rocklobster (post: 1381707) wrote:Favorite Narnia character?
What do you think of Lewis's friend, JRR Tolkien?
Partial to Puddleglum the Marshwiggle.
JRR Tolkien is a fascinating scholar & gentleman. From the few biographies, documentaries, etc I've read &/or see of him, he strikes me as one that our Grammar Ranger would have a delightful conversation with in heaven.
Reon, that story took my breath away! I enjoyed it immensely. Though I'm not sure how those Chocolate Covered Orange Sticks managed to stay unmelted after being slept on. ]1)
What's one specific piece of advice you'd give to a twenty year old male?I'm tempted to spout off some cliche thoughts. I'm not immune to acting all wise a& stuff. But since I've rarely had any 20 yr olds males ask me for advice. I'll restrain myself and ask what type of advice the young gentleman wishes to inquire about?
(PM questions if privacy preferred)2) Describe the place you were born using only visuals.If I could even remember that long ago, I'd have to say it was
(this is a pun I couldn't resist since I'm nearsighted.) 3) Would you say you had an easy childhood?Nes. All in all I think my childhood was easier than some and harder than others in different ways. There were & are times when I was envying the greener grass on the other side, (more toys, less financial stress, etc.). But, when God showed me the other family's problems, I was reminded & thankful for what we had.
4) What tugs on your heart the most and makes you cry? Happy &/or sad.Happy: Little kids, our cat when she's happy. Sad? I'd have to say whenever I hear of Cruelty and Evils inflicted on the weak & innocent in the past, present and future.
5) You mentioned you liked dresses above, do you have a favorite?I prefer modest but pretty dresses with long skirts.
(sometimes the term modest is interpreted simple or frumpish looking.) There's some sites online that cater to that. I rarely go to anything fancy dress, so its just a fun pastime. Favorite Dress, eh? Mmmm...
6) Can you describe it? If you don't have a favorite then just describe something random.I own a pretty Black Blouse & Skirt that's my Grandma got for me,
(of course it was on sale.) The blouse has long sleeves and the skirt is long, (goes down to my ankles), and has this netting over it with white sparkley thingys scattered on it. Unlike my description, its very elegant and comfortable.
7) You get a five course meal, what do you want?Mmmm,
(looking at the menu)8) Do you like bugs?Nada
9) Any regrets?Oh yeah, more than I wish. You live and learn.
10) Anything supernatural ever happen to you or that you'd believe to have possibly been out of the ordinary?Other than being born again? Can't really remember anything at the moment.
11) What do you think limits Christians the most?A) I think there's too much focus on bringing unbelievers into church, instead of bringing Christ to the unbelievers. On of my favorite quotes
"Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary use words."B) I personally know some who claim they're Christians, but don't love others as Christ loved us. They're the know it alls, who push people away from Jesus. Sadly, they never seem to realize what they're doing wrong.
C) Some Christians have a tendency to want to hear, discuss &/or explore a biblical mystery, topic that their uncomfortable or seems unanswerable. And so their reaction is to immediately shut down the conversation and/or critique/marginalize the one bringing up the topic.
(I'm not referring to CAA boards, but in the churches, in groups, etc.) One can listen and discuss things without forming or coming to an opinion.
12) Do you think that last question was specific at all or did you have to guess what it meant?
Oh, I understood the question quite well. And I think it's a very valid one too.
13) Did you answer it? I obviously typed this question after so I won't know till the next time I read it.yep.
14) Do you think time travel will ever be possible?
Well, technically we do travel though time, (only forward). Whether we can travel non-linearly that's a tricky question. As I'm not gifted with math, I'll leave the figuring up to the experts.
15) If we discovered a parallel universe and were able to visit it (and come back home) would you? They didn't give you any details about it, they just said its sustainable to human life and there's other hospitable beings.I'm actually quite open minded to the possibility of there being parallel universe(s) and dimensions. But, I would pass, most likely the "They" would probably be "space brothers" who say they created us from apes and there's no God, no sin, etc. I'd rather not go treading into places where God isn't doing the leading.
16) Have you ever shot a bow and arrow?Yes, when I went to Outdoor Labs up at Mt. Everest. One of the activities was to shoot a bow & arrow. I was only allowed to shoot once. Apparently, it didn't hit the side of the barn where the target was that I was aiming for. No clue where the arrow went. (Yes, I did have my glasses on too. Why do you ask?)
17) Do you have a favorite hairstyle?Aye, mostly like my hair up in a ponytail or bun. Alas, I can't braid my own hair. Oh wait, you mean for guys & girls? I prefer a guy's hair short & girl's long. But I believe to each their own as well.
18) Are you a writer?I'm more of a novice or hobbyist enjoying scribbling poetry and/or my fanfic whenever the muse strikes.
19) Are you an artist?Alas, am not. But I do enjoy coloring,
(with coloring pencils, I have to vaguely act my age.) Also do enjoy creating wallpapers.
(Imagining the Grammar Ranger wincing at those last 2 sentences.)20) Are you into sports?My family's never really been into sports/competition. But do enjoy the shooting sports. Most recently tried ICORE,
(its like IPSC for revolvers.) As the weather warms up, might do some more. But mostly just enjoy target practicing.
21) Are you a very careful?Sometimes, I'm very careful. Other times, more often than I care to admit I'm in to much in a hurry resulting in numerous klutzy incidents.
22) Are you super awesome?Heh! Nope, the name's
(or my alias is at least.)23) Are you into large pyramids?The are fascinating thingamagigs, but I don't want to do the dusting.
24) Are you into taking jobs or walks?"jobs or walks?" Does not compute.
25) Are you thinking this can grow more?Actually wasn't thinking that far ahead.
26) We're the twenty five questions enjoyable or did they start to get tiresome?No, they were interesting, intriguing and, uh... what's anouther "i" word?
27) Which three questions were your favorite? Um, its hard to read the numbers the questions are all melting into each other.