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AZNtv anime

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AZNtv anime

Postby oro! » Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:43 am

Well, my family just got cable, and it includes AZN television. They claim to have anime. Anyone know about them? Are they any good? I think they have Record of the Lodoss War and a couple of others.
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Postby RedMage » Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:09 am

I don't get Azn at home, but mom's nursing hom does. I've seen Patlabor and RoLW: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight on there.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:49 pm

I didn't post this, because it sound like no one gets AZN.

from Anime news network wrote:The AZN Network is having special Anime Weekends this weekend and next with marathons of Patlabor and Record of Lodoss War. The Patlabor marathons air January 15 and 21 from 9 PM to 11:30 PM PT and the Lodoss War marathons air January 16 and 22 from 9 PM to 11:30 PM PT.

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Postby freerock1 » Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:54 pm

I'm one of the few here who gets AZN. I've seen a few of their shows; overall their anime library isn't as good as Adult Swim or G4, but Patlabor can be addictive. ;)

In addition to Patlabor and Lodoss, AZN has run Fushigi Yugi, Black Jack, Licensed by Royalty, Descendants of Darkness, and probably a few others I'm not thinking of. Generally they rotate in different programs every week or 2. They also run some anime movies; they're set to run Roujin Z and Revolutionary Girl Utena this week.
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Postby EricTheFred » Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:59 am

I like AZN's anime, and watch regularly, but I do have a gripe that they wear out certain shows. They have shown Roujin Z and the R.G.Utena movie so many times I could scream. Patlabor seems to be a permanent fixture, but at least that's a series, so that it isn't the same show all the time. And, it has allowed me to fill in the entire "Patlabor" series. (Actually, both of them.) They used to have a "block" every Tuesday of Anime through the whole evening, and they still do occasional blocks, but they have GOT to get ahold of more titles!

Given that they do subbed live action shows all the time, it is really suprising to me that they don't ever do subbed Anime. They alway run the dubs.
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