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Temuoplis Rising: Various Short Stories About the Growing Regime

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Temuoplis Rising: Various Short Stories About the Growing Regime

Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:33 am

Yeah, I'm bored. Dunno if this needs to be in the goof-off thread (as it'll be slightly similar to "Day in the Life of CAA" and based off of concepts introduced in the "Underground Communist Regime Started" thread) but my aim is to tell stories about the nation of Temuoplis through the eyes of one of the servbots named Pete. But here goes...

The (ever-expanding list of) Different Factions:

The Proud Republic of Temuoplis -- A semi-communist regime based on the principles that "All are equal, yet some more equal than others" that is led by Chairwoman Temulin. Seeks to free the people of the world from all capitalistic societies, and wishes to set up a utopian system where all are free, equal, and happy.

The (now Former) Wholly Holy Empire of Eagaelia (FWHEE) -- An Imperialistic society composed of religious fanatics that often attacks Temuoplis for no apparent reason. Led by Emperor Wild Eagle. Blown sky high by Kaemmerite, who managed to get into the country as it submerged (yes, submerged) and detonated an explosive, causing the submerged nation to implode on itself.

The Administration -- Very few people know anything about the Administration, and those that do are likely members of this Shadow Society. They are always watching, never interfering except in the most dire of circumstances. No one knows their true agenda, nor the structure of their hierarchy.

The Anarchists -- A baseless, lawless society (if you can call it that) where no rules apply, even the ones that require brushing one's hair in the morning. Though not ruled by anyone, they are often represented by two individuals known as Thursday and Sunday.

The Grand Patriarchate of CAA -- A puppet society controlled by The Administration, however it was not formed directly by them. Apparently ruled by one central dictatorial father-figure, however no one has ever actually seen him. Represented by Ingemar, although he is a member of an opposing faction of cynical, selfish, and skeptical anti-Socialist Libertarians.

The Grand Regime of Magic Girls with IQs of nearly 300 and Donut Eating
Plant Men
-- No information as of yet. Those that have tried to ascertain information about this regime were discovered having laughed themselves to death.

Armies of Obsidian -- Not actually an army, per se, but rather one singular space vampire who enjoys giving The Peoples of Temuoplis grief for blowing up the rock that he just happened to be sleeping under at the time.

The United and Tyrannically Dictated Republic of Osaka -- A dictatorship led by the tyrant Osaka, which seeks to take over the world and unite it under one flag. Recent reports show Osaka communing with Doc Shooby of The Administration, giving rise to rumors that The Administration has possessed interest in the UTDRO. Her people follow Osaka not based on her leadership skills, but on the fact that she's too adorable and tends to make decisions at knifepoint.

Peanutter-Butter Empire -- A newly formed nomadic nation composed of a tent full of Ninja-Trained Monkies and a former Planters mascot.

SIEJJ/Mintis Rebellion Nation -- ... just don't even ask.

Next post will be the cast of characters.
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby Locke » Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:06 am

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Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon... just have to outrun the halfling.
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Postby Puritan » Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:10 am

This is too good to pass up. I'd be happy to lend a hand if you wish one.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:35 pm

The (ever-expanding list of) Characters, separated by (ever-expanding list of) Different Factions:

The Proud Republic of Temuoplis:

Chairwoman Temulin -- Leader of the Proud Republic of Temuoplis, referred to by various titles, more commonly "Chairwoman" by her peoples and "Temulin-sama" by the Duckstapo, her elite secret police. Adored by all Temuoplians, more specifically Nat and Chief R. Duckie. A fair leader, according to the laws of Temuoplis. Prone to misspellings, however she claims it is to pioneer the native dialect of Temuoplis, Temuoplian. Quite the megalomaniac, which only serves to make her people love her more.

Comrade Puritan -- A calm, calculated scientist who is also a master of propoganda, making him very close to Chairwoman Temulin. Spends most of his time at the Temuoplian Space Station Gesellschaft, working in his lab or experimenting on prisoners of war. Pioneered the technology behind Temulin Rice, a substance capable of satiating hunger and giving workers the strength to work a full day from one bowl alone. Fortunately, it's also quite tasty.

Chief R. Duck -- It is said that if Comrade Puritan was Chairwoman Temulin's right hand, that Chief R. Duck would he her clenched left fist. Chief R. Duck, referred to as "Rabid Duckie" or sometimes "The Duck", is the Chief of the Temuoplis Secret Police, officially called "The Duckstapo." Given numerous cybernetic enhancements, due to various injuries received while defending his country. Tends to blow stuff up first, and forget the questions. Has a huge crush on The Hooded Gypsy, which some speculate will cause a great amount of trouble, that is if she were to even appear in this story. Recently gave himself the title "New Shogunate of Japan, in Service to Temulin-sama" after successfully leading Japan in a coup against the nation's Capitalistic system.

Comrade Meboeck -- Appointed the "Planted Person Who Goes Around Shouting 'Life Is Great!! I Love Temuoplis!!!'", Meboeck probably does his assigned task better than any Citizen of the Great Republic. Unfortunately, he doesn't say much else... not that he needs to.

Comrade Felina -- Highly intelligent and well-versed in communist policies, and due to this fact was appointed the office of Boot Cleaner, the highest possible office in the Temuoplian society. Does her job very well, despite a rocky start, and all citizens feel honored to have their boots scrubbed by her.

Lieutenant Rexman -- Appointed second in command to Chief R. Duck, as well as the honor of being a chair for Chairwoman Temulin. A mostly (read: not highly) capable Duckstapo Officer, at least when he can be found. Responsible for unleashing a pack of crazed dinosaurs on a Temuoplian Metropolitan Area (try saying that three times fast), however it did manage to kill one subersive so the other casualties were written off as collateral. Due to his body being mostly vaporized by Scepth, his remains were used for food, except for his brain which sat for a while in a jar atop Chairwoman Temulin's desk. He was later given a mechanized body modified from a Temuoplian Tank by Comrade Puritan, yet despite attempted requests for militaristic use by General Uri-Pea and Chief R. Duck it only serves as a more comfortable chair for Chairwoman Temulin.

Comrade Nat -- Literally and emotionally blinded by Chairwoman Temulin, but only because she wanted his eyes to feed her cat. His blind allegiance to Chairwoman Temulin (pun intended) proved his worth to her, who now uses him as a servant in her palace and enjoys torturing him for whatever reason she feels at that moment. However, one could argue if it were actually torture, as his unnatural devotion to Chairwoman Temulin actually makes him enjoy it a little too much. Constantly argues with Lt Rexman over their worth to her, as Nat believes the Lieutenant's position as the Chairwoman's whipping boy should be his own. He seems unaware of the fact that the Lieutenant "earned" this position from repeated failures in protecting the Republic, which only serves to prove his masochistic tendencies.

General Uri-Pea -- Recently commissioned General of the Temuoplis Armed Forces, he has taken to hiring a legion of cat-eared or moe mercenaries, which were all sworn into commission and approved personally by Chairwoman Temulin.

Pete the Servbot -- A worker in the Temuplian Factories, sometimes commissioned into active duty by Chairwoman Temulin. For all purposes, the main character of most of these stores.

The Former Wholly Holy Empire of Eagaelia (FWHEE):

Emperor Wild Eagle -- Leader of WHEE, a leader who seems to compensate for shortcomings in his personality with a large supply of hydrogen missiles and mechs. Recently tried to invade Temuoplis, but fell victim to the combined efforts of Comrade Puritan and Chief R. Duck, who trapped him in a stasis cell aboard the Space Station Gesellschaft.

General Sakura -- Beautiful and kind general of the Collected Armies of WHEE, General Sakura was recently taken as a voluntary prisoner of war by Chief R. Duckie to learn the ways of Temuoplis society. Unable to leave Temuoplis territory, however she has adjusted well to life there, and has become loved by the workers and servbots. While her capture was voluntary, she has been threatened with being placed in a stasis cell and then cloned into a nekomimi version of herself if she does not agree to join the Republic.

Hans the Dark Raven -- Temuoplis intel has very little on this individual.

Kei the Darting Swallow -- Temuoplis intel has very little on this individual.

The Administration:

Doc Shooby -- The most commonly seen member of The Administration, it is because of Doc Shooby that The Administration exists. Appears from time to time in various places and sets up intelligence points for the acquisition of information for The Administration's Agenda.

The Hooded Gypsy -- One of the least seen members of The Administration, The Hooded Gypsy has been a muse towards many individuals, namely Chief R. Duckie, who saw a vision of her while laying injured after one of the Great Wars and was instantly enamored by her. Many conflicts have been started by those trying to gain her favor, and many more will happen until she marries. However, I doubt any of those will be recorded here, as she'll likely not be appearing in these stories as The Author merely mentioned her in reference to a long-running gag on CAA.

Pseudoroth -- AKA the "One Winged Admin", has also been the cause of many wars, however his role was typically that of starting these wars by using ventriloquism to make members of opposing factions think they heard an insult from each other. Much like The Hooded Gypsy, Pseudoroth will likely not be appearing in these stories, but The Author thought that Pseudoroth sounded really cool and wanted to mention it.

The Anarchists:

Thursday and Sunday -- Two anarchists that enjoy being a bother to Temuoplis, but more intel is needed for a full biography.

The Grand Patriarchate of CAA:

Ingemar -- Although a member of the cynical, selfish, and skeptical anti-Socialist Libertarians, who oppose all government factions, he is reponsible for delivering any official documents and orations from the GPAA, usually because he has a bayonet sticking in his ribs at the time. Dealings with the People's Republic of Temuoplis has been mostly consisting of mere protests.

The Grand Regime of Magic Girls with IQs of nearly 300 and Donut Eating Plant Men:

Mitsuki Lover -- A devoted follower of his country, nicknamed Milo, he is a gifted propoganda artist who tends to make threats to all other countries, pasting pictures of Sailor Scouts over the images of other world leaders.

Armies of Obsidian:

Kalvin Lord Graphic -- Duke of the Green Rose, Warlord of the Western Realm, and Commander of the Armies of Obsidian; very few people realize that the space vampire is the ONLY member of the Armies of Obsidian, however he tends to be all that it needs. While typically peaceful unless hungry, he was sleeping under a rock that was blown up during a counterattack against WHEE by the Temuoplis Army and has since resorted to clandestine operations against the country. Often appears before Comrade Puritan for a game of chess and a battle of the wits, usually consisting of "well I can blow you up using this..." and "nuh-uh... I'll reform because of this..."

The United and Tyrannically Dictated Republic of Osaka:

President Osaka -- Tyranical Dictator of the UTDRO, after realizing that her citizens tend to not take her very seriously since she is so blasted adorable, she's resorted to making her policies at knifepoint, which has been far more effective in her governing of the Republic. However turmoil has erupted in her country as proof has arisen of her joining The Administration, leaving many wondering if her quest for world domination is because of her own agenda or for that of a Shadow Society.
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:36 pm

The (ever-expanding list of) Characters, separated by (ever-expanding list of) Different Factions, (slightly more) continued:

Peanutter-Butter Empire

Emperor Peanut -- A former Planters mascot-turned-mercenary who sold his services of not pressing the "Nuke the World Button Holder" to the lowest bidder. However people didn't realize that the button was a one use only button, and that his tactics were a huge bluff. Due to recent mistreatment at the hands of the Duckstapo, Emperor Peanut grabbed a tent and formed his own travelling nation.

SIEJJ/Mintis Rebellion Nation --

Coming soon, or at least when Duckstapo Intel can figure out what it is that they're saying...

The (ever-expanding list of) Other Characters:

EricTheFred -- DJ at Radio Free Temuoplis, which has been destroyed and rebuilt more times than can be remembered. Resorts to guerilla radio to try to tell a story of what he believes is an evil regime, however he isn't taken very seriously by the Temuoplis workers. Some say that having his radio station destroyed so many times has caused a slight case of dementia in the viking, who is reported being seen in his bathrobe reporting his brand of news sitting atop a cardboard box and using a tin can.

Scepth -- A globally feared terrorist that has been a source of stryfe for all major factions of the world, usually due to his aggressive and seemingly sophist tactics, which includes regeneration like that of a space vampire. After a long and bloody assault against Temuoplis, which gave Chairwoman Temulin a scar on her neck and resulted in Rexman's brain needing to be stored in jar, he was taken into custody after a long and heated battle between Chief R. Duckie, who only won after removing Scepth's core essence and storing it in an unbreakable vial made of Crystal Temulitanium, causing Scepth to be unable to regenerate or return to his body and leaving him in a noncorporeal, ghost-like form that seems to enjoy heckling the Leader of the Duckstapo.

The Master Zilch -- A friend of Chief R. Duck from older days, as well as the brother of The Hooded Gypsy, though not a member of any faction. In fact, he seems to be unaware of the fact that his house was recently annexed as Temuoplian territory, but reports show that he likely wouldn't care anyway since the annexation of his Halo 2 clan as the Official Temuoplis Halo 2 clan would likely mean that he would continue to not notice. Plus, he likes the rice.
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby Rexman64 » Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:15 pm

Heheh... I got the longest bio on the list. Plus half of Comrade Nat's.

I like my position as the bumbling military officer.
Don't defrost the alligator.

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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:14 pm

i think.. i think i might join....

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Postby Scepth » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:14 am

..and I shall add more to that Bio! :eh:

hehehe.. >____>

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Postby Sakura15 » Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:32 pm

lol nice :thumb:
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Postby Kaligraphic » Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:34 pm

Da Rabid Duckie wrote:Armies of Obsidian:

Kalvin Lord Graphic -- Duke of the Green Rose, Warlord of the Western Realm, and Commander of the Armies of Obsidian]Loses to Puritan in chess about one game in thirty - a fact which has given the ancient vampire a new interest in life outside of gardening, though he still labors to produce the perfect tomato.[/i]

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Postby Puritan » Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:44 pm

Tell the truth, Kalvin Lord Graphic, you lose about one game in thirty because half of the time you win, and fourteen of the fifteen times you would lose you end up upending the game board right before I win and attempting to kill me. Makes one a bit edgy, but there are few who truly understand chess as well as you do. It does make me glad I own a personal teleporter.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:46 pm

1) No editing. My story. :p

2) Keep the continuity elsewhere, this is OOC. :p
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby SigmaKnight » Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:46 pm

o.o/ Hey, what about the Neko Empire...
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:56 pm

SigmaKnight wrote:o.o/ Hey, what about the Neko Empire...

I'm still too emotionally damaged from the propoganda to write anything about it.
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Da Rabid Duckie
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Postby SigmaKnight » Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:09 pm

Da Rabid Duckie wrote:I'm still too emotionally damaged from the propoganda to write anything about it.

XD ph33r t3h pr0p0g4nd4
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Postby Puritan » Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:03 am

Da Rabid Duckie wrote:1) No editing. My story. :p

2) Keep the continuity elsewhere, this is OOC. :p

I'd be happy to do so. Just didn't want to be constantly beaten in chess by an undead space vampire.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:59 pm

Puritan wrote:I'd be happy to do so. Just didn't want to be constantly beaten in chess by an undead space vampire.
I never mentioned who won them, I just said that chess was played. :p

Eventually, I'll be breaking off from the "real" continuity and taking this elsewhere... there are just far too many (sometimes idiotic) details to go through.
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby Puritan » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:03 pm

Of course. Wouldn't want to constantly deal with strange characters in molecular form randomly creating atomic bombs using black magic to escape prison. I've been contemplating a short "People's History of Temuoplis" along the same lines, but leaving out some of the crazier details.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:22 am

Man does this need an overhaul...

I never even had a chance for one story! ^^;
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

Join the Proud Nation of Temuoplis! Koei, Temuoplis!

Law of Japanese Animation #11 (Law of Inherent Combustibility)
Everything explodes. Everything.

In both real life and video games,
anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby Zilch » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:40 pm


I like rice.

The Master Zilch...has a ring to it...
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Postby Yahshua » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:46 pm

At one time I consider to lead an Army from The State of Wei to join attack on The Temuoplis however seen that it is the mess out there in the field I had decided not to go through with it.
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:23 pm

You may or may not want to include me in the Character list...if you want..
With your doubt, all is comfort
We are all as we appear
No more questions left unanswered
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Nothing is beauty, nothing's feeling
Blood where there once was a soul
So I ask you, prove yourself
Make me believe that you are whole
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Postby Rexman64 » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:30 pm

Zarn Ishtare wrote:You may or may not want to include me in the Character list...if you want..

You realize that this hasn't been updated at all in weeks, missing such events as the conversion to British monarchy and the fall of Temulin, right? :sweat:
Don't defrost the alligator.

Boy, you're gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time...
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