Yeah, I am very shy when it comes to talking to people I don't know, especially sharing the good news with them. I am always afraid I will scare them off or something because I don't know what to say. . .
For these new Christians we hook them up with a local church near their area and keep in contact with them. We use the buddy system and go to places like the nursing home and the mall and a strip mall and door to door and the movie theater.
We use these small notecardx tracts right now, but we are on the search for better ones (if anyones has any websites for free tracts please let me know!). . .
I have never really done this before and my friends got me into it and I really enjoy doing it. I mean, I am super nervous and all, but in the end I realize you have to think of where they arte going if you don' try. My friend helped me with my fears of scaring people off by saying this:
"Fear to witness
When it comes to witnessing, we should be careful what we say to people and even hesitant to share Christ with them because of the fear that we might turn them away from Him and ruin any further chances that other Christians might have of witnessing to those people. We need to be afraid of witnessing and very cautious with it because we could turn them against Christ and then we would be causing them to turn away and go to Hell. Or do we... If they aren't saved, they are already going to Helll to start with, so with us saying nothing, it isn't changing their status at all, but saying that we don't really care either way where they go. By following God in witnessing to people, we are doing all that we can do and if we seek God and His direction in it and let Him speak through us, what do we have to fear? We are doing His work and we just have to leave the rest up to Him to work on the people's hearts. "
He really helps me get used to this new witness thing for me and I am thankful for him.