Ruroken wrote:interesting though Bob. Jesus could watch anything and not sin... but would hearing cuss words and seeing fanservice... aint that sinfull? so i dont think Jesus would watch what some people (personally i dont know how some of you can watch some anime and not be ofended....) Also i dont think he's watch what a other people would watch... 1. he doesnt need to in order to know our problems 2. because a lot of it just isnt right...
inkhana wrote:Actually, can it be a sin to hear someone curse or see fanservice? It's what you do with the experience that counts - do you adopt that sin or reject it? I'll give a fair example: suppose you walk up behind someone when you're checking out from the store. She's wearing a skimpy little top and swearing a storm.'ve heard the swearing, and seen the "fanservice" (although I'm using a blatant example, it's for the most part the same thing)...does that mean you have sinned? No, it's because you didn't do those things, and you reject them. You can't escape such things while you're in this world.
What Bob is getting at is that Jesus can be in any situation and not sin - could witness any human atrocity and still love us not for what we are (most horrible and corrupt sinners), but just because He wants to. That is His holy nature. We don't involve ourselves with those things for the reason Bob listed, but Jesus does not have the constraint of unholy thoughts and therefore cannot be corrupted by them. That doesn't necessarily mean that He -would- watch these things if given an op, it just means that He wouldn't be drawn into the same traps we are.
actually i was going more along the lines of... you watch an anime KNOWING to expect Fanservice and cussing... like Cowboy Bebop.inkhana can it be a sin to hear someone curse or see fanservice? It's what you do with the experience that counts - do you adopt that sin or reject it? I'll give a fair example: suppose you walk up behind someone when you're checking out from the store. She's wearing a skimpy little top and swearing a storm.'ve heard the swearing, and seen the "fanservice" (although I'm using a blatant example, it's for the most part the same thing)...does that mean you have sinned? No, it's because you didn't do those things, and you reject them. You can't escape such things while you're in this world.
What Bob is getting at is that Jesus can be in any situation and not sin - could witness any human atrocity and still love us not for what we are (most horrible and corrupt sinners), but just because He wants to. That is His holy nature. We don't involve ourselves with those things for the reason Bob listed, but Jesus does not have the constraint of unholy thoughts and therefore cannot be corrupted by them. That doesn't necessarily mean that He -would- watch these things if given an op, it just means that He wouldn't be drawn into the same traps we are.
Volt wrote:Aww a thread with my name in it... (But still dedicated to what Jesus would watch)
I'd like to thank everyone for their mature opinions...What you guy's have said has really opened up my heart and mind and helped me with everyday chioces.
The real Jesus might not really be into Anime, the sexuality so and so. But I'm not trying to stereotype Anime. Anime like Cowboy Bebop has truths in it...And I agree that Jesus would try to bring out these truths... The fanservice and Cursing...that's natural reality. I went to a city school with about 1,200 cursing teens but they had absolutely no affect on me. Listening to people isn't what makes you sin...It's the sinning it'self...
BUT you must be carefull, because there ARE contradictions... that's like saying It's better to watch porn than to actually go out and loose your virginity. It's not that simple to just labal what jesus would and wouldn't do...You and I and everyone else don't exactly know him 100%, not to mension around the time he was physically alive there was no TV, Anime, and the media we have today.
Jesus would watch all anime? That's an assumption based on what you yourself beleaves. But it's a darn good assumption...Jesus was always known for listening... He'd watch the anime to listen but not neccesarily enjoy it. Maybe just watch it and debate on the truths and sins in the anime. After all We shouldn't judge but speculate, this is the path that offends none, yet teaches all. -Volt
Of course I don't beleave in putting words into Jesus's mouth. Same with the WWJD, you can't assume what jesus would or wouldn't do. Becaue most people base that decision on what they like and dislike. Personally
I'm battleing over the idea if jesus would bother to spend time to even watch anime....Of course That depends if Jesus is a lively person who enjoyed the things in life. or ignored everything so he wouldn't be tempted, to fulfill his purpose and not focus on pleasure....We don't know that yet becasue the Bible today, is has really been edited more than 4Kids's animes.
I really would like Jesus's "More Human, enjoying earthly media" image. But we don't really know. We shouldn't assume.
Listening to other people can change you and have a bad affect sometimes. Listening can be tempting. What tempts jesus isn't what tempts you...thus the whole WWJD is completely blown out of the's more like "What Would Jesus Tell You To Do" rather than what he would do....Because Jesus died for all human's doesn't mean you or I would.
Also ANIME can tempt a person...and seeing how the Bible says to stay away from things that tempt you, not to purposely tempt yourself. You might want to reconsider wheather Jesus would watch ALL anime... Like a Normal human, he would have preferences.
Ruroken wrote:good words there volt.
We shouldn't judge but speculate, this is the path that offends none, yet teaches all. -Volt
I thought the Bible tells us to judge... if it offends its not your fault... Like if someones watching hentai id judge that he' probably a wierdo....
Volt wrote:We don't know that yet becasue the Bible today, is has really been edited more than 4Kids's animes.
uc pseudonym wrote:Rather than speak at length about what Jesus might or might not watch, or speculate on the boundaries of sin, I'll just say this: Frankly, I think Jesus would have much better things to do with His time. Help the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, etc. Of course, I wouldn't say He'd never watch anime. Maybe he would as a boy before his ministry (we assume young Jesus did something for fun, don't we?).
Volt wrote:We don't know that yet becasue the Bible today, is has really been edited more than 4Kids's animes.
madphilb wrote:Well put Bob... this is why I get fustrated at the people who put one translation of the Bible above others (I've met people who go so far as to say that any translation besides the one they use isn't the Bible at all). Christians get hung up on the dumbest things at times.
Bobtheduck wrote:I disagree that the bible has things edited out because of translation (though some minor, and mostly , but some points may be LOST in translation, because the exact culture that each of those books came from and spoke to no longer exists... I mean, even looking at modern London English and Modern Los Angeles English, there are differences both in words and in cultural connotations to words, phrases, and statements... That doesn't make communication worthless, just more difficult, hence translation and adaptation becoming a very difficult, incomplete, and imperfect thing... That doesn't negate the bible, but it does make study outside of one translation and such worthwile.
uc pseudonym wrote:The title of the campaign was not so much a logical assertion as a nice label. Their point was that as stewards of Earth, we shouldn't be guzzling its resources.
uc pseudonym wrote:Now that I see the true nature of your issue, I no longer have real problem with it. While we cannot possibly know what Jesus would have done, we can take logical steps to determine what He would want us to do. This is, after all, a significant portion of the Christian faith: using the information given us (the word of God) to determine what God wants us to do.
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