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The Showdown and As I lay dying anyone?

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The Showdown and As I lay dying anyone?

Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:41 am

These are two great bands that i have only seen a passing mention to here and there. So how many fans are out there.
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Postby Kkun » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:01 am

I'm a ginormous huge crazy fan of The Showdown and a casual fan of As I Lay Dying. A Chorus of Obliteration is one of my favorite recent CDs, and I own Shadows Are Security and think it's pretty good. Tim Lambesis is a good showman, but I don't enjoy AILD as much as The Showdown.

Fun note, since you seem to know The Showdown: you know Josh Scogin's (of The Chariot) part on track 4 on A Chorus of Obliteration, 'From the Mouth of Gath Comes Terror?' David Bunton put the mic in my hands and let me do that part when I saw them play live the time before the last time I saw them. : D
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Postby Seppuku » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:13 am

both quite good bands id have to say.


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Postby Seppuku » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:14 am

any COB fans?


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Postby Kkun » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:31 am

Seppuku wrote:any COB fans?

Children of Bodom? I think they are sick musically, and Alexi Laiho's vocals are fantastic, but I can't dig their lyrics, so I don't listen to them. XD

Musically, though, COB is cool.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:09 pm

Fun note, since you seem to know The Showdown: you know Josh Scogin's (of The Chariot) part on track 4 on A Chorus of Obliteration, 'From the Mouth of Gath Comes Terror?' David Bunton put the mic in my hands and let me do that part when I saw them play live the time before the last time I saw them. : D

Yea a recall you mentioning that on Myspace. I also saw them live just recently along with Flee the seen and Haste the day. That was a killer concert. Insanly intense
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Postby xCAFx » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:26 pm

I havent heard much of the showdown but i like As I Lay Dying alot.Even if they are metalcore i still think they rock.
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Postby FarmGirl » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:51 pm

As I Lay Dying's lyrics are awesome.
Heh, and the music is pretty good, too.

Haven't heard of the Showdown (I thought for a moment that you were speaking of the novel...).
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Postby Eric » Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:56 pm

I used to like As I Lay Dying and The Showdown back when I was still a metal n00b, but not any more. I've moved on since then.
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Postby Kkun » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:06 pm

Eric wrote:I used to like As I Lay Dying and The Showdown back when I was still a metal n00b, but not any more. I've moved on since then.

Did it ever occur to you, perhaps, that people like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown not because they are metal n00bs but because they genuinely like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown? You say stuff like that all the time about bands you consider to be lesser, and I don't know how you mean for it to come off, but it strikes me as really condescending.

Would it have been better, perhaps, to have said nothing at all if you didn't have anything substantial to contribute other than a subtle swipe at people who like these bands?
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Postby everdred12a » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:29 pm

Kkun wrote:Did it ever occur to you, perhaps, that people like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown not because they are metal n00bs but because they genuinely like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown? You say stuff like that all the time about bands you consider to be lesser, and I don't know how mean to come off, but it strikes me as really condescending.

Would it have been better, perhaps, to have said nothing at all if you didn't have anything substantial to contribute other than a subtle swipe at people who like these bands?

Agreed. But sometimes that's just too much to ask. But let me ask this question - isn't noob, by definition, a person who interacts with others with the intent to cause unrest and other trouble? >.>

I also genuinely enjoy the Showdown, though I don't know much about AILD. The Showdown puts on one the best live show I've ever seen. And they know who I am, too. I'm 'that kid with the foam Showdown hand.'

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Postby Eric » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:37 am

Kkun wrote:Did it ever occur to you, perhaps, that people like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown not because they are metal n00bs but because they genuinely like As I Lay Dying and the Showdown? You say stuff like that all the time about bands you consider to be lesser, and I don't know how you mean for it to come off, but it strikes me as really condescending.

Would it have been better, perhaps, to have said nothing at all if you didn't have anything substantial to contribute other than a subtle swipe at people who like these bands?

I was only saying how it was for me. I don't honestly care if anyone else likes them; it's none of my concern. So chill out.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:09 pm

[quote="Eric"]I was only saying how it was for me. I don't honestly care if anyone else likes them]
What you're failing to see is that in saying what you said, you've basically insulted everyone on this thread. What you did is called flaming, and while I'm not going to go check the CAA rules on this, I'm fairly certain that CAA doesn't take too kindly to flaming. So, for future reference, I wouldn't do something like that again. I may get criticism for trying to be a mod in saying this, but I'm pretty sure that if any mod were here, they would say the same thing.

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Postby Kkun » Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:29 pm

[quote="Eric"]I was only saying how it was for me. I don't honestly care if anyone else likes them]

I had a response to this posted for a while, but I'd rather not continue this now that I've thought about it, so I'll just let it drop.
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Postby Eric » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:55 pm

everdred12a wrote:What you're failing to see is that in saying what you said, you've basically insulted everyone on this thread. What you did is called flaming, and while I'm not going to go check the CAA rules on this, I'm fairly certain that CAA doesn't take too kindly to flaming. So, for future reference, I wouldn't do something like that again. I may get criticism for trying to be a mod in saying this, but I'm pretty sure that if any mod were here, they would say the same thing.

Good job on putting words into my mouth. I only made that statement based on MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. When I listened to those bands, I did not listen to very much metal at all, and now (years later), I listen to a lot of metal, and I no longer listen to As I Lay Dying and The Showdown. It was not meant as an insult to ANYONE, and if anyone takes it that way, they are way too overly sensitive. This is an Internet forum; there's no need for you to get your panties in a bunch just because someone happens to have a different opinion than yours.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:02 pm

I think I'll follow Kkun on this one. It's not worth arguing about. Music arguments are a-dime-a-dozen. If it's not one thing, it's another.

But, as my final word on this subject - Eric, you seriously need to watch it on the flaming. That's three times on one thread.

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Postby Eric » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:10 am

Ok wow...I am not flaming anyone. I don't honestly see how anything I have said is flaming. I did not attack anyone. I made a statement that was misinterpreted, and even though I explained it quite well, you still insist that I'm flaming you. And I'm not. I have nothing against people who listen to those bands. Something's not quite right with this picture. You are making this a much bigger deal than it should be. So what if I don't listen to them any more? It doesn't mean that you should accuse me of flaming everyone here just because of that. In case you didn't read what I said, here it is again:

"I only made that statement based on MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. When I listened to those bands, I did not listen to very much metal at all, and now (years later), I listen to a lot of metal, and I no longer listen to As I Lay Dying and The Showdown."


Saying that I was accusing you all of being metal n00bs is utter nonsense; in fact, I know several people who like those two bands that listen to a lot of metal and other good music. Sure, they generally like different bands than I do, but they are not n00bs. Do you have some sort of grudge against me or something? Because I have done absolutely nothing to deserve being treated like this. Just because I listen to far more metal than anyone else on this forum (with the exception of the people who listen to lots of power/hair metal, which I don't listen to much), and I am not afraid to let it be known (I mean let's face it, this is an anime forum, not a metal forum, so you can't expect very many people here to know much about metal), doesn't mean you should make me out to be an elitist jerk. It is only a fact; nothing more, nothing less, and noone should take offense to that--if you do, that's your problem, not mine.
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Postby Eric » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:22 am


I have seen The Showdown twice live, and they were pretty enjoyable. I just don't listen to their music much any more; I pretty much only listen to A Chorus of Obliteration when I'm really super bored, and I rarely ever get bored.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:14 am

Eric wrote:Ok wow...I am not flaming anyone. I don't honestly see how anything I have said is flaming. I did not attack anyone. I made a statement that was misinterpreted, and even though I explained it quite well, you still insist that I'm flaming you. And I'm not. I have nothing against people who listen to those bands. Something's not quite right with this picture. You are making this a much bigger deal than it should be. So what if I don't listen to them any more? It doesn't mean that you should accuse me of flaming everyone here just because of that. In case you didn't read what I said, here it is again:

"I only made that statement based on MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. When I listened to those bands, I did not listen to very much metal at all, and now (years later), I listen to a lot of metal, and I no longer listen to As I Lay Dying and The Showdown."


Saying that I was accusing you all of being metal n00bs is utter nonsense]anime[/i] forum, not a metal forum, so you can't expect very many people here to know much about metal), doesn't mean you should make me out to be an elitist jerk. It is only a fact; nothing more, nothing less, and noone should take offense to that--if you do, that's your problem, not mine.

WOW. Whoa. Okay, well, you know, I dropped it. I'm sorry. This was a stupid thing, and I apologize.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:09 pm


I have seen The Showdown twice live, and they were pretty enjoyable. I just don't listen to their music much any more]

Yeah, so, to drag this back on topic, have you seen As I Lay Dying play live, too? I'm not really into them very much, but Tim Lambesis is a great frontman.
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Postby Eric » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:23 pm

everdred12a wrote:isn't noob, by definition, a person who interacts with others with the intent to cause unrest and other trouble? >.>

I believe that would be a troll. A n00b is someone who doesn't know much about a certain topic. Take me, for example. I would consider myself to be somewhat of a n00b when it comes to anime since I only have about 20 complete series so far, and I have only been watching anime for about a year and a half now.
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Postby Eric » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:26 pm

Kkun wrote:Yeah, so, to drag this back on topic, have you seen As I Lay Dying play live, too? I'm not really into them very much, but Tim Lambesis is a great frontman.

I haven't seen them live in person, but I've downloaded some videos of them. The way their drummer had the bass drum triggered sounded pretty bad because it made individual bass drum hits completely indistinguishable and it overpowered pretty much everything else.
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Postby everdred12a » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:45 pm

Eric wrote:I believe that would be a troll. A n00b is someone who doesn't know much about a certain topic. Take me, for example. I would consider myself to be somewhat of a n00b when it comes to anime since I only have about 20 complete series so far, and I have only been watching anime for about a year and a half now.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:55 pm

Eric wrote:I haven't seen them live in person, but I've downloaded some videos of them. The way their drummer had the bass drum triggered sounded pretty bad because it made individual bass drum hits completely indistinguishable and it overpowered pretty much everything else.

Yeah, that's a shame. I saw them at Cornerstone Florida 2005 last year, and it just wasn't very impressive. I've heard various things. I didn't think it was worth having them be the last band of the first night at Cornerstone. They're pretty good, but they aren't THAT good. Still, I enjoy Shadows Are Security every now and then.
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Postby That Dude » Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:55 am

I really enjoy As I Lay Dying...My family is good friends with the guitarist Nick's mom and aunt and uncle. So I've became friends with Nick and have seen AILD live a few times. The definately put on a pretty crazy live show. As far as The Showdown goes...I'm pretty much the opposite of Kkun here...I'm a big fan of AILD but I think that The Showdown is just alright...I own their CD a Chorus Of Obliteration but I think it's just average.
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