MomentOfInertia (post: 1425955) wrote:Do you read any web comics or manga?
My finances does not allow for me to get a lot of manga, but I've read a lot of FMA but haven't reached the ending yet. As for webcomics, if
Hark, a Vagrant counts, then yes.
MomentOfInertia (post: 1425955) wrote:Do you play any video games?
I own an Xbox360. It calls to me in the middle of the night. It tells me to bake muffins. Not all voices tell me to kill. But yes, I do play some of the games on it whenever I can.
MomentOfInertia (post: 1425955) wrote:Why a floating head?
It's less unsettling than the dancing chicken. I also believe that any work of fiction can be improved by the addition of a floating head.
TWWK wrote:Did you attend the World Cup?
I did not personally go to a stadium or a fan-area. I'm not a big fan of soccer, but I did get into the spirit of things and blow my vuvuzela.
Rocklobster wrote:Favorite musicians?
Johnny Cash is perhaps my favourite. Of the international bunch I like Queen, The Beatles, U2 (sorta), Placido Domingo (as tenor and conductor), The Seekers, Cat Stevens and Bob Dylan in small doses.
Klipkreef wrote:Favorite C.S. Lewis book?
It's a toss-up between
The Screwtape Letters and
Till we have Faces.
Atria35 wrote:Thing you like most about your country?
The mountains.
Atria35 wrote:Thing you like least about your country?
I'm not going to answer that.
Atria35 wrote:If you could visit anywhere in the world, where yould it be?
Well, I've been to England, so its either Russia or the United States. All of it.