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Katsucon... not again..

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Katsucon conflict

Postby Katrina » Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:55 am

This wasn't really a "prayer" issue, more of a lament than anything else, so I'm hoping it's going in the right spot.

Every year my anime club goes to Katsucon. And every year about the same time, one of my Christain clubs goes on a retreat. They have never failed to run into each other and this year was no exception. I was hoping to go on the retreat before I graduated, but it didn't happen. I missed the deadline and I've already paid for the con. I'm still happy I spend a weekend with my anime club friends but bummed about missing one with my Chrstain friends (although one girl is in both clubs so I'll see her at the con.)

*sighs* I think next year I'm going to plan around the con and attend the retreat as an alumni.

I'm hoping I can still enjoy the con without being sad about the retreat at the same time. Knowing myself, if it were reversed, I'd spend the retreat being sad that I missed the con. I gotta be more happy in my situation now and then.
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Postby RedMage » Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:05 am

I'll be at Katsuon along with my sister, two friends from the area in Virginia, and one coming in from Delaware.

Uh, sorry, I realize that wasn't really helpful. Just...huzzah!
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Postby Katrina » Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:20 pm

Nah, I like finding out that people I know online are going.

Um... I'd say some visit me in Artist Alley, but I'm not doing the Alley this year like I usually do? Umm... look for the Full Metal Alchemist fangirl? (wait.. that describes way too many people...)

I think I'm a bit cheered up from this morning. I wrote my original message at about 4:30am when I was stressed out about other stuff and couldn't sleep.
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Postby RedMage » Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:34 pm

Katrina wrote:Um... I'd say some visit me in Artist Alley, but I'm not doing the Alley this year like I usually do?

Aw, that's too bad, I've never known anybody in an Alley before and it would certainly make you easy to find. :(

Glad you're feeling better about things, anyway.
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