" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
mitsuki lover wrote:With the Flinstones though it would have been anachronistic since they lived in the Stone Age.
Technomancer wrote:Given how the books avoid the question of religion (either muggle or wizard) altogether, I don't think one ought to draw any significance from the inclusion of a Christmas break. The books after all, reflect a generic sort of English boarding school novel, and Christmas is part of the rhythm of such books. I wouldn't attach any deeper signifcance than that.
rocklobster wrote:I wish JK Rowling had been more vocal about her Christian faith. Maybe that'd make the anti-Harry Potter crowd quieter.
No, wait, they'd condemn it anyway.
Bobtheduck wrote:Well, she's a struggling Christian. Tolkien was a practicing Catholic and Lewis was an evangelistic and apologetic Christian. So, that wouldn't have helped. The second she started discussing the doubts and struggles she had, BAM... She'd have lost them.
minakichan (post: 1188169) wrote:I don't really see it as any different from when Japanese anime characters celebrate Christmas.
"Since when do Shinigami celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ?"
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