Postby Puritan » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:50 pm depends on how much you want to spend. Generally, Tenshi is right, without unusual measures you can't do anything about them yellowing. While there is archival paper in existence intended to allow books to survive a very long time, your manga are made of cheaper high-acid paper, and will be prone to damage. The best ideas are to keep the books in a cool and dry environment, and if you are really concerned you could look into archival storage practices, generally involving anything from careful handling and sealing of the books to inert gas atmosphere (though I can't imagine you being able to do the latter). I suspect that putting the books in zip-lock bags and storing them in a cool-dry place would be your best option. Unfortunately, that prevents you from READING the manga, as reading them will wear the books out (though wearing gloves will help). To be honest, I wouldn't worry about it too much, making money off collectibles like this is a really hit-or-miss proposition, and I personally would much rather get use out of a good book than save it to sell.
"...cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you." - John Owen The Mortification of Sin