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Favorite Star Trek Novel

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Favorite Star Trek Novel

Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:24 pm

For all those Trekkers out there two questions:
1)Do you read and collect the novels?
2)If so what are your faovrite novels?
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Postby QtheQreater » Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:20 pm

1) Yes...ehehe...

2) I prefer the first generation stuff with Kirk and Spock...favorites would*looks under the bed, in the secret drawer where she hides her collection from trekkie scoffers* Wow...I didn't bring as many as I thought I had...

How Much for Just the Planet?, The Koboyashi Maru(leastwise, some various spelling of that), Dreadnought(and it's predecessor)...and there's a few more that would rank up there with them...
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:42 pm

I have them from most all of the series but mainly TOS,TNG,DS9 and Voyager.
Overall favorite is the anthology The Lives of Dax because of the way it's written.
Also because we see more about what Dax is like.
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Postby Maledicte » Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:52 pm

I've only read I, Q, written by John de Lancie. Pretty good, I thought.
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Postby JasonPratt » Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:42 am

Honestly, the only Star Trek novels I've ever read were written by Peter David--and probably not all of those. (Q-in-law, Q-Squared, and Vendetta; but I'm about 90% sure he's written others.) I do like the series, when it isn't being milked to death (the only thing that gives me hope about the next iteration is that JJAbrams is behind it); but I have this thing about canon, and the plethora of novels strike me as being the literary equivalent of fanfic. (Nice thing about Peter David, he hugely respects the idea of canon in a series, and much of his creativity comes from that. Even so, I wouldn't have read the novels if I wasn't a Peter David fan already, and even _then_ I only chose the ones I thought looked interesting in topic.)

Ultimately, then, due to taste, my opinion can only be highly restricted. :) I'll be interested to see what other people say on a wider experience of the five or six hundred books that have been published... :lol: :) (The point being that I may see something else in there I want to add to the reading list.)
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Postby Sephiroth » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:09 am

ahh cool another peter david fan. tho i've only read his new frontier stuff. but he does that very well. and they happen to be my faveourite star trek books. i've heard the kobyashi maru was a good one, but haven't read it yet. i've a bunch of DS9 books and some captains table ones, the best of whick i tough being teh DS9 one the mist & the new frontier one - once burned. hmm i guess my fave out of the ds9 books was prob Saratoga. and i've read random movie ones, first contact was particularly well done. have only got a couple of each of the older series.
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Postby silverSky » Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:21 pm

There was one book that I really love, because the diction and writing was awesome, and Sadly perhaps because I am to tired and its so late. I can't remember the name.
But it dealt with Q and his pupil Trellin (I believe) and then there alternate realities merging together. GREAT BOOK.

Star Trek: Federation was really written well and the plot was rather interesting, It deals with Picard, Kirk, and Z. Cochrane.
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Postby righteous_slave » Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:12 pm

I read a few way back in junior high. Final Frontier was a favorite. It was a tale of Kirk's father and the original, top secret mission of Star Fleet's first warp drive ship. Imagine my surprise when I first heard about the Enterprise series.

BTW, Kirk's dad had a Vulcan first mate too.
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Postby Mi-Ru-Me » Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:50 am

I inherited my Grandfathers vast collection of star trek next gen collection and have been working my way through but one of my faverites is Well I cant remember ther title but its about when picard goes back in time and fines himself on an outpost that is attacked by the Gorn on that famous episode of orginal star trek where Kirk fights the gorn captain in hand to hand combat. I liked that book. I have also enjoyed the couple William Shatner Books that have.
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