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MJL the Author

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Story about my friends getting super powers.

Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:33 pm

The Day My Friends Got Mutant Powers and Fought for Supreme Victory

By Monkey J. Luffy

This is the story of when my friends got powers from my favorite TV shows. It was February 1, 2006 and my friends were walking through the woods because they didn’t want to start their Spanish report. I, of course, was at home doing the final touches to my report. All of a sudden a gigantic space rock came down in front of my friends. Then they got powers, but not just any powers. They were MUTANT POWERS FROM MY FAVORITE TV SHOWS! Tom realized that he had powers from characters in Bobobo-bobo-bobo. He also told Dan that he had ninja powers from Naruto. Matt got One Piece powers, and E.J. got Zatch Bell powers. Tom told all of them about their newfound powers. “Let’s fight crime and stuff!â€
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Postby Tommy » Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:46 pm

[quote="Monkey J. Luffy"]The Day My Friends Got Mutant Powers and Fought for Supreme Victory

By Monkey J. Luffy

This is the story of when my friends got powers from my favorite TV shows. It was February 1, 2006 and my friends were walking through the woods because they didn’t want to start their Spanish report. I, of course, was at home doing the final touches to my report. All of a sudden a gigantic space rock came down in front of my friends. Then they got powers, but not just any powers. They were MUTANT POWERS FROM MY FAVORITE TV SHOWS! Tom realized that he had powers from characters in Bobobo-bobo-bobo. He also told Dan that he had ninja powers from Naruto. Matt got One Piece powers, and E.J. got Zatch Bell powers. Tom told all of them about their newfound powers. “Let’s fight crime and stuff!â€
FKA Tom Dincht

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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:37 pm

The Day Some People in my 8th grade Class Got Mutant Powers and Fought for Even Supremer Victory.

The Sequel to the story by Monkey J. Luffy. Note: before you read this story remember one thing. That I’m going to make one more story in the series, and I’m going to ask people what they want their powers to be.

On February 8, 2006 a ton of people in my class got in trouble in math class. The only people that didn’t get in trouble were Dan, Kaitlin, Kelley, and I. So Dan was over my house that day because nobody else could come over. The other kids that were grounded were mad that they couldn’t come over my house. So they all ran away into the forest. Coincidentally they all went into the same forest and found each other, so they all ran away together. All of a sudden [Insert cool mysterious music here] a space rock came down and hit them all on the head. Tom got Bobobo-bobo-bobo powers (again J. Sorry Tom, but no one has that Bobobo charm as much as you do;)), Kristen got Sonic the Hedgehog powers, E.J. and Matt got Zatch Bell powers (one to read the words and one to fire the attacks.) Hannah got Megaman powers. Stephanie got Dragon Ball Z powers. Katrina got transformers powers. Emily got Naruto powers, and Paige got IGPX powers. “Whoa we have super powers!â€
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Postby Tommy » Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:43 am


I liked it though. ;)
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