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Postby Jack Bond » Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:42 am

Ok... :sweat: Here goes... I've been wanting to try this out for a while now.

Michael Balm was sitting in his classroom as usual, listening to the teacher spout random equasions as usual. What wasn't usual was that his best friend, Ciara wasn't sitting in the chair beside him. Her mother had called in saying something was wrong with her when she woke up. "She was just fine last night when I visited," He thought to himself, "What could have happened?" With these thoughts in mind, he missed when the teacher asked him to answer an equasion. He exited his 6th grade class room and headed to his locker to put away his books and prepare for lunch. He was starting to miss having Ciara around. With such a springy attitude, she practically made him laugh every 5 minutes. And a boy like that would need it. He was average in every way. He wasn't particularly strong or smart, not that he cared, but having a laugh so often was good for him. Suddenly, an 8th grader came running around the corner. Michael ignored him because running in the halls was somewhat normal. The 8th grader was in such a hurry, he shoved past Michael. Michael tripped, hit his foot hard on the locker, and yelled out in pain. The 8th grader stopped running and turned around saying, "I'm so sorry! I didn't- I'm gonna go get a teacher." He ran to the nearest classroom and said to the teacher, "Come quick, I think Michael broke his leg!" The teacher rushed back to Michael and tested his leg. Michael yelped in pain. The teacher looked at it for a second, "Yes, this is definitely broken... We need to get you to a doctor."

Ciara was in bed forced to stay by her parents. Her mom, just outside her door whispered to her dad, "I don't get why she's taking this dream so seriously..."
"Maybe she needs a psychologist." Her mom paused.
"I really don't know..."
"I'm telling you people," Yelled Ciara through the door, "Michael is gonna break his leg at school today. I don't know how, but I know this dream is real."
"Honey, it was just a dream dreams a-" suddenly the phone rang. Her mom answered it, "Hello?" As she listened to the call, her face showed shock. When the caller was done, she said in a weak voice, "Ok, we'll be right there." She hung up, just as the caller was saying, "Hey are you feeling alright you don-" Ciara's mother took her and her father in the car and she started driving. "Mom, what's going on?" She asked.
"I was right wasn't I?" Her mother was silent. "Wasn't I?"
Jack Bond
Posts: 115
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:00 am

Postby creed4 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:36 pm

Interesting is this the start of a story, or does some action happen before it. any way good start. Keep it up.
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Postby Jack Bond » Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:48 am

:red: I agree, I thought that too. I couldn't really think how to make it longer...
Jack Bond
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:31 pm

Lemme get this straight...she had a dream he would break his leg, and he did?
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