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Digimon or pokemon?

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Digimon or pokemon?

Postby teen4truth » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:05 pm

I say digimon. It was better drawn, the characters were better looking, it had a SWEET theme song, the plots were better; and because the digimon were digital, more kids were actually aloud to watch it.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:16 pm

Digimon. It's one of the first anime shows I have ever watched. Yeh, I loved the theme song too--and they actually knew when to end the show instead of having it drawl on like an endless--when is Ash going to finally win something? XD

Kids weren't aloud to watch Pokemon? I know my mom was concerned about the "evolution" thing.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:19 pm

Digimon all the way, man. Pikachu is cute, and all. but come on! I can't understand a word that thing says!

Digimon in my opinion had a better plot, better character development, and an actual story line that isn't recycled every season. It was always fresh. And the digital aspect was even cooler! ^_^

I love that the digimon actually had character...rather than just walking around and doing what their trainers told them to do. :P
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Postby Freezair » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:22 pm

Digimon was definitely the better anime. But when it comes to cute anime monsters, I prefer being able to train them myself to watching 'em... and the Digimon games, while OK, just aren't as deep as Pokemon.

Where's the option for Monster Rancher? That had an awesome anime AND great games. 'Course, I haven't seen the TV show in ages, so it could be 20/20 hindsight, but I definitely remember thinking Plants were the bomb back then, and I wanted one for a pet sooo badly. Now I have an old PlayStation and Monster Rancher 2, so I can raise all the Plants I want!
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Postby AsianBlossom » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:33 pm

Pokemon, I choose you! XD

But yeah; it was only recently I decided to get into Pokemon, as when we were younger, neither was allowed, only Pokemon wasn't allowed explicitly. Digimon, meh...our parents didn't hear about that one much at all, so they never really said 'no' to that. The reason we weren't allowed to have it? Pocket MONSTERS. My mom just wasn't crazy about the fact that they're called monsters.

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Postby Freezair » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:47 pm

AsianBlossom wrote:But yeah; it was only recently I decided to get into Pokemon, as when we were younger, neither was allowed, only Pokemon wasn't allowed explicitly. Digimon, meh...our parents didn't hear about that one much at all, so they never really said 'no' to that. The reason we weren't allowed to have it? Pocket MONSTERS. My mom just wasn't crazy about the fact that they're called monsters.

I've heard of parents keeping their kids of Pokemon, but that's definitely the oddest reason I've yet heard for it.

My parents have always been pretty cool with anime and video games, even if they don't "get" it. Odd story: When my little sister was around 3, she started watching Dragon Ball Z. My parents said it was OK so long as they talked to her about the violence. I was vehemently against it, saying that DBZ was FAR too violent for a toddler and that under no circumstances would se be allowed to watch that show if I was present. O.o

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:55 pm

Why Digimon would be more acceptable with devils like Devimon, vampires, and ones that are gods, hmmm yeah.... No comment^^ If Pocket Monsters were bad, I'm sure Monsters Inc would've been a big no no^^ The propaganda against it in Christian bookstores was something else too... Buuut I won't get into it^^ I believe there still are some people on the forum who are against it.

Digimon for me... because they had awsome evolutions and a great plot, that didn't involve meeting a new person every episode and saying "see you again!" but never do...
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Postby Fish and Chips » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:08 pm

I never got into Digimon, because Pokemon ended up being a major turn off for me, to the point that I actively dislike the whole globe-trotting-monster-training-adventure genre. However, from what I sampled of both, Digimon was infinitely more creative, so it gets my vote.

The Anime, I mean. The Pokemon Red and Blue games are still awesome.
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Postby Dai-go » Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:18 pm

Man. I think I'm split.
What am I voting for? The animes or the games?

The Digimon anime series as a whole rocked! I like the adventures going on through generations. I thought it was a great idea! And Guilmon (the red dragon thing) was funny as crap. :P
The games, however, were horrible for me....No intruction guide made it that much more difficult too.

Now, the Pokemon anime is so rehashed, it's just....ugh.
The games? Addicting as all getup. lol
So, what's the vote on? Anime? Or games? :lol:
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Postby Debitt » Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:28 pm

Digimon was one of my first loves, and still is - especially the second season. :3 So Digimon all the way. <3

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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:31 pm

Pokemon. Sorry guys, but I could never get into Digimon. Just the whole evolving every episode and playing the same scene over and over and over again really got to me. It was annoying and took up too much time.

I do admit that Digimon has a way better anime. But Pokemon was always fun when I was a kid, no matter how silly it may seem.

When it comes to games, though. Pokemon pwns.
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Postby wingedfox » Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:14 pm

This is a hard choice...I said digimon because over all it was better. but pokemon was very additive fo me when i was younger. But I had to say digimon.
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Postby Danderson » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:05 pm

Recently I've gotten into Digimon (wasn't allowed to wacth it as a kid....I understand why not my age then it could've become a real's hard enough as it is nowadays not to become consumed by it).....
What I like so far about it is that it looks like it's more then just catching monsters and having them fight each other....There's a real serious plot going on here, and each of the characters seem relatible in some way....
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Postby ADXC » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:08 pm

I never watched Digimon, so I'll go with Pokemon. I liked it alot when I was nine and still miss the very old episodes. The first season was the best after all.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:28 pm

Wanna hear something funny? Back on my old Digimon forums, people were sooooooooooo into the story! Heck, I'd hear stories about them using their Digivice toys to see if they can portal into the Digital World :/ I was quite into it too, buuut it more involves me and my screwy dreams. Besides that, the Digimon fanbase is CRAZY! Should've seen the With the Will site, HARDCORE fans... I believe they eventually became the DATS forum... Seriously though, fans were TOO leet for me :/ Like "I pwn your face cause I have know Digi-knowledge!"
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:54 pm


[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]Need I say more? Digimon all the way![/color][/SIZE][/font]
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:24 am

Since I haven't seen more than a minute or two of either show (I was a little old when the first wave of the pokemon/digimon craze hit America), but I have enjoyed all of the pokemon games up to and including diamond/pearl, I vote pokemon.
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Postby Nate » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:32 am

I'm gonna have to go with Pokemon, because I've never seen the Digimon anime or played the games. Besides, the Pokemon games are totally rad.

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Postby Stephen » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:37 am

Wrong board.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:39 am

I will agree the pokemon games are way better XD

But wow, i was really one of those obsessed with digimon. :P I think I even cried when the first season ended because I thought it was over for good. Heh I should have known better.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:48 pm

Freezair wrote:I've heard of parents keeping their kids of Pokemon, but that's definitely the oddest reason I've yet heard for it.

My mom says she wanted to give my brother and I beautiful things, not "monsters". Call it weird if you like, but she has a valid point, and I respect that.

Besides, if I had kids, I wouldn't let them have Pokemon off the bat either...I'd wait until I thought they were older, because the last thing I need is them up at night, wondering if Darkrai is going to get them or something.

Tenshi no Ai wrote:If Pocket Monsters were bad, I'm sure Monsters Inc would've been a big no no^^

My mom wasn't too crazy about that either, but I was still allowed to like it. Heck, I even went a little too crazy over it.

Maybe that's another reason she wanted me to wait...I have a tendency to obsess over things I really, really like.

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Postby meboeck » Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:51 pm

Digimon all the way. I loved the characters, digimon designs and plot. Before I even knew what anime was, Digimon was the first anime I watched. And I was totally one of the serious fans too. If I had been more into writing when I was younger, I probably would have written a fanfiction.
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Postby Slater » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:02 pm

Pokemon was the original and remains strong today, where Digimon has more or less died off.

Only think I've learned about Digimon is that Renamon was a porn star or something.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:13 pm

Slater wrote:Pokemon was the original and remains strong today, where Digimon has more or less died off.

With Digimon Savers that just came out last year, I'd say the net fanbase at least is still pretty strong. The communities are still out there.

Slater wrote:Only think I've learned about Digimon is that Renamon was a porn star or something.

...did your sources stumble upon hentai/lemons of some sort?
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:29 pm

shouldn't this be moved to the anime forum?

I'd have to vote Pokemon. I've never played any Digimon games so I can't judge on that front, but I preffer the Pokemon anime. Digimon is technicly of higher quality, with it's bigger focus on plots and stuff, but Pokemon will always be special to me; I love the characters and the pokemon and it got me into anime in the first place.
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Postby Puguni » Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:00 pm

Since this is in the games forum, I put down pokemon. I've never played the Digimon games where you raise one, but I have fighting game, and it's not that great? I don't know. I still like Pokemon better, because I come a long way with it. Pokemon cards, anyone?
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Postby Slater » Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:10 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:...did your sources stumble upon hentai/lemons of some sort?

No, just my girlfriend, who used to be into Digimon.
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Postby Nia-chan » Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:28 pm

Pokemon were cuter. And all the names didn't end in 'mon'. But yeah, Digimon's plot was more intense.
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Postby Alexander » Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:46 pm

Digimon for the Anime, and Pokemon for some of the episodes. Specifically with Mewtwo and yes, the 2000 movie.

I've never actually played either games...
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:38 pm

Slater wrote:No, just my girlfriend, who used to be into Digimon.

Yeah she sure looks provocative :/

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