Yeah today when i got home these guys (one of which is my ex bf) was picking on my dogs... now this isnt the first time this has happened... they have been doing this for around a year now and i have called the cops before but it is diff this time... ok heres how it went... i got home and got out of the car as normal ... but then i saw the stupid kids (i call them that cause thats what they act like although they are between the ages of 14 and 18) and they were walkin on by and throwing rocks at and spitting on my dogs so i yelled at them to stop when i ran to the front gate... i told the mthey better stop or i would call the police but they just smarted off and spit at them some more and so i yelled "the only reason they freaking bark is cause you are so mean to them and pick on them, and if you do it again i WILL call the cops!" and so they just smarted off and went on their way... so ne ways i called the cops... there is NO FLIPPING WAY they are going to do this to my dogs and not get into trouble for it.
Once i called they were all "yeah we will send someone right over as soon as possible" well a few hours passed (note that i live not even 2 minutes from the police station in my town maybe not even one minute.) any ways i started calling people to rant to lol like i allways to and while i was looking at my phone 2 of the 3 guys walked on by th back yard with some girl i had ever seen before and she went behind the shed (well she was in the alley not on my property but i could not see her that is why i refer to her being behind the shed) anyways she did something i cant figure out what but i was looking at the guys like i was mad at them and they got smart with me AGAIN and did something only immature people do although i cant quote the sound they made because it was so stupid and retarded anyways.. a few minutes later they drove by on the acctual street in front of my house in a maroon buick (i think it was a buick) and one of the guys flipped me off so i was like whatever let them do it its not hurting me or my feelings its just making them look like idiots so i called the flippin cops again to see where the heck they were and like the lady person answered and was all "we are in a meeting ill get one out to you asap" i was all ok so i went to my neighbor Elsie and Freddies house and talked with them until it was just getting dark and so i left and started building a baracade type of thing to keep the dogs from going too far and getting hurt in the back of the yard and what do you know here comes the flipping police men (one was cute... but other than that no comment... lol) but uhmm i went and told them what had happened that day and all of that and some various other things like the fire in my neighobrs yard that they had caused (seeing ho no one else walks back there) and the cop gave me a WHAT THE HECK look... ne ways they went to talk to joseph and find out more crap and so yeah i think josephs dad cussed the cops out but yeah thats ok not my buisness (sp?) and yeah thats how my day was... please pray they dont retaliate but other than that yeah... i was going to try to go over to my friends house this weekend and go hot tubbing but... with this the way it is im worried to leave my grandma here by herself but i hope i can still go over to her house (my friend that is)
Please pray for my friend brittany prince she is having issues she just texted me so yeah...