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Music Recommendations

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Music Recommendations

Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:50 am

I'm always seeming to be asking for them (I've also noticed alot of other request for music recommendations) ^^ Feel free to ask for your own and make your own recommendations here ^__^

I'm currently looking for some new J-pop to listen to ^__^ Perhaps, something with a traditional and modern mix to it 8D

I'm also looking for some new techno to listen to as well :)

(Techno like as in Castle In The Sky by FJ Satomi and I'll Fly With You by Gigi D' Agostino ^__^)

I've also been into instrumentals as of late 8D I'm a huge fan of the Erhu Violin, and Piano \o.o/ Most of the instrumentals I have are from animes and games ^__^

(Sadness and Sorrow, Grief and Sorrow, Kaze no Yuuyake)

Any suggestions will be appreciated :hug:

[SIZE="1"](There was a thread with this same title, but it's been two years since it was made in 2007)[/SIZE]
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Postby GhostontheNet » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:26 pm

Are you open to listening to other styles of electronic music, or will it just be Techno for you?
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:10 pm

GhostontheNet (post: 1295762) wrote:Are you open to listening to other styles of electronic music, or will it just be Techno for you?

Sure ^^ I'm also into Eurobeat as well ^__^
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Postby GhostontheNet » Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:17 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1295816) wrote:Sure ^^ I'm also into Eurobeat as well ^__^
Alright then, my recommendations for you are as follows:

Delerium - Chimera
The Cruxshadows - DreamCypher
Ayria - Flicker
The Echoing Green - The Evergreen Collection
Ladytron - Witching Hour
The Last Dance - Now And Forever After
ThouShaltNot - The White Beyond
Goth-Trad - Mad Raver's Party
Yendri - Broken World
Joy Electric - CHRISTIANsongs
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:04 pm

Hmmm....for the instrumentals, I highly suggest listening to the Han Zimmer soundtrack for Memoirs of a Geisha. If that doesn't suit you, just type in "Kosei Wind Ansomble" on youtube.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:38 pm

GhostontheNet (post: 1296069) wrote:Delerium - Chimera
The Cruxshadows - DreamCypher
Ayria - Flicker
The Echoing Green - The Evergreen Collection
Ladytron - Witching Hour
The Last Dance - Now And Forever After
ThouShaltNot - The White Beyond
Goth-Trad - Mad Raver's Party
Yendri - Broken World
Joy Electric - CHRISTIANsongs

Ooh, lots of suggestions ^^ Thank you very much :) I'll be sure to check them out ^__^
Phantom_Sorano (post: 1296087) wrote:Hmmm....for the instrumentals, I highly suggest listening to the Han Zimmer soundtrack for Memoirs of a Geisha. If that doesn't suit you, just type in "Kosei Wind Ansomble" on youtube.

Thank you ^__^ I'll be sure to check it out :)
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Postby RandomBurrito » Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1295669) wrote:Feel free to ask for your own and make your own recommendations here ^__^

Meaning someone can ask for a recommendation as well? I wanna make sure, lol. :sweat:
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:55 pm

RandomBurrito (post: 1297793) wrote:Meaning someone can ask for a recommendation as well? I wanna make sure, lol. :sweat:

O course you can ^___^
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Postby RandomBurrito » Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:27 am


Well..... I'm looking for some Christian techno/electronica (or something like that). Also some good Christian rock/metal.
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