Well, after 21 years of bieng single, I am now dating. Her name is Ashley, she's awesome, and is almost exactly like me in many ways. However, we live far away from eachother. It's a long distance relationship. "Long" as in I live in Ohio and she lives in Texas. Just please pray for us both that we stay strong and, despite the distance, we grow both together and with God. Also pray for our parents. My parents are happy but are skeptical, I think. As well, I can say for sure they would not want me driving alone to Texas. Also pray for her parents. She hasn't told them yet that we are going out. Her father isn't big on her dating and absolutely against the notion of her trying to come to Ohio to visit. Just prayer that we will be able to get it so we can see eachother in the next few months (hopefully during winter) and this, ultimately, won't affect our relationship.
Thanks. We are both happy and feel equally in affection for eachother