Postby Silent Hunter » Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:41 pm
I'll tell you what I told someone else. If you were truly saved, then you can never lose that salvation, and if not, then that is the place to start. Evaluate your life and ask some questions. Am I producing the fruits of godliness that I should be? Do I even desire deep down to do those things? Do desire to be close to God? Do I desire to read His word and fellowship with Him or is it just something I do b/c I'm told that I should?
If you are feeling distant from God, He is not the one distanced himself. One of you is making walls between you and Him and it's not Him. If you want to be close to Him, you have to give up your sins. Come to Him with a broken spirit, admitting that your attempts to satisfy yourself aren't enough. And as it says in Psalm 9 10 and 12 - you O Lord, have not fosaken those who seek after you, you don't forget the cries of the humble.
Go to the Lord, throwing aside all else, in humbleness and pour your heart out before Him. Accept His love and mercy, and don't doubt His saving power, once a child of god, always a child of God.
Satan will try to cause doubt in your heart. If you believe that you aren't saved, then take His free gift and claim it as your own. If you are His, then dive into his scriptures DAILY and never forget that your salvation can never be taken away.
Jesus said in John 10: 27-29 -
27"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:", 28"I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.", 29"My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
[color=#000000]Me: "Hey, what's her last name?"Brett: "Doesn't matter. It's going to change anyway." Brett: "Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot them?" [/color]
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