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Animal Crossing

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Animal Crossing

Postby rinoa_heartilly » Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:32 pm

Ok, how many people here have played Animal Crossing for NGC? I love that game! I've gotten pretty far in it. I think it's amazing, i mean more games should be like that. It's kinda creepy though.. I mean... when you aren't playing things still happen :dizzy: It's a totally awesome game.
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Postby Spencer » Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:04 pm

I like taht all your friends/family can make a dude, and then you all interact. It's a fun game. I played it a long time before growing bored of it and giving it to my friend for Christmas. But we see each other almost every weekend, so it doesn't matter much. Also, I like how you can trade with anyone.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:49 pm

Yeah, yeah. Everyone in my family has a house and I always drop useless stuff in my brothers yards and stamp out his flowers... I'm mean. :evil:
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:51 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:Yeah, yeah. Everyone in my family has a house and I always drop useless stuff in my brothers yards and stamp out his flowers... I'm mean. :evil:

I love that game. It's so innovative.
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Postby lobsterbucket » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:37 pm

I've never played it, but i will definitely take the tip. Thanks guys!

P.S. I like the SN Rinoa

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Postby Danyasaur » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:46 pm

heh, heh, you have no idea the evil I can produce in this game :evil:
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Postby kirakira » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:42 pm

*lol* That game is fun!! *lolness*

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Postby CobaltAngel » Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:26 am

Archy, do you hit people with axes too?! o.o Luke does that all the time... XD
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Postby Inferno » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:45 pm

I thought the game looked kind of dumb. no offence or notin
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Jan 27, 2004 9:02 am

When, I first saw screenshots were they announced the game, thought.."Why Nintendo? Why? Bad Graphics + Childish gameplay?" It looked like an N64 game, well actually it was. Anyways, when the game come out, I got a free rental at Blockbuster. So, I said what the heck and rented it.... a week later I bought the game. I'm still not sure why I like the game.... it's just fun... no real frustration.... anyways, I like the game.

I give it a... 8.4/10 - the graphic still need improvement, but it's a solid concept and exacuted well.
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Postby rinoa_heartilly » Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:37 am

At first I thought it looked retarded, but when i started playing it, I was like, "Whoa this game is sweet and there is so much you can do!" Whenever I wasn't playing it, I was always wondering what was going on... I mean, dude, stuff happens when you aren't playing.. it's trippy... you wake up in the middle of the night and you wonder what Rasher and Mr. Nook are doing... :hits_self

It's just really fun. It can get repetitive but, so could Harvest Moon. And Animal Crossing is a lot like Harvest Moon. But it's fun to play if you love games like that.. Mwuhahahaha, i need to play AC... Dangit! I forgot to turn on the light house! Tortimer is going to be mad at me... :waah!:
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:17 am

Wow, I want to get a Gamecube. I love Harvest Moon type games. ^^

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Postby Roll » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:34 am

Say, how about we do some furniture trading? Maybe we can help each other find that certain piece we're after! I'm looking for the following:

Snowman fridge
Snowman bed
Snowman dresser

If you have any of these, please post the code here! Let us know what you're after, and maybe we can help you get it.
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Postby righteous_slave » Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:08 am

Just got it and started building my little empire. So far I've made a shirt, umbrella and my wallpaper covered with Alice Cooper's makeup on it (next on the list, KISS, Sting, and the Ultimate Warrior!!!!)and found Rio walking aroung with it on, and have a pteronodon skull and a candy machine in my house. This game is insane in it's simplicityand addictiveness. I love it.
PS, I saw in a magzine where someone had "digitized" a picture of Ozzy for a design. I wouldn't want him, but does anyone know how to do that or somewhere that shows such tricks?
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Postby Kireihana » Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:06 am

Hope no one minds if I revive this thread.

I love AC. You can't judge it by it's graphics, or the way the characters look. (If you did, you're missing out). But it's one of those games you get hooked on and play every day for months, and then you get tired of it and let it sit there for a month or two. When you come back, all the animals are po'ed at you for being gone so long and weeds have invaded your town. ^^

Let's see... I've payed off all my house loans... On my first floor I have the complete Exotic Series, on the second floor I'm working on the Snowman Collection (If anyone wants to trade for some Snowman stuff, PM me. I have a pretty big catalog.)

How many fish/bugs have you guys got? I've got most of the fish, but those bugs are pesky. I've given up with the Well. My town is perpetually imperfect. ^^
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Postby SVD997 » Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:41 pm

I personally did not like the game, but then again, I am unable to play it everyday, and I have no one else that would play it with me. Also, I don't like the fact that stuff happens when you're not there. I do most of my playing at night, so I ended up changing the clock to the opposite of whatever it is now. In other words, if it is 10 pm, it would be 10 am in the game, that seemed to work for me, but I found it pretty monotonous. Sorry guys. What's weird though, is I LOVE harvest moon! :)
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Postby Roll » Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:03 pm

Kireihana wrote:Let's see... I've payed off all my house loans... On my first floor I have the complete Exotic Series, on the second floor I'm working on the Snowman Collection (If anyone wants to trade for some Snowman stuff, PM me. I have a pretty big catalog.)

Oh, oh, do you have a Snowman fridge, bed, or dresser? I'm doing that theme on my second floor too, and those are the last three pieces I need! Since they cannot be bought via your personal catalog, you have to actually have one on hand that you got from a snowman in order to send it to somebody, so if you have any, please don't sell them!
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:00 pm

Can you do illeg
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Postby Roll » Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:51 pm

Volt wrote:Can you do illegal Activities :lol: :shady: seriously... LOL Like steal apples or purposely not do your job :evil:

There aren't many illegal things you can really do, but it's easy to be annoying. If you continually push your neighbors around for several seconds, they'll get peeved and start yelling at you. The same happens if you hit them over the head with objects or keep talking to them again and again. It's also funny to watch them get caught in pitfalls!
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Postby Kireihana » Wed Feb 25, 2004 3:56 pm

Yes, there are many ways to annoy your neighbors in this game. You can also make them mad by giving them the wrong answers to their questions (i.e. "Isn't my new outfit ADORABLE??!" - "No") or asking if they need any help, and then declining their request. Also I think you can skip work in the beginning, but you can't progress through the game until you finish your jobs. And you can offer to do people favors and then not complete them, which gets them pretty mad...

And Roll, I do happen to have an extra Snowman bed! I may have some extra wallpaper too... I really haven't played the game since early January but I collected quite a bit of snowman stuff using my other houses.

And SVD997, if you want to visit other towns you might want to consider getting another memory card. It's practically like getting a whole new game! Although I agree it does get a little frustrating at how slow time passes... I think Harvest Moon has an ok time speed; could be just a liiiiiiittle slower, and the Sims is REALLY fast...
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Postby Roll » Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:20 pm

Kireihana wrote:And Roll, I do happen to have an extra Snowman bed! I may have some extra wallpaper too... I really haven't played the game since early January but I collected quite a bit of snowman stuff using my other houses.

Oh, please please please send that bed to me!! I'd really appreciate it! If there's anything you're after, just let me know, and I'll send it or keep an eye out if I don't have it.

EDIT: As an update, the Snowman bed is now the only piece I need! Woo hoo!!

Here's a list of the HTF items I currently have available for anyone in need:

-Spooky chair
-Spooky sofa
-Snowman lamp
-Snowman sofa
-Snowman chair
-Snowman wall
-fishing bear

Post here or PM me if you want any of these, okay?
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