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Postby Erin » Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:49 pm

Ok so for those of you who knew me before I told you guyses a while back that I don't really know anything about anime and I kinda came across this forum on acedent and I joined and stayed cause I liked you guyses but I still don't really understand the whole anime thing I mean is it like tv shows that you guys are watching or comic books or what???? :eyebrow: :red: :red:
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:12 pm

Well, anime is the Japanese word for animation, and yes, many anime are television shows, although some are movies. Manga is the Japanese word for comics, and are graphic novels, so to speak. These comics, or "manga," are read from right to left, so an American would see it as reading from the back of the book to the front. However, in most Asian cultures, the language is read from right to left, so it makes the most sense to keep their translated books in the original right-to-left format. Both anime and manga have the easily recognized and unique art-style that most often includes large eyes, big expressions, bright colors, and a large variety of hair colors (though some anime are less vibrant).

Hope that helped a bit with the definition! If you're looking for reccommendations, feel free to ask! :thumb:
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Postby Sammy Boy » Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:33 am

Just adding a bit to Radical Dreamer's information...

Some anime titles were originally manga (i.e. 'comics') but have now been animated as well. For the US equivalent, try thinking of the Batman comics and the Batman cartoons.

I would say the main difference between US and Japanese comics style lies in the fact that the US comics generally feature a more 'rugged' and 'realistic' look for their characters (but of course there are exceptions), whereas the Japanese manga style has finer / thinner lines, with most of the characters having a more 'youthful' appearance.

Attempts to incoporate the Japanese and US styles together so that it has parts of both styles are known as 'fusion'. It is somewhat similar to the Hong Kong comics (or 'man wa' / 'man hua') style, but it is probably more of a coincidence than something done on purpose.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:19 am

Anime is TV Shows...OVAs/OAVs are like Anime movies...and Manga is the comic book form. ^^

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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:46 am

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Postby FadedOne » Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:52 am

:lol: :lol:

Yuki is the third option apparently. After all, Shigure-san did say he's at least 80% male. XD
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Postby Stephen » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:03 am

Moved to the anime board.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:23 am

FadedOne wrote::lol: :lol:

Yuki is the third option apparently. After all, Shigure-san did say he's at least 80% male. XD

You mean 51% female.


I advise that this should be moved to PM. We don`t want this becoming a thread for Yuki-obsessed fangirls to hate me.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:11 pm

Radical dreamer basically hit what anime/manga is right on th enosey. Fun thing is about anime/manga that for most people it is a hobby or somethings an obsession. But soon, as the fans of such series mature and grow - they become more intrested in areas that are related in anime and manga but not directly. Such as cartooning, film, or living in Japan. I see anime/manga as a tool and a stepping stone to realizing what exactly you are going to do with your life.

If I never got invovled with it - I would of never been intrested in graphic design, websites, the Japanese language, or my heritage. I have to say anime and manga has changed me for the better.
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Postby Erin » Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:54 pm

ok so like what are the shows/channels and times of da shows that you guyses are watching??
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:22 pm

Erin wrote:ok so like what are the shows/channels and times of da shows that you guyses are watching??

Well, most of the anime shows that are on TV come on Cartoon Network/Adult Swim (that's really the same channel, just two different programming sessions, really. Adult Swim is on later at night *around 11pm*)][/url]

Note, there are a couple of anime that come on the channel G4TV (I believe it returned to its old name recently, if I'm wrong, oh well :lol: ), but I'm not really familiar with the shows or the times. The link to the thread that I posted should help you out quite a bit, though!

Hope you find all of that to be helpful! :thumb:
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Postby termyt » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:13 am

Erin wrote:ok so like what are the shows/channels and times of da shows that you guyses are watching??

Anime is originally aired in Japan. Most anime is only available through videos in the United States, although more and more anime is becoming available on US TV, too.

Here's a little run down that I hope helps:

In Japan:
Anime is simply the Japanese word for animation or cartoon. It comes in three forms:

1) TV shows - anime aired on TV.
2) OVA or OAV - You'll see this term a lot and both "OVA" and "OAV" is correct and mean the same thing. (O = Original; V = Video; A = Animation). OAV's are anime shows released directly to video instead of being aired on TV first.
3) Movies - movies are usually played in theaters just like in America. However, just like in America, movies can also be made for TV or direct video release.

Think of anime as you think of any American TV show or movie. Cartoons in the US are generally made for children, but that is not the case in Japan. Cartoons are made for all ages there.

In America:
Anime is specifically used for cartoons made in Japan for Japanese audiences that have since been imported to the US in one or more of the following ways:
1) Fansubs - Anime imported from Japan by fans of anime (like us!) who translate the anime, add subtitles, and distribute the anime to other fans. Although this is technically against copyright laws, fansubs have been tolerated by Japanese companies because they were instrumental in making anime popular in the US.
2) DVD/Video - Most anime is officially (legally) released directly to video in the US regardless of how it was made for the Japanese audience. US companies obtain the right to distribute the anime from the Japanese rights holders and translate, dub and/or sub the anime, and then sell it to us.
3) TV - anime is showing up more often on US TV these days instead of going directly to video. Recent examples include One Piece, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and many others.
4) Movies - a few anime movies have actually made it to American theaters, although most only have a very limited release. The only large scale release that comes to mind is Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:48 am

Actually, I don't think anyone said this yet, but 'anime' is a conjugation of the French verb 'animer', which means to animate. The Japanese just adopted the term and applied it to their animation as well.

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Postby EricTheFred » Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:06 am

Personally, I doubt it. The Japanese have a long history of borrowing words from English, not much history in borrowing them from French. And it is very common to borrow and then shorten English words. Anime is simply the first three syllables of the English word "Animation". The French thing is a reverse-engineering thing; start with the word and then go find some language somewhere that matches it. It would be more convincing if it were pronounced the same. French "anime" would be pronouced "ah neem", which the Japanese would have probably turned into A-nee-mo, frankly.
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Postby Sennin » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:42 pm

[quote="EricTheFred"]Personally, I doubt it. The Japanese have a long history of borrowing words from English, not much history in borrowing them from French. And it is very common to borrow and then shorten English words. Anime is simply the first three syllables of the English word "Animation". The French thing is a reverse-engineering thing]

I just looked into my Japanese dictionary and it says that anime is derived from English, though I had heard that the Japanese borrowed this word from the French. Both theories are quite plausible. The French word animer would be pronounced ah-nee-may, sounds which can easily be duplicated in Japanese by spelling it "animee." However, the fact that the Japanese word anime ends in a short e casts doubt on the idea that it was derived from the French word animer.
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Postby everdred12a » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:50 pm

Yeah, you guys have a point, although I do remember reading it somewhere. Problem is, I'm just not sure *where.* I'm leaning towards NewType, but I'm not sure, so don't hold me to it ^_^

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Postby EricTheFred » Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:16 am

Another strike against the French theory is that the French word "Animer" (the one that sounds more or less like "anime" in Japanese) doesn't mean "Animation" or "Cartoon", it means... "To Animate". In other words, its an infinitive of a verb, not a noun. If you wanted to say "Animation" in French, you would say... (drum roll)

"Animation" (pronounced a bit differently, but spelt the same.)

So you could argue that the derivation is going to be the same (the Japanese simply applying their penchant for shortening long or difficult to pronounce loan words to the word "Animation") and then choose whichever language you prefer as the Donor.
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Postby termyt » Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:50 am

The Japanese themselves are often confused about the origins of foreign words. Most assume that any foreign word is derived from English since most of them are.

Anime probably comes from English since Americans would have introduced animation to the Japanese, but I'm not sure exactly how to be sure.
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