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March 20, 2006

Devotional guides to help strengthen your walk in Christ

March 20, 2006

Postby Rev. Doc » Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:45 pm

Using What God Has Given You

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit."
I Corinthians 12:4

Antonio was an Italian boy who loved music, but whenever he tried to sing the music that was in his heart, it came out so badly that all his friends laughed at him. Next to singing, the boy loved to hear the violin. He had a pocketknife he always carried with him and he would whittle all sorts of things with it. One day Antonio learned that the greatest violin maker in all Italy, the great Nicolo Amati, lived in his village! Antonio began to whittle a violin and worked for many hours on it. When finished, the boy walked to the house of Amati, who just happened to answer the door. The boy handed the master the small violin he had carved and said, "Sir--I love music, but cannot sing. I wish with all my heart I could learn to make violins." The great Amati smiled, looked at the small gift and said, "Beautifully done! You want to make violins? And so you shall! In time your violins will make the most beautiful music ever heard!" And so, Antonio Stradivari became the pupil of Nicolo Amati and in time made violins that equaled his master's.

Prayer: Ask God to help you use the gifts He has given as a blessing to others.

"We have nothing to do with how much ability we've got, or how little, but with what we do with what we have. The man with great talent is apt to be puffed up, and the man with little to belittle the little. Poor fools! God gives it, much or little. Our part is to be faithful, doing the level best with every bit and scrap. And we will be if Jesus' spirit controls."
~S.D. Gordon
"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."
~George Burns
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Rev. Doc
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Postby TrigunX89 » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:07 am

Thanks, Rev. I had this very subject on my mind.
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