Hey guys!
So umm... yeah... Okay, I have a boyfriend (gaspeth!), but he's going through some really hard times on his walk with Christ right now. I'm doing everything I can to help him and encourage him, but I really don't know what is going to happen. I know this is all in God's court, and we need to wait to see what happens, but I'm like... yeah... I'm so flipping out right now 'cause I don't know how I can help. And those of you who know me (*coughlauracough*) know that when I don't know how to help I like, crawl into my own shell and my own little world. I so don't want to do that: I want, I need to be able to help him and lift him up so that God can just change his life and make everything better.
I would so VERY MUCH appreciate all your prayers. So, thank you!
btw, his name is Will