AsianBlossom wrote:But yeah; it was only recently I decided to get into Pokemon, as when we were younger, neither was allowed, only Pokemon wasn't allowed explicitly. Digimon, meh...our parents didn't hear about that one much at all, so they never really said 'no' to that. The reason we weren't allowed to have it? Pocket MONSTERS. My mom just wasn't crazy about the fact that they're called monsters.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Freezair wrote:I've heard of parents keeping their kids of Pokemon, but that's definitely the oddest reason I've yet heard for it.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:If Pocket Monsters were bad, I'm sure Monsters Inc would've been a big no no^^
Slater wrote:Pokemon was the original and remains strong today, where Digimon has more or less died off.
Slater wrote:Only think I've learned about Digimon is that Renamon was a porn star or something.
Slater wrote:No, just my girlfriend, who used to be into Digimon.
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