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Postby muskrat » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:30 pm

An attempt at a short description of what a seed is. If someone wants, please correct me.

Most of the simple random number generators tend to be pseudorandom. Instead of actually giving random numbers they give a fixed series of numbers that looks and behaves like a real random stream. The seed in this system is important because it is the starting point. If you give two identical random number generators the same seed, they will produce the same numbers in the same order. In all of the languages I've seen the seed is just a big integer (or other long number)

In most cases pseudo randomness is enough. Real random number generators typically rely on measuring physical events rather than a predictable algorithm.

If you're interested in looking further, try wikipedia or searching for information on the Linux /dev/random generator (its open source and has generated quite a bit of discussion)
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Postby Technomancer » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:54 pm

For random number generators, you should refer to the numerical recipes books, which have a chapter dedicated to the subject. You might also be interested in the GNU Scientific Library, which has a very substantial body of routines implemented in C.
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby KupoTony » Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:52 pm

thanks,but i ain't in school right now......
I believe if i understand seudorandomness i'll understand the gist behind irrationals,'cause irrationals has no limit in digits and don't have a fixed sequence,i believe they represent the Universe's vastness and its limits due to its fixed value,such as natural numbers,π and e,in a way it's a sequence that has the same seed(ex. 3.141592653....) meaning that the universe is rawed and lawed to a multidimensional Seed,and seeds,to a certain degree it can be jogged down as (e:2.718281828),and so on....
now personally The Lord God Almighty The Father,is the Eternal Seed and Seeder,who gives shape to the universe,He is the Domain of time and space,and sets the domain of both time and space......i don't know,i just love this insight...
But this is one of my interests.....
That's why i would love to develope a simple Seudo random number generator.....but i have other reasons too
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Postby KupoTony » Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:37 pm

sorry my english ain't that eloquent,neither i'm good enough to jot out my main point,
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Postby Dante » Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:53 am

YAY! Programming page update!
(Under Physics)

:P, the way to use most of the code on the page is to produce a second class to complete the abstract methods the main code uses (that way you can create the code for the varying functions without editing the main code itself) and then instantiate this second class and use the primary method within the code on the page.

For instance, in my Bisection class, you'd create a class that would return variable y values from y= f(x) where f(x) is the function whose node you desire. Then use the bisection method from the instantiation of the second class (as it inherits all componets of the previous class).

Doing this, you can also create several classes that extend the primary class, allowing you to solve the nodes of multiple equations with only one abstract class... I know that other programming languages can pass functions, but I don't believe C#.NET can (so this is why I've taken this approach).

I'm not sure they all work perfectly, but I think most have been tested... but do test them before you use them :P.

(ALSO NOTE: Some pieces of code on the page may make use of other pieces of code on the page... so if it complains about the lack of some class, that class is probobly also on this page... most likely the matrix operations class, which allows me to play in C#.NET like I would normally play in Matlab)

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Postby Technomancer » Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:39 am

Out of curiosity, why do you do your code in C#, and not C or C++, which will run faster (fairly critical for numerical applications).
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:19 am

Technomancer (post: 1304150) wrote:Out of curiosity, why do you do your code in C#, and C or C++, which will run faster (fairly critical for numerical applications).

Am I reading this wrong, or did you intend to have another word in there somewhere? A 'not' perhaps?
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Postby Technomancer » Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:20 am

Mithrandir (post: 1304159) wrote:Am I reading this wrong, or did you intend to have another word in there somewhere? A 'not' perhaps?

Ugh. Thanks, it should be "not" (and is now fixed). It's been a long week.
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby Dante » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:42 pm

I use C#.NET because I am most familiar with it, it was the first programming language I learned... I also use it because I love Visual Studio to death :D. I could perhaps use C++ on visual studio, but I really would need a better reason to... Changing languages won't boost my accuracy (more iterations for the time) by THAT much (I don't think).

Although recently I have been using Python to do my numerical work because it allows me to use algorythms optimized within LAPACK ect. But I have very little ready to put on my website yet (and I won't be able to put the main thesis project on there till I finish my thesis work).

In total, I've yet to fill the capacity of my quad core, so I can use newer languages and save time instead. By the time I max out the quad core with my code, there will already be a umpteen core computer out there begging to use my code.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:18 am

Pascal (post: 1304404) wrote:I use C#.NET because I am most familiar with it, it was the first programming language I learned... I also use it because I love Visual Studio to death :D. I could perhaps use C++ on visual studio, but I really would need a better reason to... Changing languages won't boost my accuracy (more iterations for the time) by THAT much (I don't think).

Although recently I have been using Python to do my numerical work because it allows me to use algorythms optimized within LAPACK ect. But I have very little ready to put on my website yet (and I won't be able to put the main thesis project on there till I finish my thesis work).

In total, I've yet to fill the capacity of my quad core, so I can use newer languages and save time instead. By the time I max out the quad core with my code, there will already be a umpteen core computer out there begging to use my code.

To use multiple processors, you'd need to make your algorithm multithreaded, which in some cases isn't trivial (some cases are more trivial). So "filling the capacity of your quad core" depends on making your algorithms multithreaded, and also depends on the size of your data.
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Postby blkmage » Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:31 am

I'd like to mention that I hadn't fully appreciated Python's built-in long integers until I wanted to check if I'd gotten some number theory algorithms right. It's nice having to just pop into the interactive command line and ask it for 13**54321.
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Postby SnoringFrog » Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:33 pm

I've considered getting into programming, but never really sat down and done much about it. At the moment I do web programming. HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and I'm starting to play a little with ASP when I get free time at work.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:57 pm

blkmage (post: 1304480) wrote:I'd like to mention that I hadn't fully appreciated Python's built-in long integers until I wanted to check if I'd gotten some number theory algorithms right. It's nice having to just pop into the interactive command line and ask it for 13**54321.

Hehe, yep, I've used it to double-check long answers too (in cryptography and honours project).
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Postby Technomancer » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:51 am

Pascal (post: 1304404) wrote:I use C#.NET because I am most familiar with it, it was the first programming language I learned... I also use it because I love Visual Studio to death :D. I could perhaps use C++ on visual studio, but I really would need a better reason to... Changing languages won't boost my accuracy (more iterations for the time) by THAT much (I don't think).

Well, I'm not precisely sure of the actual time difference you'd get, but C# compiles to some intermediate bytecode, which must be interpreted at run-time. You will be taking a performance hit compared to a language that compiles directly to some native machine code.

How important that hit is depends on your work. It may not matter much for an undergraduate assignment, but it may make a big difference for larger simulations. Of course, you'll take a larger hit using something like MATLAB or IDL, but that's balanced out by ease of use considerations, and a greater ability to experiment. On the other hand, I see no particular benefit to using C#, which loses to C++ on speed, for no real gains anywhere else.

Although recently I have been using Python to do my numerical work because it allows me to use algorythms optimized within LAPACK ect. But I have very little ready to put on my website yet (and I won't be able to put the main thesis project on there till I finish my thesis work).

I've never used Python myself, although I am aware that people working in this field are making extensive use of it.

In total, I've yet to fill the capacity of my quad core, so I can use newer languages and save time instead. By the time I max out the quad core with my code, there will already be a umpteen core computer out there begging to use my code.

This is something I've been concerned about myself, especially as multicore systems are being built on DSPs. I did recently pick up Hughes & Huges "Professional Multicore Programming in C++". To teach myself some of it.
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:32 pm

Technomancer, I have missed you, good sir.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:42 pm

Technomancer (post: 1304680) wrote: I see no particular benefit to using C#, which loses to C++ on speed, for no real gains anywhere else.

I can think of at LEAST one company that makes more money off C# than C++.

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Postby Benn » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:47 pm

I've dabbled in QBasic and Alice... but right now I'm really digging learning LOLCODE.

Has anyone else tried out LOLCODE? ^_^
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:32 am

Benn (post: 1304830) wrote:I've dabbled in QBasic and Alice... but right now I'm really digging learning LOLCODE.

Has anyone else tried out LOLCODE? ^_^

I've seen LOLCODE... never attempted it though. XD
Alice is a rare one... QBasic is where I started too.
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:35 am

Zarn Ishtare (post: 1304766) wrote:Technomancer, I have missed you, good sir.

Thanks! I've been very busy the past couple of weeks (still am really).

Mithrandir wrote:I can think of at LEAST one company that makes more money off C# than C++.


The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

Neil Postman
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Postby Dante » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:40 pm

I can think of at LEAST one company that makes more money off C# than C++.


LOL, alright, but I really do like C#.NET!
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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:11 pm

If you are interested in LOLCODE, you really should watch the parrot compiler talk that Patrick Michaud gave at a recent YAPC. They actually implemented a parrot LOLCODE translation engine. :D No, really, you HAVE to watch it.

Unless you are Midori. I think he might have been there. If you ARE Midori, you really have to listen to the audience and see if you recognize anything. ^.^
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Postby Dante » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:42 am

Hey Benn, you've dabbled in ALICE? That's a pretty cool language, do you know where to get started learning it (I'm kind of interested in it myself after having a conversation with such a chatbot, but haven't gotten the time to investigate further).

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Postby KupoTony » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:56 pm

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Postby KupoTony » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:17 pm

Ok thanks for everything.
But I would to start from the beginning,ex. Hello World.
I'm ground on Basic in TI-83+,still attempting on Assembly,I've got a book on Java,for translation.
So I will write the raw code,or source code,you may call it.
So this is how it will go,the beginning moto should be 'Basic',and 'for beginners'.
So I will write the code,explain it,name it,define it,describe it,and once done,one of you guys take charge of a lenguage and decide to trasnlate it.
So I'll write on Basic,someone on Java,other on C++,other on C#,or C-,etc...So the purpose is to teach each lenguage,so we need to start clean.
We need to decide who's taking charge of a lenguage.
I take charge of The TI-83+ Basic,and some Java,someone takes Java,someone else C++,and etc...I need a clean start,once everyone is decided.
So let's decide who takes which lenguage....?

I'll will start off with TI-83+ Basic,then translate it in Java.
My way of learning things is being deeply interested,and have a thirst for knowing things in details,i learn by applying.Until you come up with questions like,how does this code work,how do you apply it in a program,what does it mean,how do you use it,and etc...thus your search for learning begins.
This is how it works for me.

a quick tutorial:In TI-83,+,or + SE,or TI-84,in order to make your own programs you got to know where to make them.
So where to make them?
turn on your calculator,in the key pads,there is a buttom with letters like this: PRGM,they are in white,also right on top of the buttom,there is another word in yellow,it says DRAW,and beside it there is a letter('C') in green.
press that button,a one-row option should come up,like this:

The higlighted part is where you are at,it should be on EXE(this mean execution).
Press the right arrow on the Arrow-pad,until NEW is highlighted,and something pops up like this:

1:Create New

when this is displayed,you'll noticed '1:' is highlighted,so press ENTER on your key-pad.
Once done this should appear:


the [A] is blinking,it's an upper case 'A' highlighted-waiting for you to input/enter/type a name.
Name your program anything,as long as you can recall it back when you need it.But now let's call it Hello.
(be right back,i'm having trouble with the network)

Now you know where to make programs in your Calc.
We will start to work on 'HELLO'.
What it will do is,display the word,'HELLO' on your calculator's main screen,which is your regular basis screen-it's the one you always do calculations.
(oh yeah about typing letters-they are all over the key-pad,and all the letters are colored in green,starting from the MATH button,to number 2-button).

Now when you have 'HELLO' typed,press ENTER,and a colon symbol should appear and your blinking space where you will type the codes to create your program.You should have this:

:[ ]
The '[ ]' is the blinking-highlighted space where you will type your commands.

typing the commands--

If you want to display the word HELLO in your screen(IOS),you don't need this command we will use,'CLrHome',but for having a clear screen it would be wise to use it(i always use it).

So let's use it for now.
press PRGM again an option of commands should appear.


the arrow on 7↓End means there are more options up to 9 in numbers a 0:Goto option,there are letters also,from A to H.The number of options vary on which category you are,this is only the CTL category).
But if you scroll down on the CTL category you won't find the 'ClrHome' command.So you need to go to the I/O category,is the one in the middle,just press the right arrow button.when you are in the I/O category new options appear,more commands.

2: Prompt

scroll down until you reach option 8, which is 8:ClrHome.
Press down ENTER and ClrHome should appear.


(one of the reasons why the commands are numbered is because if you press the number or letter the command have in your key pad you will transfer the command to your program-editing screen(which is the one where you type/input/enter/insert your commands)

Let's do this.In order to get out of the Editing Screen,press the 2nd button(it's highlighted in yellow),your highlighted blinking space should have an up arrow,'[↑]',so press the MODE(QUIT in yellow) button,and you should be off the Program-Editing Screen.
This is only in case you want to rest and take a break.
Your almost-fully-functional-program is saved in your calculator,and to access it back you press PRGM,and go to EDIT,don't press ENTER on EXE,just go right to EDIT,since you need to finish your program.


press ENTER,and you should be back on where you left.
Now the blinking higlighted space is on C of ClrHome,'[C] the right arrow button to move it the right,and the blinking space should be right after the last character-letter of ClrHome.

I'll be back later(this simple program will be translated into Java),and if you guys help you could translate it into C++ and others you guys know.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:19 pm

Hello KupoTony!

You are wondering why your seven posts are now one post! Well, before you ask why, I will tell you! Double (or triple, quadruple, et cetera and so forth) posting is somewhat looked down upon here at CAA, mostly because it's highly preventable (and it makes things less cluttered when you don't do it)! There's really no reason to post several times in a row, since a post has to be REALLY long before it reaches the word limit. Also, if you forgot something in one of your posts, you can go back in and edit it using the edit button. It's a pretty neat feature and it works really well and it keeps us from having to merge lots and lots of posts! Thanks for your cooperation though! I'm sure someone will be able to get a lot out of your post now that it's in one place instead of seven! XD

Anyways! Continue!
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Postby KupoTony » Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:08 pm

thank you.
t's sad for me since i don't have a fixed network,and a computer to browse online,which would be dificult,i can't copy and paste,and if i'm online more than a few minutes the network goes down.and i have to rewrite everything.All I use is my Wii console.Is there some other way?
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Postby Whitefang » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:28 pm

KupoTony (post: 1349722) wrote:thank you.
t's sad for me since i don't have a fixed network,and a computer to browse online,which would be dificult,i can't copy and paste,and if i'm online more than a few minutes the network goes down.and i have to rewrite everything.All I use is my Wii console.Is there some other way?

You could post what you have, and then edit it. This will act like a save for your work and allow you to keep it all in one post, just keep adding to it until you're done.
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Postby KupoTony » Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:28 am

now you should have...

:ClrHome[ ]

The blinking-higlighted mark(space) should be right after ClrHome > [ ] <
Press ENTER and another colon symbol appears,and your mark is ready to type or insert a command.

:[ ]

now since we need to display HELLO on the cleared screen we need the command or commands that does it.
We are going to use Disp,a simple command to use to display text or values of variables,ex. if X is equal to 10,then Disp will display 10,by just doing this:Disp X.
So press PRGM again go to the I/O category and look for Disp,it should be the third option,or if don't want to scroll just press 3,and Disp should be inserted into your Program Editing Screen,right where your blinking mark is,which by now should be right after the colon symbol.

: Disp

once it's there you will see your marker blinking right after Disp,only one space over,this means that that's where you will command Disp what to display.

Using Disp you could display strings of texts,or variables with given values;to display text you need two quotation marks,one at the beginning,and the other right at the end,like this:

Disp "1234567890123456"

BTW on the Homescreen you could only see 16 characters accross,if more,either it won't display the rest of the characters or it would say domain error.

In order to begin make sure your marker is two spaces over to the right after Disp
( : Disp [ ] )

once is there press the button ALPHA(should be the green button),and your marker should have an upper case 'A',readied for you to type,look for the '+' button,the one you use to do additions,press it,and your first quotation mark should come up,when you do this your marker goes to the next space,and goes back to normal.
There is a trick to make your marker remain capitalized so you can keep typing and it won't go to its normal state,what you do is press 2nd(the yellow button),and ALPHA(the green/blue button),and your marker should remain stabled as you want.

you should be here so far

: Disp "[A]

Type HELLO,and to finish it press the '+' button to insert the last quotation mark

: Disp "HELLO"

if you mistyped something,just place your marker on the particular letter and hit the DEL button,it should be off,then you type the letter,if your marker goes to normal,hit 2nd and ALPHA,but if it's just one letter you need to type,just hit ALPHA.

And you are done.

Press 2nd and MODE to quit
Press PRGM,and make sure EXE is highlighted and 1:HELLO appears,press ENTER on that.
This should come off the Screen:


It brings the Program to HomeScreen,and readies it to be Executed,also tells you if it's the right program you want to execute.So since it's yes press ENTER.
And this will be displayed...

[ ]

Done means your program reached it's end and is fully executed.


if you had errors,called syntax errors,you should only have the followings:

You could have placed only one quotation mark at the end,but forgot the first one...

If so,this should appear when EXEcuting your Program:


'1:' is highlighted,since you want to know which one you mistyped or inserted,or misplaced wrong,then scroll down to 2:Goto,and it will send you to your first error,and only one,if it is the only error you've committed.

and this happens...

:Disp HELLO["]

the marker is blinking on the last quotation mark.
In order to insert the first quotation mark,you go to the space it needs to be placed,hit 2nd,and DEL,then hit ALPHA,and press '+',and the first quotation mark is placed in order,without deleting anything else.
2nd and DEL,means you want to insert something.

Another one could be if you didn't add a command line,and only have one like this.

:ClrHomeDisp "HELLO"

EXEcute your program,check where you left wrong,which will be on [D]isp,hit 2nd,DEL and ENTER,and you should be back to normal.
OR instead of having two(or many) command lines,you could just insert and colon symbol between ClrHome and Disp,like this.

:ClrHome: Disp "HELLO"

and it should work fine-the same way.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:18 am

Did anyone else do graphics calculator programming?
I remember making programs on the Casio 9850GB PLUS at school back in the day.... during class sometimes when I finished early. Good times. I even got told off when the programs were too widely distributed among my peers(!).
Everywhere like such as, and MOES.

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Postby shooraijin » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:35 am

I did a bit on my TI-85, wrote a blackjack game and a few other things. It's been ages since, though.
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