Postby Puritan » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:41 pm
Well, let's see what I can do. Firstly, God is a jealous God, but his jealousy is not like ours. Ours involves wanting what isn't ours and desiring things we don't have, which is bad. God's jealousy is desiring that what is rightfully His (everything) do what it rightfully should, that His people (indeed, all of mankind) follow him and do his will. Our not doing that makes him jealous and angry, as you noticed, but that jealousy and anger is righteous as it is based on God's desire for good and hatred of evil, which is a good and right part of who God is.
As for God's anger, yes, He does get angry, and there is much for Him to be angry about. There is much evil in this world, and that evil rightfully angers Him (see Romans 1:18 for a New Testament statement of this). However, God is also merciful, and rather than destroying us like we justly deserve, He has kept us alive and blesses us with riches beyond our comprehension if we have faith and believe in Him. He has killed people, and He is not to be trifled with, but realize that God is also merciful and puts up with the failings of His children because He loves us despite our sins, and even in the midst of them. God generally smites people for sins that are above and beyond the norm (i.e. Herod's acceptance of praise that should have been God's in Acts 12:20-23 or the attempt by Ananias and Sapphira to lie for glory in front of God and the Church in Acts 5:1-11), and remember that He does this to make a point, not simply because He is angry (or people would probably die from being struck by God on a reglar basis).
As for emotions, Christians go through emotional cycles like everyone else, and we don't always love God or others like we should. Sometimes we don't feel sorry for our sins, and sometimes we don't feel remorse when we know we should. That happens to everyone, and the real important thing is to be reading the Bible and praying for forgiveness of your sins and for repentance (turing from your sins and recognizing them as sin). Don't be too discouraged for not feeling right, that happens from time to time. Prayer and trust in God helps us through those times, and concern about your sins is a good indicator that you are going in the right direction. Also, please don't worry about not remembering every sin you have done, it is generally considered appropriate to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and conviction of those you don't know as sin or don't remember. Simply confess those you do remember and pray that God bring you closer to Him, that He guide you from sin and reveal sins in your life you didn't recognize.
I hope that helps, and I would be happy to try to help more if you wish.
"...cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you." - John Owen The Mortification of Sin