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Lemme Be Like Him

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Lemme Be Like Him

Postby Angel37 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:30 am

I wrote this for my best friend after attending his wedding. *sniff*

"Lemme Be Like Him"

Someone once told me,
"God is in the rain.",
And it was as if the sky was crying,
Tears full of joy, that day
When I saw a piece of the future,
A piece of my heart grown up and in love.

It was there as I sat in oblivion,
There as I watched God's blessings
Poured out onto a man and woman's eyes
Full of endless water love.
And as he looked upon that angel,
Full of her own godly, holy light,
And as he swore to her, I could only
Think a prayer as the rain poured
Eagerly from my own haunted eyes.

I prayed,
"God, lemme be like him.
God, lemme see all that he's seeing.
God, he's so beautiful in this moment,
Looking at her, smiling at her.
Lemme be like him, lemme be like him.

God, lemme love like him.
Lemme stare into water love eyes.
Lemme breathe that same eternal emotion.
Let 'em never fear, never part, never lose heart.
God, they're so strong.
Lemme be like him."

I sat there remembering,
When he and I snuck out with our friends,
How I trusted him with everything.
I let God be my guide and He led me,
To find in him the friend that I needed.
He slowly reconstrued my broken heart,
He was quickly to my aid,
Quickly to show how best friends behave.

And through the darkness free men bring,
He gave me courage to shout and sing
Praises of happiness, love, to rejoice,
In him, I found a voice.
Now I am not afraid to stand and rebel,
Against his tormentors and personal hells.
Because his life is worth it,
To see the smile on her face at his presence.
And when I see them,

I pray,
"God lemme be like him.
Lemme stand strong in darkness,
God, lemme have all his courage,
As he protects her, lemme see him through.
Lemme be like him, lemme be like him.

God, lemme give someone what he gave me,
Lemme somehow return the joy he gave me.
Lemme somehow protect the life he gave her.
Give 'em strength, give 'em joy, give 'em peace.
God, they're my life.
Lemme be like him."

And when the time came,
There I stood ready and willing to break.
I saw how much you loved her eyes,
Eyes that the rain was stopping light.
And I made a stand, a decision, a choice,
To use what you gave me and protect my voice.

And when the time came,
I let them break, torture, destroy me,
Bind me and rape me, all in your name.
And as God came in raindrops,
As you all held me tight,
I'd do it again in heartbeat,
To see you both safe, God it's worth it.
I smile through blood sweat and tears at the demons:

I pray:
"God, lemme be like him.
God, lemme walk in his shoes.
Lemme see You as he sees You,
Reflected in her bright blue eyes.
Lemme be like him, lemme be like him.

God, lemme love like him.
Lemme fall in Your love as a brace,
Lemme trust in Your love and Your grace.
Help me live, help me love, help me fight,
God, 'cause they're all I got.
So, lemme be strong like him,
Kind like him,
Courageous like him,
Loving like him,
Willing like him,
A friend like him,
Trusting like him,
Beautiful, like him.
God, just lemme be like him.
Lemme be like him."

Someone once told me,
"God is in the rain."
And I told that someone,
"There's no rain in his eyes,
Look again."

-Crash Metallium

Written for my dearest friend, Sorata Inverse and his lovely bride Jessica on the day of their union in Christ.
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Postby creed4 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:05 pm

very good, It hits hard
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby Angel37 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:13 pm

he hasn't read it yet...he's still on his honeymoon. XD but thanks!
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:46 pm

Moy(Muy?) Excellente, Mes..What Mes Are you? Mes Compradres? Mes...Neighbor? I dunno....

Well, good work at any rate.
With your doubt, all is comfort
We are all as we appear
No more questions left unanswered
No more wonder, no more fear
Nothing is beauty, nothing's feeling
Blood where there once was a soul
So I ask you, prove yourself
Make me believe that you are whole
Zarn Ishtare
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