is utilizing high speed, it can use manueverability for the reasons described above. But it can't use stealth either as the vibrational damping from the meta-materials will create intense IR sources along with the super-heated air from the engines, meanwhile, the burnt particles in the exhaust will make a perfect RADAR return signature.

Stealth on the other hand disallows maneuverability (exposing the belly) and high speed (you can only use super-cruise to keep a clean exaust).[/Indent]

Increases Military Score by 0.20; 40 total
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - V

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:50 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 6: War Tzar Tank.[/SIZE][/font]


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]What you see above could not be called, a tank but for that matter it really couldn't be called anything because it can be called everything. This was a design created by Ragnarok Heavy Industries, and as shown elsewhere, they are rather fond of object oriented programming. The basic unit is essentially what you see on the right minus the three gun turrets. This alone is a fully and heavily armored moving vehicle and can travel at speeds of 100 miles an hour on flat ground, without all the weight of ammo or the main gun turret ect.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]However, for hostile situations this is mostly how your forces will see this device. The front tread is added for additional stability, ballast and accuracy when firing the gun and has it's own internal motor and a small singular computer system for guidance and multi-platform controls (The programs on the computer can change the units software controls through a large hard-drive depending on the request of the driver).

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]The top tank turret and side gun turrets are a medium and light tank turret respectively in this model, but these can be replaced through a simple spring and lock load system so that the tank can be rapidly transferred from a full out close battle support system to an anti-infantry nightmare with blazing machine guns, a satellite communications hub and radar system or an anti-air-suppression system and it can do so in about 30 minutes or less depending on the modifications. This is made possible via highly adaptable computer systems recently redeveloped and utilizing functioning "scrap". The top turret as noted, is also removable and the process requires about one squad of men to make the adjustments.

[INDENT]1) Inside guy grants detachment authorization with a key from the inside.

2) Outside guys remove munitions and firing platforms (missiles, radar dish, tank cannon itself ect)

3) Inside and outside crew remove platform specific "top" from the central region of the turret

4) Install new turret

5) Install new firing platform and munitions

6) Lock the system from the inside

7) Open up and run new software already on the hard drive[/INDENT]

[color="#FF0000"]4.[/color]Obviously, because of the weight, this is best done by Urnak members of the tank unit - but should also be possible to Vesari or Humans as these removable components are made up of the same Nano-Composite Armor as used on the RFX- 4 making these components particularly light and hence lift-able by infantry, but also making them particularly vulnerable to damage from high-powered weapons like RPGs or tank shells. Additional depleted uranium armor plating is also present around the sides of the main tank turret as separate attachable plates that are added onto the tank AFTER the main element has been attached.

[color="#FF0000"]5.[/color]As a result of this adaptable systems, the tank has numerous very potent applications and available strategies. In non-hostile situations, tanks can be moved at top speed without support components to the front lines with their specialized munitions stored in transport vehicles. Just before the front lines, the munitions platforms are installed and the units proceed at a slower speed to the front according to what is needed (say the enemy suddenly pulled an air-force out of their hat and so a host of anti-air was needed, this is done on demand instead of at production).

[color="#FF0000"]6.[/color]The primary track and turret provide the greatest flexibility being able to be replaced with:

[INDENT]Tank Turrent
High-powered radar (requires nearby power source)
Infrared Tracking System (requires nearby power source)
Ground Ops Control System (requires nearby power source)
Surface-to-Air Missiles
Artillery (requires a nearby power source)[/INDENT]

The possibilities are impressive and as noted the system also works with local power sources. With such a system, the unit can act as a RADAR system or a long range artillery. The back support system is also required when using this to avoid the tank potentially lifting into the air slightly (throwing the projectile off course). System software controls the targeting mechanism to fire as directed and attacks can be coordinated via three or more systems (with weighted averaging used to determine the final location) and the on board computer will automatically factor in calculations for air-resistance, gravity and Coriolis effect at the time of firing through RK4 open source routines and mathematical software such as LAPACK, a software package discovered on an ancient piece of local computational scrap and re-released to the general public.

[color="#FF0000"]7.[/color]To avoid damage from EMP devices, the computer system and important electronics devices are surrounded by Faraday cages to avoid unwanted damages.

[color="#FF0000"]8.[/color]Modularity also means improved deployment. Modular components mean that ZODEAC air-transports can deliver thick packages of these tanks allowing remote repair and munitions employment on a far larger scale then seen before. For if any part of the tank is severely incapacitated, the unit may be re-supplied by air with the replacement front tread, primary or secondary munitions and within an hour after arrival the system can be back online once again (just as long as the Main component survives).
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - VI

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:52 pm


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The War Tzar can be equipped with a variety of sensor units that can mounted on the outside of the tank and controlled via electronics mounted into pylons in the internal weapons storage bay (replacing one or more tank shells). Ground assault tanks are typically armed with advanced IR sensors for tracking the heat signatures of enemy units, a micro-antenna RADAR system for tracking larger vehicular targets and a 5 camera transparent cockpit for full situational awareness and two units for the combined GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), metal detection units mounted on the outside of the tank - a so called "Duel-Sensor" approach to detecting anti-tank mines and an EOTS (Electro-Optical Tracking System) for HARM and ATG missile detection (triggering onboard countermeasures). Additionally, all firing units would be expected to utilize a YAG LASER RANGE FINDER, cross wind detection sensors mounted on the roof and a static cant pendulum, all of which feed into a digital FCS Fire Control System designed to work with various munitions for accurate firing.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]When anti-air operations are under way however, the goals of the system are entirely different. So different modules are necessary. These include externally mounted IRST (Infrared Search and Track) units, a small AESA RADAR pod, typically only useful against stealthier aircraft in narrow-band mode, but enhanced by the greater number of these units. EOTS (Electro-Optical Tracking System) for HARM and ATG missile detection (triggering onboard countermeasures). While smaller systems are typical among an anti-air oriented War-Tzar, dedicated units connected to larger power sources such as a mobile generator can act as powerful ground AESA tracking systems for finding missiles and stealth air-craft, or IRST detection sites. A typical battallion of these will typically contain several units dedicated to high powered search and track in the IR and RF bands while anti-air units utilize onboard receivers, networking and onboard SAM (Surface to Air) missiles to take down their targets.


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]Utilizing the technologies developed for the RFX- 4, the War Tzar tank utilizes a HMDS (Helmet Mounted Display) which provides a optical illusion system that makes the walls of the tank appear translucent from the inside. Commands can be entered manually or via an integrated "user dependent" Adacel DVI (Direct Voice Input) system which accepts commands from the pilot verbally (and utilizes voice recognition to distinguish the commander from his crew - this can be changed to another member should the command become incapacitated via manual entry). Combined, this allows the tank commander to simply look at a potential target and issue a few commands for the system to automatically begin targeting that unit with the specified weapon. This also eliminates the need for a visual slot opening for tank driving, as the optical illusion system automatically provides full 360 degree imaging for the crew (giving the commander 3 sets of eyes to look for trouble), allowing them to drive forward and see any potential targets in spots that would normally be blind for most modern tanks. Then, without exposing themselves to danger, they can utilize on-board weapons to disperse the threats, or use communications systems to call for nearby units to disperse the threats. It should be noted that the visual and driving slot still remains, but these are typically left closed with a piece of depleted uranium plating in front of it to avoid armor piercing rounds aimed into the vehicle.
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - VII

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:53 pm

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]As onboard weapons systems are designed to work with the same platform (the primary unit), the War Tzar can hold a variety of configurations for various combat situations, with the intent of making it malleable to any combat situation. But to simplify the jobs of combat units and for economic purposes there are only a limited number of operational variations that can be mounted on the war Tzar as described below.


[INDENT](ATKC01): Armed with a primary 130 mm smooth-bore main cannon, formed of Nano-Composite Armor and internal Vibrational Redirecting Meta-Materials for shock reduction in the primary firing action (to increase accuracy) and reduce the wear and tear on the Nano-Composite Armor. The primary cannon typically utilizes conventional depleted uranium shells for targets within 5 kilometers and rocket propelled advanced LAHAT anti-tank missiles for units within 5-13 km. Each of these system's make use of a Tandem Warhead to deal with reactive armor designs.

Additionally, this configuration utilizes two Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) with IR sighting capabilities which can open up with 10 mm armor-piercing rounds.

(ARTC01): The artillery primary frame utilizes a 155 mm smooth-bore long range cannon, formed of Nano-Composite Armor and internal Vibrational Redirecting Meta-Materials for shock reduction in the primary firing action (to increase accuracy) and reduce the wear and tear on the Nano-Composite Armor. This primary artillery unit, has an initial quench gun style firing mechanism that eliminates the need for onboard explosive launch for artillery shells, with a base range of about 7-8km, but requires a nearby diesel generator to charge a set of Tunable Nano-Porous Carbon Ultra-Capacitors to fire the warhead over this long range. With a Rocket Assisted, Guided Projectile, this range can be increased to up to 40 km.

Additionally, this configuration utilizes two Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) with IR sighting capabilities which can open up with 10 mm armor-piercing rounds for local defensive purposes.

(SENS01): Sensor Suite units of the 1st order are designed to provide local electromagnetic surveillance, locally enhanced 360 degree IR and optical scanning capabilities, directional acoustic amplification and discernment and an advanced encrypted communications hub for the other tanks and units in the battalion. The primary main unit performs most of these jobs, appearing like a large scale antenna system. These enhanced dedicated IR and optical systems can search and track any "relative" movement detected on the battlefield, allowing the firing operator to "scan and pick" targets of importance for further analysis or targeting via other tank units. The onboard network also has room for wire-based communications with all local stationary tanks (and wireless communications during travel). All information sent and received from the tank from headquarters utilizes FULL 2048 BIT ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) technology to encode all relevant information these primary parties, but individual orders between this unit and other units in the region are sent as user-specific batches utilizing only 256 BIT AES encryption, due to their decreased computational capabilities. It is highly unlikely that the enemy will ever decode even a single word sent to one of these units, but even if they were to get particularly lucky, they would only have the orders of a single tank or unit in this case and not for the entire batch (hence the higher security key code).

The secondary units pods for the SENS01 utilize one Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) with IR sighting capabilities which can open up with 10 mm armor-piercing rounds for local defensive purposes, and a dedicated Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) system to provide RADAR or IR interference with missile systems being utilized against any local targets (by jamming or confusing these units, this system can redirect fire away from tanks and into the ground), requiring manual based firing mechanisms.

: This is a dedicated sensor unit for AIIDU (Advanced Integrated Infrared Detection Unit) HdCgTe based IRST (InfraRed-Search and Track) sensors. The entirety of the primary configuration turret has full 360 degree IRST capabilities, enhanced advanced electronics and powered by the tank engine and an external diesel power source. Additionally, this top unit has a full communications hub capability, much like the SENS01, which allow it to communicate with the rest of the military utilizing [url= \]2048 BIT AES Encryption[/url] or 256 bit AES encryption for local units. The onboard IRST also come equipped with an ECCM pod to reduce the chances of the enemy confusing the IRST system.

The secondary units pods for the SENS01 utilize one Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) using a MARS 40mm Anti-Air Autocannon, and a dedicated Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) system to provide RADAR or IR interference with missile systems being utilized against any local targets (by jamming or confusing these units, this system can redirect fire away from tanks and into the ground), requiring manual based firing mechanisms.

(SENS03): This is a dedicated sensor unit for an AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) RADAR. The entirety of the primary configuration turret has full 360 degree AESA capabilities, enhanced advanced electronics and powered by the tank engine and an external diesel power source. In multi-beam mode, it can track up to 150 targets out to 100 km. In narrow beam mode, it can scan out to 175 km. For tracking surface targets, the AESA system can track up to 50 units out to 28 km on flat terrain.

Additionally, this top unit has a full communications hub capability, much like the SENS01, which allow it to communicate with the rest of the military utilizing [url= \]2048 BIT AES Encryption[/url] or 256 bit AES encryption for local units. The onboard IRST also come equipped with an ECCM pod to reduce the chances of the enemy confusing the AESA system.

The secondary units pods for the SENS01 utilize one Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) using a MARS 40mm Anti-Air Autocannon, and a dedicated Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) system to provide RADAR or IR interference with missile systems being utilized against any local targets (by jamming or confusing these units, this system can redirect fire away from tanks and into the ground), requiring manual based firing mechanisms.

(AAC01): The primary frame is mounted with eight pylons, for ground launched IRIS-T SL Surface to air medium range missiles. ((Similiar in Concept to this)). Mutliple missile designed frames have been developed utilizing independent heat-seeking IR sensors, RADAR or optical systems ((Like this)). Howver, most of the time, if an independent sensor station is available, the missiles are laser guided using relayed info from the sensor arrays, as these can contain significantly more sophisticated capabilities and utilize the full sensory capability of the region via networking.

The secondary units pods for the SENS01 utilize one Remote Weapons Stations (RWM) with IR sighting capabilities which can open up with 10 mm armor-piercing rounds for local defensive purposes, and a dedicated Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) system to provide RADAR or IR interference with missile systems being utilized against any local targets (by jamming or confusing these units, this system can redirect fire away from tanks and into the ground), requiring manual based firing mechanisms.

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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - VIII

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:54 pm


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The systems in these tanks are designed to work with a local group networks via MULTIFUNCTION ADVANCED DATA LINK (MADL), which transmits data between the planes and various military networks without compromising stealth features of the plane. The application of a satellite based WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN), which can transmit data at 548 gigabits per second and receive at terrabit speeds, easily allows room for full battlefield combat situational awareness and at the same time allows them to focus in on a smaller region to handle threats or objectives closer to home. The system provides tank units the full range of sensory information acquired by other secured network units, allowing them to transmit any kind of detection information on the enemy or battlefield situations. These same systems can even allow automated remote targeting or searching for all of these battle units, provided that a SENS Tank unit is available.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]Networking is also a valuable system here as it can automatically assign targets to each individual missile according to priority, and the weapon best designed for the given target via a INTERNAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (IRS) which is continuously updated during combat operations via the network grid so tank commanders can have the best understanding possible of the enemy. This allows the group to utilize it's munitions to their fullest potential by rapidly assigning each weapon a unique target and allowing them an instant opportunity to fire or disregard each target at their discretion. With proper authorization, the system also has an auto-fire command allowing weapons to be fired as soon as the system has a lock-on on a non-friendly IDENTIFICATION FRIEND OR FOE (IFF) signature that has been designated as that systems target. It also allows pilots to enter the combat situation with an optimal understanding of the enemy as interactions occur on the battlefield.

Defensive Capabilities

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]Finally to fend off enemy attacks, these tanks are armed with a variety of countermeasures against RPGs, AGMs (Air to Ground Missiles) and attacks from other tanks. Beyond a standard Nano-Composite Armor mitigating the effect of small arms fire and most rifle fire, with Depleted Uranium plating. Additional support to defend against warheads, including those with Tandem Systems is provided utilizing a Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA).

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]All tank units are additionally equipped with chaff and flare systems to confuse ATG missile systems, along with wide-spectrum, computer generated camo nets to help blend them into the terrain when immobile across the RF, IR and Visible spectra.

Crew: 3 (driver, shooter and loader)
Armament: Varies With Configuration
Armor: Depleted Uranium armor packs over with Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA)
Max Speed (without any enhancements): 100 M.P.H.
Max AVG Speed (with full enhancements): 60 M.P.H.

Increases Military Score by 0.15; 60 in total
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - IX

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:55 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 7: RESRCH-98 Ragnarok Electronic Surveillance and Recon CHopper.[/SIZE][/font]


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]Essentially an RAH-66 Comanche Helicopter upgraded to have advanced electronics for improved reconnaissance. This includes ECW, ECCM, ALQ-157M Infrared Jammers, and ESM pods. The Cockpit design is almost identical with that of the RX-4 with the addition of the transparent cockpit for additional recon capabilities. The FCS has an onboard Electro-Optical Tracking System and IR missile warning systems, it's networking systems are also identical to that of the RX-4's. The HMDS also has the capability of providing the pilot with FLIR observational capabilities to provide additional means of viewing the enemy, this system is also used for a relative "scan and pick" system which is a lighter derivative of the SENS01 from the War Tzar Tank (along with this systems acoustic tracking systems). On board navigation systems are identical to that of the RX-4. It also shares the optical illusion" system for visible light active camouflaging and the same [url="]light nano-composite armor[/url]. vibrational meta-materials and mass damping are also used here as well, but this time their purpose is to redirect vibrations from the frame into a damper that helps to reduce the helicopters sonic emissions, further increasing it's stealthy nature. For it's RADAR system, it utilizes the AH-64D AN/APG-78 FCR (Fire Control RADAR).

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]It will utilize AGM-169 Joint Common Missiles for internal pods as well as additional machine gun support. Alternatively it can mount Hydra 70 pod mounted rockets or up to two Star-Streak missiles. The primary auto-cannon in the front utilizes 23mm rounds to attack and harass enemy forces.

Increases Military Score by 0.1; 40 in total

Provides Recon Units (TBD by Peanut)
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - X

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:56 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 8: Standard Combat Unit[/SIZE][/font]

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]These are the primary military forces of the ZODEAC, the frontline forces that make up the meat of the ZODEAC military machine. While Urban Special Combat Units are relegated to the city and trained to be the peaceful guardians of the civilians that call these cities home, the Standard Combat Units are the rough broad sword that lives in the wilds in ZODEAC and on the foreign soil of nations where they are called to war. They start their entry into life within the wilderness from a young age. With continuous observation from mentors, those that thrive in these outdoor environments and seem to have a strong sense of adventure and ruggedness are given the opportunity to quench this desire within the Standard Combat Unit. They view themselves as hunters, who do not so much go on the hunt simply for food, but for survival by hunting those that hunt the resources that are critical to their survival and way of life.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]Eventually, by the age of 14-16, those that will eventually choose this way of life live in the wilderness continuously, building a strong bond with their future squads. In this manner, they come to know the land with incredible detail and can read nature itself like an Oniru can read the stock market. They still continue their education in this environment, but it is typically very oriented to aiding them survive in their environment or else for pure pleasure. Because of extensive life within this environment, they are often very adept at building structures from naturally available material and imported material. Furthermore, they are also more capable of reaching and climbing to regions typically considered inaccessible by others - particularly potent in forests.

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]While not always in combat gear, these units differ from their city counter-parts by having extensive combat uniforms to protect them against a variety of elements. The user is protected via a ceramic-titanium armor plating, treated with Cubic Boron Nitrade Nanotubes, which provides a surface hardness only inferior to diamond but with superior thermal conductivity for easier temperature control for the user. Cubic Boron Nitrade is also an electrical insulator on par with diamond, resulting in an insulator protecting the user from any current flowing along the surface (see below for info on the utilization of metallic ink). Onboard battery systems, rechargeable at various power stations (including solar power as developed for the AESOP satellites) or via attachable Kinetic Energy Conversion Cells. The energy is used to power the visor system and an chemical/biological/radiological filtered air cooling system (filters for personal protection from various warfare hazards). The camo for these armors is printed to these suits utilizing a metalic ink, grounded through the wearers combat boots, hence making the user highly resistant to electromagnetic attacks (e.g. microwave systems, or Tasers).

[color="#FF0000"]4.[/color]The under-armor cloth is desgined to be flame resistant and is typically highly breathable. However, in the event that a bio, chemical or radiation suit is needed, it can easily be replaced with any of these forms of gear.

[color="#FF0000"]5.[/color]The helmet system uses an enclosing visor helmet combothat is placed under the primary armor system and can be made air-tight. The helmet completely encloses the head, protecting it with a layer of lighter light nano-composite armor. Filters protect against biological, chemical and airborne toxins and the helmet is connected to a small pack of compressed liquid air, with a small recycling unit which can provide up to 20 minutes of oxygen for the user. The onboard imaging system, that covers the eyes projects the vision from a built in GEN III Night Vision Visor, which also displays. While the shell is designed to absorb sound waves to help silence the user, it also provides enhanced hearing capabilities (renormalized digitally to a logarithmic scale that acts to highly dampen extremely loud sounds (that could damage hearing) and enhance smaller sounds). Communications are possible via built in 128 bit AES digitally encrypted Radio communications.

[color="#FF0000"]6.[/color]Of particular importance to the facial visor is a built in projector system which can act to provide the user with IFF information, automatic camera tracking upon targeting of an object. This "HMDS" also displays information on request such as waypoints, local terrain maps (with good defensive positions found by other units or points of key importance noted) and a built in light DVI (Direct Voice Input) system for controlling the operating system. Noted targets, marked using the visor by simply looking at it can be transferred as targets to other members of the squad so that all members can observe the exact location of the threat and track it in their display without having to look for it specifically. Furthermore, a YAG laser rangefinder and connection line to one's weapon also allows for the targeting cross-hair of the weapon to be simulated on the visual screen. Alternatively, a unique IR laser combo with a camera system can be used to "see around corners" by projecting an image of the cameras view temporarily on screen, while the user attempts to move the IR beam onto their target (allowing them to shoot "blind" around corners) The built in LCD display also can be used to reduce glare effects by placing a logarithmic limit on light much like there is an optical limit on sound for the sound sensors, hence reducing the overall shock factor of flash-bangs, or attacks out of the sun or other bright source altogether.

[color="#FF0000"]7.[/color]Chain mail armored hands and gloves add an additional protection against impaling elements, and impacts from enemy bullets. Users are typically equipped with a water canister with built in filter unit to protect the user against biological and chemical dangers. A pair of IR laser beams connected to a scatterer allows for a form of solid-state "flare" for marking locations visually. They are also equipped with a K-BAR for extremely close combat situations and for other uses. Finally, a foam construction is used to make these suits as comfortable as possible and the mask and other elements can always be removed by the user if need be.

[color="#FF0000"]8.[/color]If the user is made inoperable by death or severe injury (detected by monitoring the heart beat), or if they choose to do so via DVI Passcode, the systems IFF emission system and data information can be F-Disked, deleting all on-board information, making the suit essentially useless on an electronics level.

[color="#FF0000"]9.[/color]Typical Weapons Used: M9 Berreta, FN Scar Battle Rifle, M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle,Stinger Missile,Shoulder-Launched Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon, Plastic Explosives, Multiple Grenade Launcher, Kord Heavy Machine Gun, Bushwacker Assault Rifle, M120 Mortar, Forestor Minex 2FD Metal Detecting Mine Detection System

Increases Military Score by 0.06 per squad; 200 squads of 7 in total
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - XI

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:57 pm

Tech Slot 9: Gorshkov Cruiser MK II.

Length: 220 meters
Propulsion: 2 x Nuclear Reactors Rated at 80MW each
Speed: 40 Knots
Compliment: About 750 Crewmen
Armor: 3.5 inch Belt, 2 Inch Bulkheads, 7 inch around main PVLS magazines


[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The Gorshkov MKII Aegis Cruiser, is a naval missile defense platform designed to provide the naval defenses for the ZODEAC waters and it's economic and military interests in the form of Cargo ships.

RADAR, SONAR And Onboard Sensors

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The ship will have a power 38 MW dual band AN/SPY-3 3D search RADAR derivative, which represent a AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) system. This system can track and identify air-craft, ballistic missiles, military naval vessels and control the on-board gun units for fire control. It is expected to have a range of 375 km for airborne targets and 19 kilometers for sea-based targets. Combined with an advanced computer system, these RADARs can track over 1000 different objects simultaneously. This ship will also have an onboard AMDR RADAR will also be utilized against ballistic missiles, detecting stealth aircraft and even detecting periscopes above the water (submarine detection capabilities).

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]The ship utilizes a broad range (low, mid and high frequency) SONAR system that utilizes six primary detection points on the craft to determine the 3-dimensional location of the inbound signal. Sound returns are separated and analyzed via FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), grouping them into their respective bands of activity.

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]Finally for anti-air capabilities. The Gorshkov MKII is equiped with AIIDU (Advanced Integrated Infrared Detection Unit) HdCgTe based IRST and electro-optical tracking systems.

Onboard Weapons System

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The Gorshkov MKII will boast a set of hypersonic variations of the RIM-174, RIM-161 STAND,
RGM Arclight(armed with conventional, HARM seeker, or decoy based on the AMD-160 MALD), and RGM-84 Harpoon via the Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS). Under water, the ship will utilize the conventional Mark 84 Torpedo and super-cavitating VA-111 Shkval. Additionally, it will utilize 3 point defense MDG-351 35 mm Millennium Gun.

The gun's kill radius varies according to the type of threat it engages. Testing has shown it to be lethal against aircraft and helicopters at 3.5 km, against cruise missiles at 2 km, and against anti-ship sea-skimming missiles at 1.5 km. These distances extend the close-in defensive perimeter and the time available for a ship to engage and destroy an imminent threat.

Additionally, the ship utilizes one primary Advanced Gun System (AGS), which can fire a 155mm Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP) up to 109 km, at a firing rate of 10 rounds a minute.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]The back deck also has two helipads, to provide room for weapons systems such as the RESRCH-98 Ragnarok Electronic Surveillance and Recon CHopper.

Onboard Defenses

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]While the on-board Millenium gun is used to defend the Cruiser against most close range threats, there are multiple defenses built into the design to minimize threats from enemies that may seek to missile spam the craft. An onboard Seagnat system which produces chaff, flares, "GIANT" IR decoy rounds and MK251 Decoy rounds help in this reguard. Stealth design features built into the craft have also resulted in an overall reduced RADAR cross section (about the same as a fishing boat). ECM, ESM and ECCM units are also built into the hull, which are dedicated to confusing enemy RADAR and systems over-riding the ECM measures taken by enemy weapons, ships and air-craft and determining enemy electronic information of the enemy.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]A SSTD system is also used to attempt to draw any inbound torpedo away from the cruiser and save the ship from destruction. Then, to insure that this highly advanced weapon does not fall to a simple EMP burst, the electronic systems are Radiation (EMP) hardened.

Computational System

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The Gorshkov MKII utilizes a Total Ship Computing Enviroment Infrastructure (TSCEI) that is based on a mainframe of 15 sever-sized computers in a massive cluster within a Depleted Uranium Armored room.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]FULL 4096 BIT ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) technology is used to encode all relevant information between parties. In addition to these encryption technologies, all networks will operate in "stealth mode", acting as though the network didn't exist to any party outside of those programmed into the main system. No party can acquire /ROOT ACCESS to the software without extensive proper authorization from the ship captain and lieutenant commander. Data transmissions are monitored by ZODEAC personnel to observe that no erroneous information is being fed to the system by an errant enemy source. Furthermore, ship /ROOT ACCESS requires a high level manual password validation with twin physical key authentication that would allow the user more then simple "use" of the software and transmitting authorized data forms (passing and receiving information from various programs). If such authorization cannot be acquired within ten tries, the system invokes a freeze on attempts to access the /ROOT access until a manual reset is instituted. Access to this screen requires it's own separate pass code to avoid accidental or sabotage based attacks, this has an unlimited number of tries, but would be impossible to enter without a proper code (only valid for the hour of it's entry).

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]In the event that a system within the network is considered compromised, the system can be cut off manually from the CENTRAL NETWORK from the inside given the proper authorization codes. The on-board electronics cannot be removed from the system without proper coded authorization (similar to the /ROOT authorization protection), such systems are in place to prevent the physical removal of critical pieces of hardware and subsequent analysis by an external separately built device. All of this works to create an extremely secure defense around the working network, to prevent unwanted access by enemy forces. At the authorization of the captain, all ship electronics save the reactor control electronics and rudder/propeller control can be wiped rendering the ship combat inoperable.

Increases Military Score by 0.7 10 total
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ZODEAC Technological Update V 1.0 - XII

Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:58 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Tech Slot 10: Urban Special Combat Units[/SIZE][/font]

[color="#FF0000"]1.[/color]The Urban Special Combat Units are actually known by a different name normally, "The Police". That is, the Police within ZODEAC is militarized in some extent, but not in the way most of us would think. There are hardly tanks on every corner, the institution of marshal law or people in camo-suit roaming the streets. Instead, the members of this force are trained in a separate institution then that of the main military force, focusing on service to the people that provides them with shelter and aid in their times of need.

[color="#FF0000"]2.[/color]Typically, what most people see of the ZODEAC Urban Combat Units is a well kept officer, in charge of a squad. They typically wear a fancy uniform that looks similar to the one worn by military members in FMA. Instead of looking for crime, these are people that any citizen can turn to for aid. They typically have medical training, psychological counseling training or experience in mentoring. In fact, these officers do not even carry weapons or handcuffs (even though they are typically quite adept at martial arts meant to suppress or render unconscious any attacker while minimizing harm). While not as well trained as professional psychologists or medical doctors, they are capable enough (and have sufficient authority) to provide basic services to members of society that are suffering. That is to say, that these are a kind of alternative for most poorer members of society who cannot afford to pay for academic professionals, but still obviously suffer from medical and psychological pain. These officers are a refuge then, offering freely their services to whom-ever comes and asks for aid. They can provide a prescription for a strep throat, or provide some simple time to listen in private to the stories of the citizens of ZODEAC to help heal the scars they've gained through life.

[color="#FF0000"]3.[/color]That is of course, not to say that crime doesn't exist in ZODEAC, but these subordinates are typically less visible. Dressed in loose clothing, a pair of good gripping comfy shoes, and well trained in the martial art of Parkour, these other soldiers constantly keep watch over the city below from the roof-tops. Typically in areas significantly less traveled by Vesari, who of course, also take to the roof-tops. This police force stays to the shadows unless they hear of someone being harmed or a report is presented (perhaps even to their squad commander). Outrunning these members of the Urban Combat Squad (almost always Vesari), is a laughable concept, but they will typically try to disarm the situation without conflict or through non-painful means of apprehension through carefully chosen Jujitsu. This is rather rare as the lenient laws of ZODEAC typically support most freedoms as long as they don't infringe upon the health or freedom of others. In their daily typical lives lived out among the roof-tops, nooks and hidden passageways of the city, they are the invisible guardians. They are also unlikely to apply excessive force, as they (as noted, typically Vesari) must live in the neighborhood in which they work - acting with excessive violence or causing excessive harm to freedoms that could just be overlooked without causing anyone harm makes their social life a bit more pleasant.


These subordinates tend to keep themselves hidden from view (for their safety and the comfort of those they watch) using jackets lined with cloaking material as shown above and described in the following link. They also have a traditional "true blue" uniform, like their commanding officer, but this is normally kept nearby on an adjacent rooftop with one of the members (they differ in a variety of small ways to show the difference in rank). All of these vests however, have kevlar protection in addition to the normal protection that they wear underneath. This is for the purpose of having a readily available defensive sheet that can provide wholesale protection for the civilians under their care, in the event of a violent attack.

[color="#FF0000"]4.[/color]Additional equipment that these soldiers can use include Active IR head-mounted CCD thermal imaging projection goggles for night vision (or for low-light operations - this of course dependents upon the species), along with IR LED flashlights for illuminating objects without giving away their positions. These can be mounted on their weapons platforms during military-level combat operations. Shock redirecting meta-materials are also used for various padding elements for "runners" (non-officer members of a squad), to help mitigate jumps from high places and to protect against broke bones produced from falls or impacts.

Typical Weapons Used: M4-90 Shotgun (Optional Rubber Shot for non-lethal supression), M9 Berreta, FN Scar Battle Rifle, M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle,Stinger Missile,Shoulder-Launched Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon,Nano-Reinforced Katana (Based on Nano-Reinforced Blades), Plastic Explosives, Flashbang, Taser

Increases Military Score by 0.05 per squad; 150 squads of 7 in total

Score multiplied by 2 if policing instead of attacking (E.G. just holding a territory)
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:39 pm

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[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"]TEMMII[/SIZE][/font]
(Tactically Extreme Mechanical Military Infernal Invader)

Name: T.E.M.M.I.I. (Tactically Extreme Mechanical Military Infernal Invader)
Pilot: Lexya Valhalla
Weapons & Design: (From the On-Board Computer)

[color="LightBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]General Characteristics & Performance[/SIZE][/font][/color]

Width: 5.1 m.
Height: 11.5 m.
Weight: 47 Tons
Powerplant: 2x90 MWatt Shinsei Heavy Industries F170-S-300 Pitch Thrust Vectoring Salt-Water Fusion Turbofans
Max Speed:
Mach 7.8 (Scram Jet)
Mach 5.2 (Afterburner)
Mach 3.1 (Super Cruise)
Mach 0.15 (By "Foot")
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Details
[color="Red"]1.[/color]The TEMMII (Tactically Extreme Mechanical Military Infernal Invader), is a 3rd generation advanced mecha being developed in a coordinated effort between Imperium Military Command and Tensor Technologies, receiving the full attention of their chief scientist, Dr. Blaze. The battle frame is being developed for deployment against the chaos menace that ravages our land. At the current juncture, if the Imperial Council under the direction of Emperor Zarfef reaches a consensus to fund our project, we expect to be able to field many of these frames against the invaders, with the hope that we will finally begin to turn back the dark tide in favor of man. The weapon, which utilizes state of the art IOM and TENSOR INDUSTRIES technology and is designed to launch TACTICAL, SUPPORT, COORDINATION and OBSERVATIONAL operations to be used in conjunction with our forces against enemy concentrations.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:52 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]COCKPIT[/color][/SIZE][/font]

[color="Red"]1.[/color]The TEMMI utilizes an internal 4th generation COFFIN (COnnection for Flight INterface) cockpit, held within the highly protected internal pilot core of the frame. Pilots are evaluated for ENSI (Electro-Neuron-Synapse-Interface) via connection with the on board computer. This makes use of technology developed for the Storm Crow Dragoon project. Unlike Storm Crows however, the current generation of pilots for the TEMMI will only require a small connection port attached to their spine, which acts as a kind of "plug and play" device for the mind and is developed to mold to a variety of different individuals and their minds. MIKA (Military Intel Komputer AI) takes care of everything else.

[color="Red"]2.[/color]Once "plugged in", the pilot of the aircraft will temporarily fall unconscious as the system boots up, turning down their normal subconscious abilities such as sight, sound, touch, taste and smell and re-linking them to a set of onboard unit "senses" programmed into the MIKA mainframe. Once the system boots up, the pilot is automatically re-awakened and validated by the system through multiple security checks, they are provided with full unit control. The pilot is then given extended vision, providing full 4π STERADIAN field, full-spectral "vision" on the battlefield utilizing the onboard sensor suite that covers the IR, RADAR, VISBLE AND ULTRAVIOLET wavebands. The on-board MIKA (Military Intel Komputer AI) system also houses an onboard IRS (Internal Reference System) with the capability to utilize Quantum Encrypted cross-dimensional access to a TENSOR ERS (External Reference System) for universal enemy updates and up-to-date threat analysis (located in a secure facility in Neverwhen). This allows the pilot to instantly know all current knowledge about the detected enemy unit without ever having to study it in combat. The information is simply available to the pilot do to their synchronization with the onboard computer.

[color="Red"]3.[/color]Such information provides the pilot with an immediate "sense" of the enemies currently known firing range, capabilities, capable speed, maneuvering, warp spectral data and stored past "memories" - similarly, this same system also provides intimate terrain knowledge of the local environment, allowing the pilot to act as though they've lived in the newly entered region with the same kind of terrain intimacy as a pilot that has lived there for a hundred years without the system.

[color="Red"]4.[/color]In addition to this information, MIKA and the ENSI enhanced pilots are also capable of running numerous other important battlefield tasks. Pilots are given full tactical situational awareness, which allows them to understand when any events take place on the battlefield as soon as they are reported or sensed using the advanced sensor-suite. This allows the unit to determine key locations to launch strategic attacks against primary facilities crucial to the enemies overall strategic capabilities in the region. More importantly, the system can run advanced combat simulations of all observed enemy units, providing up to the minute combat tactical support for local ground forces, using a multi-voice processor to relay the information to each individual simultaneously (a key aspect of the Mars MIKA computing system - information also does not have to be an audible voice as the name seems to suggest).

[color="Red"]5.[/color]In addition to the Electromagnetic sensors, it should also be pointed out that the TEMII pilot is given access to a wide array of other sensors, including active touch for physical reaction capabilities, internal balance and body senses allowing the pilot to sense the limits of the crafts abilities and apply them instantly as determined by live simulations on MIKA for acrobatic efficiency or to allow the pilot to maneuver the craft as though it were his/her own body, regional sonic detection (detects sound within 1 km), laser gyroscopic onboard navigation global positioning sensing, electromagnetic field senses and an "internal sensor suite" that allows the pilot to feel the current state of the aircraft and intimately understand where errors, damage or chaos corruption are located in addition to the nature and extent of the damage.

[color="Red"]6.[/color]Networking capabilities, with other units in the region also allow the craft to utilize the sensor-arrays of other friendly units in the region connected to the craft's network, allowing theater-wide BEYOND VISUAL RANGE (BVR) launch and attack coordination. These objects are "sensed" at their respective detected locations, "seen" straight through the earth without compromising the information of either object through duel processing of the regions information. As the "sight" is not equivalent to typical human line of sight faculties, this provides no issue to the pilot outside of an initial sense of strangeness to their new found senses.

[color="Red"]7.[/color]On board sound detection systems can utilize advanced FFT algorithms, in coordination with full 4π STERADIAN field sound pin-pointing capabilities to distinguish and isolate the voices of multiple people simultaneously to incredible precision. When combined with the nigh infinite processing capabilities of the CHRONOS enhanced MIKA system, this allows the pilot to receive, decipher and comprehend the information spoken from a large crowd in any number of languages, simultaneously, allowing it to produce the relevant information quickly from multiple reporting units on the battlefield without wasting time for individual reports. Unfortunately, without ear-based radio systems, the craft's 3D sound system has proven less then useful in returning information, do to the mathematical complexities associated with this task without utilizing full gravitic curvature technology (Restricted by IOM law to avoid further destabilizing the Earth's space-time field). This information must be transmitted to individual units via an encrypted RF signal produced by the multi-voice processor unit, but as noted this information need not simply be vocal information.

[color="Red"]8.[/color]What makes MIKA so capable at performing so many advanced computational actions is a micro-processor revolution secretly developed by Tensor Industries, the CHRONOS (Chronologically Hidden Regional Overclocked Nano-Optical Sircuit). This new processing unit already utilizes an advanced optical circuitry to achieve incredible over-clocking capabilities that are only signal error limited. In addition to this however, each incredibly small microscopic processor memory combo unit utilizes an oscillating event hiding meta-material, that responds every nano-second to allow information to be released. This meta-material performs an EVENT CLOAK that literally hides events from the rest of the universe - essentially allowing one to step out of the universe, do some stuff in your cloaked region and then return to the universe without it ever being the wiser at the same moment you left.

[color="Red"]9.[/color]Space-Time limitations however and the current (albeit highly advanced) meta-materials will only allow for "1 milli-second gaps" (from inside the cloak). But given that the circuit responds to this every nano-second, it allows the already high speed of this optical circuit to be enhanced by a factor of 6 - changing the systems net "overall" 100 terra-hertz processor capacity to nearly 50 exa-hertz. Given that a minute on this system is experienced as practically a year of time, the system has ample capability to scan every last detail provided and can even provide the human pilot, if fully integrated, with the sense of "slowed time", even though this effect must be reduced for psychological sanity. At the same time however, active observational measures that output nearly as much information as they input are time limited to nearly normal speeds for information transfer.

[color="Red"]10.[/color]Because these system use passive space-time manipulating systems and operate on such a small scale, they are considered non-hazardous to the Earth's gravitational field and hence do not pose a warp-enhancement risk to the pilot or the craft.

[color="Red"]11.[/color]In the event of frame failure, the cockpit utilizes as a PURITAN-BAKER IOM17E ZERO-SHIFT EVAC SYSTEM synchronized with full electronic system failure (just before the craft becomes "brain dead", endangering the cognitive faculties of the pilot), and is remote or pre-programmed to return the pilot back to the base of operations.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:01 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (FCS) XN300 AND NETWORKING[/color][/SIZE][/font]

[color="Red"]1.[/color]The onboard XN300 fire control system is designed to work seamlessly with the the ENSI (Electro-Neuron Synapse Interface) and MIKA (Military Intel Komputer AI) computing systems. Full sensor suite integration allows the XN300 continuous tracking of up to 10,350 objects out to a range of 300 kilometers through a variety of source detection equipment (limited to 40km while near the ground, with extending range with height). The system is designed to have full integration with onboard AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) RADAR systems, 30 passive conforming onboard RADAR recievers ((advanced version of the AN/ALR-94 from the F-22)), IRST sensors, multiple Visible, IR (Allowing the pilot to see through darkness, in shadows or in smoke) and Ultraviolet Electroopitcal Sensors, fixed distance surface skin potentiometer readings (for skin effect electric field readings), 6 point amplified, LOWESS (LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoothing) high frequency noise-reduced microphone detection systems. Information from these system is then correlated through the XN300 and (for advanced computations) MIKA CHRONOS processors to search for red-shift variations in the electromagnetic field, that would correlate to a local gravitational curvature associated with temporal transport - allowing the frame to destabilize zero-shifts by chaos or enemy forces before they are able to stabilize themselves at their target destinations. Of course, this could also just be used to simply detect in-bound enemy chaos forces. The feet are also equipped with powerful GROUND PENETRATING RADAR that can be utilized to detect various burrowing or "worm" style chaos creatures (as well as provide a nice means of detecting anti-tank land mines).

[color="Red"]2.[/color]A continuous feedback loop allows the XN300 to continuously track important targets at the discretion of the pilot. Information is read through an internal IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) system, to avoid friendly fire accidents that can be updated within the IRF. In addition to this, the auto-track-and-fire system allows the user to simultaneously control all weapons against all enemy units to allow for continuous force application. Weapon efficiency information is further stored on the onboard IRS to aid force application, allowing the pilot to utilize the weapon or attack that has so far shown the most efficiency against the given opponent.

[color="Red"]3.[/color]All onboard systems are designed to work with a local "Group AEWACs", local group networks or space or temporal based networks via a quantum encrypted MULTIFUNCTION ADVANCED DATA LINK (MADL), which transmits data between the frame and various military networks without compromising aircraft's location or presence in the region. The application of a satellite based WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN), which can transmit data at 512 terrabits per second and receive at near petabit speeds, allows for pilots to have full battlefield combat situational awareness and at the same time allows them to focus in on a smaller region to handle threats or objectives closer to home. The system provides pilots the full range of sensory information acquired by other secured network aircraft, AEWACs, EAE DETECTION EARLY WARNING (DEW) ((Similiar in concept to the link provided) Long and Short Range RADARs along with ground support from EAE Air Support mobile RADARs and IR DETECTION STATIONS, IOM MILCOM GRAND DETECTOR satellite network, gravitational wave early warning networks (GWAVE) and other systems validated by commanding officers. When combined with BEYOND VISUAL RANGE missiles, the FCS and Networking system allows the pilots to even target and fire on enemies outside of their current sensor range, using the other systems information as the targeting system to acquire a "lock".
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]

[color="Red"]1.[/color]The on-board navigation system utilizes a GRAVITIC FIELD CORRECTED RING LASER GYROSCOPIC INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM combined with on-board GPS positioning (developed from the lessons learned from IOM's long history of research experience). On-board systems determine the frame's location in space on Earth, allowing the pilot to know their position at all times relative to their environment. The frame also has an AUTOMATIC GROUND-COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM (Auto GCAS). This system allows the frame to safely navigate along the "nape of the earth", utilizing terrain features to reduce the probability of detection by hostile forces and allowing for deep penetration into enemy territory or in heavy combat situations at high speed (the system integrates with the ENSI (Electro-Neuron Synapse Interface) pilot enhanced "body sense" allowing them to choose from moment to moment, whether to simply avoid the ground or to grip it should a resistive surface be of use (all of which feels like a natural extension of the user's own body).
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]ARMARMENT[/color][/SIZE][/font]


[color="Red"]1.[/color]Two frame-helmet mounted MARS GATLING CANNONS, with a firing rate of 4,500 rounds per minute of 40 mm high density depleted uranium based rounds. Each cannon holding a total of 5300 rounds. Rounds can either be regular or super-cavitating round, capable of shooting through water with the same ease as regular bullet fly through the air.
Firing Modes: Continuous or 10 round bursts.
Effective Range: 600 meters.

Short Range Weapon

[color="Red"]1.[/color]The primary kinetic weapon of the TEMMII is a EMPYREAN PROJECTED PSYCHER ARCANIC WEAPON (E-PAW), developed to fight against the forces of CHAOS by the SHINING GUARD in LUX, at the request of Puritan. Within our dimension, to match the acronym of the fighting unit, it takes on the form of a glowing hammer and sickle fused into one, connected by a set of arcane connected chain links. It's power, is incredible upon contact creating ripples in the warp that are powerful enough to dissolve even the greatest behemoths of Chaos. However, it's range is extremely limited and it is used primarily as a means of defending the craft against warp assaults that make it past ground units. The primary weapon of this craft, and the reason why it is such a potent threat against the units of chaos, is the Empyrean Destabalization Field, or EDF described below.

Empyrean Destabalization Field

[color="Red"]2.[/color]This is the key aspect of the TEMMII, the Empyrean Destablization Field (EDF). This battlefield large scale area of effect weapon is what gives this unit the ability to throw the war against chaos in our favor. The research for this weapon utilized high level documents taken from the URS after our the IOM victory against PASCAL. The ARCANE ENERGY CANNON.

" wrote: The Arcane Energy Cannon fires a beam of energy which transforms arcane energy within the target into heat and light. This takes a massive amount of energy and is only effective at shorter ranges proportional to the size of the cannon then even the Ion Cannons found on the URS tanks. (Note that the primary cannon and the smaller cannons are variations in energy power, this is the difference between a high powered ZPEB and a low powered ZPEB).

Weapon type: Superweapon
Nations that have the Arcane Energy Cannon Technology: URS
Nations that know of the Arcane Energy Cannons existence: All
Nations that know of the Arcane Energy Cannons abilities: All
Inventor: Corby

As this log shows, the weapon transforms arcane energy into heat and light, essentially vaporizing any highly arcanic weapons in the region. Tensor Industries, led by myself (Dr. Blaze) were the ones that pioneered the usage of this technology in secret against the forces of Chaos - reworking the arcane structures via arcanic engineering to a match those found within warp chaos structures.

[color="Red"]3.[/color]The results were incredible, setting ablaze any chaos unit within 2 km of the initial blast radius - without any harm coming to ourselves or any other living thing. But the weapons range and power usage was incredible, and we had lost hope, determining that such a system would never prove useful for anything besides defending a small area - one that would nominally have to have a large high powered fusion power core with large charging times.

[color="Red"]4.[/color]However, as the idea was allowed to sink in, it eventually lead to the EDF system in place currently. Instead of using the weapon to transform the Empyrean warp energy to light and heat (a process requiring more energy to reduce the entropy that chaos energy is rich in), we instead focused on simply nullifying the chaos energy basing it off a kind of arcanic short circuit system. Attached to the powerful twin engine source of the TEMMII and connected with an ARCANE DISTRIBUTION ARRAY (ADA) developed by the use of arcane energy psychic waves in combination with the technology for the AESA RADAR system, we developed a WIDE FIELD EFFECT weapon that disabled all CHAOS WARP related energy fields, via an entropy expansion wherein the energy within the field was set to have no useful result at all.

[color="Red"]5.[/color]To put it simply, the EDF is an EMP bomb for creatures of CHAOS that can operate against targets as far away as 200 km by focusing the beam on it's many targets via the ADA - resulting in Chaos Creatures that are no more powerful then melee based wolves or lions - easy prey for local units given that they will be continuously tracked for local unit fire from the TEMMII system. Alternatively, it can also be used in rapid burst mode to the same effect within 20 km but without the need for target lock-on.

[color="Red"]6.[/color]The onboard IRS and external ERS systems allow MIKA to automatically choose the regional distribution field in order to minimize the individual power requirements needed to ensure a kill to 85% accuracy (allowing for the system to fire on more targets simultaneously). The choice to apply higher levels can be made by the pilot via ENSI (as the pilot is MIKA and MIKA is the pilot). Tests of this system have proven remarkable, and we can only hope that Zarfef chooses to utilize this incredible weapon, even though the IOM has yet to see the full weapon in demonstration.

EASI and MIRACL defense systems

[color="Red"]7.[/color]For the safety of the weapons system, we've also included to small modules for some of the more specialized combat we've seen. There is one EASI module to defend against IRON CURTAIN style hardening effects and a micro-scale silcon MIRACL defense system that can shoot down many of the inbound missiles or other air-borne threats that could be used against the frame or nearby units.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: While the system appears to have limited offensive capability, we designed it to be the most versatile system that we could produce. As such, we've provided multiple weapon hard-points on the shoulders, arm sides and even the upper leg systems and back to provide access to further weapons systems development. All of these however, will ultimately reduce other stealthy features added to the craft and represent "snagging risks" during hand to hand combat (although they can be released at the loss of the weapon).

Furthermore, given a local power-plant to supply the unit, the EDF is still powerful enough on this system to ignite chaos units within 1 km of the craft. However, it was obviously not designed for this purpose so it will require extensive concentration by the MIKA system and, as stated, a large external power source.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:01 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]ECHO, EWS AND SECURITY [/color][/SIZE][/font]

[color="Red"]1.[/color]While the onboard system is connected with a potent array of advanced sensors that would make this unit the end-all in regional detection command and control capabilities, none of these systems are directly designed to detect, locate and classify CHAOS units themselves. To resolve this issue, Tensor Industries, in coordination with THE SHINING GUARD of LUX developed an advanced search and scan module that uses a call and response scanning unit. EMPYREAN CHAOS HYPERSENSITIVE OBSERVER This sensor array detects variations in the warp field out to 315 km from the craft with the capability to search, categorize and track up to 440 units which are then fed into the MIKA user system for targeting and observation. The categorization file system utilizes the IRS and ERS to achieve this end. Furthermore, as chaos develops more units for transferring to our world, and new ways to transport them, we must continuously deal with varying warp signatures that requires continuous updates to the IRS and ERS warp field databases. Hence, warp signatures detected by the craft and observed are continuously stored and updated in the IRS and ERS and recommendations are provided via MIKA as to which approach should be used against these data results from similar fields.

[color="Red"]2.[/color]The on-board EWS system utilizes ECM and ECCM pods designed to provide electronic countermeasures against enemy units and to scan and over-come the observed counter-measures utilized by enemy units. These pods have been developed for the safety of the system to work against chaos and non-chaos units alike.

[color="Red"]3.[/color]Finally, the system utilizes a highly integrated security software suite that protects BOTH THE PILOT AND THE MIKA COMPUTATIONAL UNIT. Because the early Chaos experience suggests that unstable warp contaminated areas or areas experiencing a warp storm represent a serious risk to the mental and physical health of users multiple user protection units are used to protect the pilot and the integrity of the frame. The primary means of preserving this system is an isolated hard-ware backup on the ERS, which can repair onboard computer systems with non-critical levels of corruption. The pilot-machine computational system, held together via ENSI , run decision making operations through a duel processing checksum routine that verifies psychological integrity while actively trying to correct any critical corruptions of the user or the machine. Machine corruption detection and reconstruction is easily implemented via a one-way data request flow and nano-repair from the ERS, however the pilots integrity was something we struggled deeply with.

[color="Red"]4.[/color]This primary measure was achieved via the construction of an artificial SPIRIT STONE. The technology for this was not of our own design, nor even that of Lux, but a development that we at Tensor were able to achieve by looking through the records of Neverwhen within the so-called KEN-OH EMPIRE during OPERATION SLEDGE-HAMMER. A Psyker there by the name of Ryuken Storm, developed an incredible stone capable of holding the soul of another living creature down to it's finest details. A literal spiritual hard-drive! While much of the research was later found by our team in Neverwhen in the Sharakar District of this IOM world, we would have never even known to search for it if not for a certain infamous character from this world, Genki.

Von Zuk and Von Zepplin: HAIL GENKI!!!

: The obviously semi-amatuer camera-man throws the camera to the left where the image clarifies to show Genki... in FULL IMPERIUM ATTIRE! He stands up for the camera... :

Genki: You were right Ryuken. I did spend too much of my time playing around, I needed to get in touch with my inner anger. In these images, I will repay you in full for what you did to the one I loved! I will hunt you to the ends of Neverian, and the IOM has promised they will help me do so! But first. First I will have the one I love back.

Von Zak: And that isn't an empty threat either... Because we were able to use OUR intel to capture someone you care about... I'm thinking that a trade is in order... but what do you think?

[color="Red"]5.[/color]In combination with the writings that the brilliant Ryuken Storm wrote, we set out for LUX once again - where we worked with the SHINING-GUARD to develop a highly secretive SPIRIT STONE; a crystal that in combination with advanced psycho-attuned crystal circuits, allowed for the creation of a spiritual "copy" of the soul that is connected to TEMMI. Then utilizing a psychically attuned crystal integrated into neural micro-circuitry, we can connect the two souls, causing them to want to harmonize. If we bias the tuning crystal to the SPIRIT STONE while feeding it a steady stream of ether energy we can eventually re-harmonize the physical, mental and spiritual manifestation of the contaminated pilot. Reverse biasing the system though, will cause the SPIRIT STONE to harmonize to the pilots current nature.

[color="Red"]6.[/color]Thus, it's storage in Lux and it's connection through ERF circuitry becomes clear (with bias control given to those in Lux). In the event of a critical system collapse, this is the ultimate failsafe, as the system will self-destruct beyond critical system collapse, along with the pilot, but Lux can utilize this in addition to the SPIRIT STONE to reform them mind, body and soul from their last "save point" - a new kind of immortality.

[color="Red"]7.[/color]All of these systems take the vantage point of "If warp contamination occurs", when in reality the question isn't if, but when. To protect against these measures additional precautions must be taken in protecting the pilot and advanced machinery from warp exposure (to avoid rapid deterioration of mission critical resources). To achieve this, the frame, particularly around the pilot, EDF and MIKA, utilize a network of Lux designed WARP BLEEDOFF CIRCUITS, which act as a kind of radiator for excess warp energy, re-channeling it away from the frame and allowing it to release into the natural surrounding warp like heat dissipates from a heat sink.

[color="Red"]8.[/color]However, these systems all depend upon localized warp instabilities. Should the pilot be exposed to regional severe warp storm that has wide area of effect warp variations, they are advised to exit the combat area immediately to release excess warp energy before severe damage and Chaos influence become prevalent.

[color="Red"]9.[/color]If this is impossible however, and the regional warp field cannot be annulled by the onboard EDF, the EDF itself will be used to nullify the field within the craft itself, with special attention to the pilot and onboard electronics. As this can causes spiritual fatigue from exposure to the full EDF capabilities, especially among the untrained, the pilot may fall unconscious and the craft may require onboard electronics to invoke an RTB (Return To Base) procedure for the safety of both.

[color="Red"]10.[/color]If extensive further power and resistance to warp energy is particularly needed, it is recommended by myself and Puritan that the pilots of these units undergo training at Lux within the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to become Sanctioned Psykers. This training will not only give them a better chance at surviving Chaos Exposure, but will also provide them with Psyker detection capabilities then can be synched via ENSI to provide a Chaos detection system that is more advanced then the ECHO system will ever be. Additionally, their warp control will grant them impressive personal offensive abilities that draw off local warp energy, such as high intensity bolts of ether energy. However, because they will now be warp-modified themselves, this will make the EDF automated protection system impossible except in dire circumstances, as this will damage the psysker's warp modifying capability.

[color="Red"]11.[/color]Because Warp contamination is such a deeply complex subject, myself (Dr. Blaze) and our other scientists have also noted how potent the system is against electronic take-over by others as well. Few can boast a system that verifies it's integrity against the users very soul!

[color="Red"]12.[/color]One other note concerns atmospheric integrity. Because of the common use of chemical or biological warfare employed by chaos, the mecha utilizes a [url=""]WATER ELECTROLYSIS[/url] system to recycle oxygen in the air for the pilots usage inside of the air-tight COFFIN cockpit.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:16 pm

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"] FRAME STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND LOW OBSERVABILITY CHARACTERISTICS [/color][/SIZE][/font]

[color="Red"]1.[/color]TEMMII is designed with 2-4 inch thick Temultanium Reinforced "skin" designed to protect the mission critical resources and the pilot from most strikes in combat. However, it is well known that high powered warp ether-energy attacks have the potential to even burn this away or damage the surface. Therefore, additional measures were necessary to "heal" the frame. Beneath the surface lies a fully contained liquid Temultanium-Carbon Hybrid isolated mixture. This "Liquid Temultanium" is highly reactive with oxygen, which can slowly "steal" the reaction molecular compound from the Temultanium. Consequently, any gash in the surface of TEMMII takes a chapter from human history and "bleeds" the sticky pressurized hybrid compound, eventually hardens as a pool on the surface.

[color="Red"]2.[/color]This liquid is then continuously reproduced via ZPE lining's that exist below this until triggered off via localized pressure sensors or via an external restocking unit. Unfortunately, using the craft alone, it takes days to refill the liquid and so, given a certain number of critical hits, this fluid will cease flowing from restrictive damage, or it will run out all-together. None of this matters of course against a penetrator that can breach the mission critical resources straight through the armor... a very potent and real threat from the highest chaos creatures of nigh on Chaos gods.


[color="Red"]3.[/color]One problem that we encountered from early frame designs, is that they broke under high stress situations which typically occurred during extreme combat maneuvers. To mitigate this effect, the "skin" has been applied as 4-5 inch hexagonal wafers. Each of these cells is surrounded by an ELECTROACTIVE POLYMER (EAP) - allowing for high maneuverability, even during the usage of the Scram Jet System. As these surfaces are highly prone to puncture or attack, a second layer of Temultanium is layered beneath this, with the same material linked to the back as such:


Furthermore, to prevent undesirable electric field effects, the EAP is made up individual fibers, that are joined to the bottom plates for their electrical currents. The fibers themselves are each coated in a conductive EMF shielding sheath that is even more malleable then the material. This shields the inside of these fibers from external electric fields. Meanwhile, an internal wire is placed down the center of the sheath which conducts charge controlled by the frame, causing it to harden or soften to the needs of the situation.

[color="Red"]4.[/color]To protect the craft from neutron radiation and to repel damage from small arms fire, each temultanium cell is coated in a layer of Boron Carbid, which can act as a neutron absorber during a nuclear attack. Additionally these are layered with a thin heat-resistant layer meant to give these top cell layers and the "skin" a high heat resistance.

[color="Red"]5.[/color]This is the so called ACHILES armor (Advanced Cell-based Hexagonal Integrated Layer-Enhanced Shield), a joke on the famous Achilles who's weakness in his heel caused his death despite an otherwise invincible armor. On the inside of the frame, there is also additional defensive measures, such as an additional 3 inch Temultanium shell around the pilot and any system critical resources.

[color="Red"]6.[/color]Armor is only useful in protecting against being hit though, but the primary goal of a pilot should to be avoid such combat altogether. To achieve this, the top layers of the ACHILES armor are covered in an electrical WIDEBAND LCD display, which implements a PHASED ARRAY OPTICS holgraphic ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE system in RADAR, IR, VISIBLE and ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRUM. The images are produced to the best of the systems capabilities and rendered through the MIKA CHRONOS processing units. This information is then sent to the top of the cell through the armor by utilizing an optical beam turned to a frequency that sees the stretching meta-material is transparent. The results are rather good, but unfortunately, the craft still appears slightly darker then it's background and seems to glitch near high frequency power lines and other strong electro-magnetic fields. Furthermore, the systems are also relatively useless while engaged in high velocity flight because of the quantity of real-time data being submitted, but such situations are unimportant anyways as the sound of the craft at close range while the craft is in motion, or at long range while the craft is in flight are unimportant compared to the acoustical signal, which can easily be tracked.

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][color="LightBlue"]PROJECT STATUS UPDATE[/color][/SIZE][/font]

" wrote:This will be my final data entry. Our facility has just become the center of a vast warp storm and I don't have the time to start up the TEMMII and move it outside of the region (nor are any of us equipped to use it in a combat situation). My only hope is that the region will remain hidden until IOM forces arrive. However, because of the weapons extreme secrecy, all of the information on it's design has been stored here and Tensor and I decided to hide our facility well to avoid the loss of our technologies to numerous other greedy groups. And now we seem to be paying the price.

To think that we were so close to bringing this weapon to the front, everything has been completed and all we needed to do was implement human pilot testing and synchronization...

2hrs later

It seems our radio systems are down due to the warp field, this must be the largest storm ever recorded - and no IOM forces in sight. If we continue to remain, our psychic mental fields will draw the chaos here. Thus the only means of escaping and leaving our project in tact is to escape by foot, or to utilize a zero-shift at about 5 km from the facility. I've not heard the distances humans can travel by foot in a warp storm, but this will certainly be a test of my skill. I've taken the liberty of connecting our spare psychically attuned crystal circuits to a psychic kill switch. Should we be overcome by the warp, as I fear, our lives will be lost, but our souls spared. We wish those who later come upon this document the best of luck. Hopefully we will be the ones receiving this luck, but if it is someone else, know that we've done our best to spare our world from the darkness.

-The TEMMII Team
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Zodeac Military Organization 011011

Postby Dante » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:32 pm

((VALID AS OF 01/10/2011))

National Force Statistics
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CLASSIFIED / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

The defensive mechanism of ZODEAC is a complex and integral military fighting machine. It consists of 9 Organic Combat Divisions with 1 battalion of War Tzar and 1 company of RESRCH-90 reconnaissance/attack helicopter support, 6 regional air-forces of RFX-4 Fighter/Bombers and a two ocean fleet of 18 squadrons of Gorshkov MK II. Cruisers.

In total, the military force of ZODEAC employs 96,000 soldiers in it's SCUs, 2,400 War Tzar Tanks, 2400 RESRCH-90 helicopters, and 42,500 Urban Special Combat Units in the armed ground forces command. The air-force utilizes 1,200 RFX-4 fighter-bombers and the naval forces of ZODEAC employ 72 Gorshkov MK II. Cruisers.

As noted by the description of these forces, not all units described are designed for combat roles. For instance, the Urban Special Combat Units also serve a duel purpose and are trained to be police and aids to civilians during peace time, while providing a potent urban unit that is well acquainted and well trained for urban combat during times of war. Using routes not otherwise considered feasible, taking full use of camouflage and local infrastructure modifications for defense and attacking a manner and style that is well acquainted for close range (and often hand-to-hand) urban warfare. Meanwhile, future air transports and sea transports will also aid in the development of international trade that supports all aspects of the growth of ZODEAC and it's friends.

The Field Army of ZODEAC

ZODEAC's ground military forces, whose combined numbers for urban and non-urban organic combat forces number 138,000 at this juncture, are under the command of General Blenr Zhanckgha, an Urnak with an incredible genius for modern warfare. Outside of the Triumvirate, he alone has the authority to call for the use of TEMMII on the modern military battle-field.

The Field Army, in turn, is split among four primary regions of interest in ZODEAC, into four primary corps. The North, West, South and East Aphrikan Corps. The North Aphrikan Corps is led by Hume Lieutenant General, George Xavier, an expert at coordinating anti-air and ground units together to form a seamless mutual defense against these two combat layers. The West Aphrikan Corps, led by Lieutenant General, Rys Lunera, a Ninja Monkey well versed in covert operations and guerilla warfare. The South Aphrikan Corps are under the command of Lieutenant General, Aaron Shadowtail, an expert on military history with a solid understanding of previous military conflicts that had gone on throughout the history of all of Aphrike. Finally, the East Aphrikan Corps is under the command of Lieutenant General, Jonathon Cyrus an Oniru with an excellent capacity for overseeing the logistical necessities of war and an incredible understanding of urban and artillery based warfare.

All non-urban forces are split among 9 defensive divisions and all urban combat forces are split among 5 defensive brigades and 1 combat division. At any given time, each of the four Corps has control over two primary divisions at minimum except under the threat or presence of a military attack. As requested by their respective Lieutenant Generals, the North Aphrikan Corps utilizes 1 AAD02 and 2 DCD01 divisions (1st, 2nd and 3rd Organic Divisions), corresponding to an anti-air/sensor unit and combat ready defensive divisions. Additionally, these northern territories have the support of 2 USCU Brigades. The West Aphrikan Corps has 2 DCD02 divisions (4th and 5th Organic Divisions), which correspond to the corp's unique jungle terrain, and include several units of engineers to facilitate movement throughout these jungle environments. Additionally, this corps is also supported by 1 USCU Brigade. The South Aphrikan Corps have 1 DCD01, 1 AAD02 and 1 DSD02 divisions (6th, 7th and 8th organic divisions) for full anti-air/sensory capabilities combined with combat defense ability and moderate support artillery capabilities. These are combined with 2 USCU Brigades. Finally, the East Aphrikan Corps have 1 DCD01 combat division and 1 UCD01 urban combat division (9th organic division and 1st urban combat division).

Each combat regular combat division, with the exception of the urban special combat division, consists of 12,000 organic military soldiers, a UCD01 division however has 15,750 specially trained military organic units and is specifically designed for the heavily populated regions found throughout east Aphrike. Furthermore, such divisions also have full armored unit support from 300 War Tzar Tanks a piece, with various initial orientations according to the desires of the commanding Lieutenant General, although the command of the specific strategy of the unit is taken up by a Major General. As a general rule however, each combat division must always have a minimum of 100 War Tzars oriented for ground combat, that is, in ATKC01 configuration. For the rest of the divisions, variations are as follows.

[INDENT]+ 100 Tanks in ATKC01 Configuration
+ 140 Tanks in AAC01 Configuration
+ 25 Tanks in SENS03 Configuration
+ 25 Tanks in SENS02 Configuration
+ 10 Tanks in SENS01 Configuration[/INDENT]

[INDENT]+ 200 Tanks in ATKC01 Configuration
+ 25 Tanks in AAC01 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS03 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS02 Configuration
+ 25 Tanks in SENS01 Configuration
+ 40 Tanks in ARTC01 Configuration[/INDENT]

[INDENT]+ 125 Tanks in ATKC01 Configuration
+ 50 Tanks in AAC01 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS03 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS02 Configuration
+ 40 Tanks in SENS01 Configuration
+ 75 Tanks in ARTC01 Configuration[/INDENT]

[INDENT]+ 100 Tanks in ATKC01 Configuration
+ 40 Tanks in AAC01 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS03 Configuration
+ 5 Tanks in SENS02 Configuration
+ 25 Tanks in SENS01 Configuration
+ 125 Tanks in ARTC01 Configuration[/INDENT]
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Zodeac Military Organization 011011 Pt II

Postby Dante » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:34 pm

Each combat division is split into two separate brigades of 6,000 soldiers. These brigades are commanded by a local Brigadier General. At the base level this goes all the way down to squad combat units of 10 soldiers. Whose specialties are chosen to meet the needs of the division as a whole. Throughout these divisions, several repeating standardized combat units can be found to minimize the complexity required for organizing military operations down the chain of command.

[INDENT]Primary Purpose: A highly mobile force and adaptable force for providing close-range anti-air support operations, to suppress, redirect and destroy enemy air-units.
Unit: 3 FIM-92 Stinger armed soldiers, 3 stinger support operators with coms support and M9 Berretas and 4 defensive ground soldiers with FN Scar Battle Rifles.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Primary Purpose: A semi-stationary towable SAM carrying 6 IRIS-T SL Missiles, supported and defended by a small squad.
Unit: 3 unit support operators with M9 Berretas, 2 defensive heavy weapons support members with a Kord Heavy Machine Gun, plus 2 soldiers for feeding the weapon, 1 SMAW support member and 2 members with FN Scar Battle Rifles. Additionally, each jeep is provided with 3 additional short-barreled Bushwhacker Assault Rifles and 1 Forestor Minex 2FD Metal Detecting Mine Detection System[/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: A highly mobile force and adaptable force for providing medium-range (7 km) mortar artillery support, with a sustained firing rate of 4 rounds per minute.
Unit: 3 M120 Mortar soldiers, 3 mortar loaders/support operators with coms support and M9 Berretas and 4 defensive ground soldiers with FN Scar Battle Rifles. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: A semi-stationary M777 towable artillery (155 mm, 30km base-bleed range), supported and defended by a small squad.
Unit: 5 unit support operators with optional Bushwhacker Assault Rifles, 1 defensive heavy weapons support member with a Kord Heavy Machine Gun, plus 1 soldier for feeding the weapon, 3 members with FN Scar Battle Rifles. Additionally, each towing unit has 1 Forestor Minex 2FD Metal Detecting Mine Detection System [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: A semi-mobile heavy weapons suppression fire squad, designed for the application of extreme force against organic and light armored vehicles.
Unit: 3 heavy weapons support members with a Kord Heavy Machine Gun, plus 3 soldiers for feeding the weapons, 2 members armed with SMAW shoulder launched weapons, and 2 defensive ground soldiers with FN Scar Battle Rifles. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: A highly-mobile heavy weapons suppression fire squad, designed for the application of extreme force against armored vehicles.
Unit: 4 members armed with SMAW shoulder launched weapons, 2 members armed with M32 MGL grenade launchers and 4 defensive ground soldiers with FN Scar Battle Rifles. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: The Organic Attack Squad is designed as the primary attack force for the divisions. They combine light-weight rifles, with sniper capabilities and light anti-tank weaponry.
Unit: 8 members armed with FN Scar Battle Rifles, 1 with M110 Sniper Rifles and 1 with SMAW shoulder launched weapons. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: The Organic Attack Squad is designed as the primary attack force for the divisions, the 02 is particularly well adapted for guerrilla warfare, spec-ops and demolision. They combine light-weight short-barreled rifles, with sniper and anti-air capabilities.
Unit: 6 members armed with FN Scar short barreled Battle Rifles, as opposed to the standard or long barreled variation used elsewhere. Additionally, the squad has 2 soldiers with M110 Sniper Rifles, 1 Communications specialist and 1 demolitions expert with plastic explosives. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: The Organic Attack Squad is designed as the primary attack force for the divisions, the 03 represents the variant used in the Urban Special Combat Unit. Given that they typically see combat in cities, it is critical that they have a medic on hand for any civilians injured in the combat and utilize a variety of short range weapons and high precision long range weapons.
Unit: 1 medic, 2 soldiers with M110 Sniper Rifles, 2 soldiers with M4-90 shotguns, 1 plastic explosives expert with katana and 4 soldiers with short-barreled FN-9 SCAR rifles with grenade launcher for flash bang grenades.[/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: The recon squad is concerned with locating enemy units, determining their strength and coordinating attacks against these forces through long range sniper fire, demolitions or coordinated air-strikes.
Unit: 3 soldiers with M110 Sniper Rifles, 1 plastic explosives expert and 5 soldiers with FN-9 SCAR rifles with range finding and optical searching (binoculars) equipment and 1 Comms soldier. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: a COMMS squad relays information and requests from various local squads to high military command, calling in air-strikes, requesting reinforcements and relaying the overall battlefield condition via a communications outpost mounted on a Hummer communications vehicle. Because of their vulnerability for attack, these units are often protected by other escort units.
Unit: 7 communications enlisted units, 1 officer and 2 soldiers with FN SCAR assault rifles. [/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: a COMMS squad continuously provides supplies to the front viaM-35 trucks. 10 such trucks make up a squad, with onboard FN SCAR assault rifles. Because of their vulnerability for attack, these units are often protected by other escort units.

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: 10 combat battlefield medics combined with a mobile emergency medical tent. At least 1 of these combat medics is also a chaplain and 4 are trained in psycho-therapy for combat stress related injuries.[/INDENT]

[INDENT] Primary Purpose: 10 army engineers whose purpose is to guide in the construction of fortifications, defenses and other military facilities in a combat enviroment. Because of their vulnerability for attack and need for workers, these units are often protected by other escort units. [/INDENT]
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Zodeac Military Organization 011011 Pt III

Postby Dante » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:34 pm

[INDENT]+370 AAS01
+250 AAS02
+50 HWS01
+50 HWS02
+400 OAS01
+25 LOGS
+30 MEDS

+50 ARTS01
+100 HWS01
+100 HWS02
+700 OAS01
+100 RECON
+25 LOGS
+45 MEDS

[INDENT]+150 AAS01
+50 ARTS01
+150 HWS01
+75 HWS02
+500 OAS02
+150 RECON
+25 LOGS
+75 MEDS

[INDENT]+150 AAS01
+250 ARTS01
+150 ARTS02
+50 HWS01
+50 HWS02
+300 OAS01
+100 RECON
+25 LOGS
+120 MEDS

+25 ARTS01
+100 HWS01
+50 HWS02
+800 OAS03
+250 RECON
+35 LOGS
+250 MEDS


All tanks, infantry, artillery and other units are both provided support fire and significant surveillance by 40 RESRCH-98 Electronic Surveillance and Reconnaissance Helicopters. The RESRCH-98 is particularly keen on observing enemy capabilities and strength ahead of the primary combat force, and in the event that enemy units are observed to arrive with Titan Support and TEMMII is deemed incapably of reaching the combat area in time, the Lieutenant General of the regional corps is permitted to give the order for full surrender while other units attempt to hold the enemy forces at bay through artillery and other progress inhibiting attacks.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:37 pm

MOLE - Mobile Omni Station. Improved Sonar/Anti-Stealth and jamming/counter jamming unit for strategical logistic support.

Purpose - To be the eye and ear of the army. It gives the units of the NHRE the potential to map out enemy units, their tactics, their communications and line of sight and basically counter everything. To jam strategically and get an overall superb vision in underground, land, sea and air relations. It can link up with other Mole's to expand it's sphere of oversight, but it works very well in mapping stealth and general units. To maximize it's power it may need an additional output, but this can be done as spartan as linking it to any city grid and siphoning the energy it will need.

Manning - 2 Soldiers and 10 Engineers.

System tech - 2 Novis radars, one Azure sonar, a EYE jamming/counter jamming system and a thermal/disruption observation station. 'needs to be stationary in order to utilize this system.'

Wasps Nest - An aerial drone station which carries drones. The drones come with different armaments, some come with rail-guns. Others with mini guns. Some drones are meant for anti-air unit purposes, some for anti ground, anti sea and even anti sub purposes. It's a fairly big orbital station hosting 250 drones. All, which can at any time return to reload and they act fast. They have a tube-system of controls to ensure against hacking purposes and their signal strength is extraordinarily powerful. They are however not controlled by humans, but rather bio-modified creatures created by Baptista for the sole purpose of multi-tasking effectively. The drones also have a 'Blitz' command, but it is rarely utilized and would likely mean any civilian targets would get crushed in the attempt.

Manning - 25 Hive controllers. 50 Engineers and 250 Soldiers.

System tech - 25 Drone ports. 250 AEGI drones. 4 Rearmament stations. 16 Anti-missile ballistic systems. 8 Anti-mass driver cannons.

Chaos conversion engine - Known as the Purifier. Creates a distortion field which is quite alterable, but also traps the essence of chaos. If used with a high energy output, and linked with many more. It can trap various true chaos essences and allow for real damage against them. It is, however, also utilized in lab experiments as it can allow for a great medical stabilizing field. This in turn can be used for healing or genetically alterations. Needless to say, it is Punja's pet project due to this.

System tech - Chaos conversion engine.

Cobra - Long range sloped artillery station. Fires a rocket projectile from the ground, which travels to a pre-co-ordinate destination. Only for said missile to unleash a one shot bullet from a great range. This bullet would carry with it tremendous force and can easily be used for anti-bunker purposes. It's not the quickest offensive option as the cooling time is significant, but depending on the ammunition it can be an extremely powerful tool which would be exceptionally hard to stop. It can offer continent to continent artillery support and also includes a smart missile system.

Manning - 250 engineers. 1000 Soldiers.

Tech - 1 Long range armored sloped artillery barrel. 25 Cooling stations. 20 advanced flak-turrets.

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