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Is it really about snow?

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Is it really about snow?

Postby Silent Hunter » Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:23 pm

As I lay cozily on my bed, I gaze out the frosted window at the gentle snow. Lightly, the powder sifts down, resting contentedly wherever it may fall. Each small flake pats the one before it on the back, congratulating it on yet another perfect unrepeatable landing. They soon remind me of people. Each one is so perfectly designed, yet each is so different. Not one is identical. I could search the wonders of the snow for the rest of my days and find not one repetition in pattern. People are like that. We are made perfectly and quite differently by our creator, but we aren’t content with that. We decide that who we are is not good enough as the next person. Upon seeing the popular or pretty person, we wish that we ourselves were them. If each snowflake were the same, how boring would that be? We would be forced to learn about them in a musty classroom, reciting the angles and dimensions of the dumb old snowflake. Assignments and rewards would be handed out to whoever would be able to create the most accurate snowflake, and all creativity would be lost. If we were all the same, wouldn’t life be boring? Who would we hang out with? Would we even want to have friends? Knowing that every person I pass by is the exact same as me would make me want to die. I am who I was created to be, and I’m content to be just that. No one but God fully understands and loves me for who I am. I am glad that I’m different, and I thank God for that. I enjoy the snow, too.

-Stephen B. Mechling

Hope you guys like it. I wrote it for one of my journal entries for a class I had last semester. I was lying on my bed looking at the snow, and the rest of it just came to me.

Comments? Suggestions?

[color=#000000]Me: "Hey, what's her last name?"

Brett: "Doesn't matter. It's going to change anyway."

Brett: "Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot them?"

@)}~`,~ Carry This Rose In Your Signature, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
Silent Hunter
Posts: 358
Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:59 pm
Location: Michigan, USA

Postby teen4truth » Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:23 pm

Awww, that was so cute!!! You really had a good point there. Good job^^ I like the way you described the snowflakes as gently patting eachother on the back.
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Postby Silent Hunter » Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:31 pm

thanks :)

[color=#000000]Me: "Hey, what's her last name?"

Brett: "Doesn't matter. It's going to change anyway."

Brett: "Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot them?"

@)}~`,~ Carry This Rose In Your Signature, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
Silent Hunter
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Location: Michigan, USA

Postby teen4truth » Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:36 pm

your welcome^^
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