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LOTR Poetry

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LOTR Poetry

Postby Wind » Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:17 am

Here is several poems based upon Lord Of The Rings

[color=DarkGreen]The Halfling
Based On The Lord Of The Rings

Unto the eastern shore, Doom in the guise of mountain, Where a great dark lord lies,In wait with his black riders nine,To search for a precious thing, That which escaped Gollum's gripping grasp, Where two seemingly half grown men shall tread, Even where wizard grey dares not, Yet unto this there still is hope,The return of a king sorely bought, With heirloom sword reforged once Narsil, Now Anduril, To seek the last stronghold of men, A white city with lost seeing stone, But again consider that last fool's hope resting with halflings, Who come from tidy little hobbit holes, But hope even a fool's, Is greater than hope unseen, That kings wish to hope in hobbits

Elfin Beauty
Based On The Lord Of The Rings

Glory Ageless left undone,Comparable to none, left to its own, Grace ceaseless Age to Age, Left unto glorious beauty,To them is beauty undefined, Ageless Wisdom, Grace beyond Measure, A melodious note sang sweetly on the wind, Essence of lovliness, Graceful unto the eternity, Do not despair of life as grace fades away,For to hope is as unto grace itself, But with grace an eternal choice, As for love abounding, Chosen to be mortal fair, For love abounding

The Rohirrim
Based On The Lord Of The Rings

Rohirrim of Rohan, Riders of the west,Graceful and fierce unto death, Beloved lords of the horse, Ever is as grace abounding,They find their strength in shield and horse, Even as they find death, They live and die as lords of the horse, The horse shall not fail, Neither the rider,But hold victory, To orc they shall be bane
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:11 am

I always like Lord of the Rings poetry, songs, etc. I would like to write some but I can never get it down for some odd reason.

If you like poetry, I HIGHLY suggest Lays of Beleriand. It has lays, lamentations, and poetry concerning the First Age of Middle Earth. So if you have never read The Silmarillion or Book of Lost Tales, you may get confused.
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Postby Kiba-kun » Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:38 pm

wow! That was really awsome. I don't have much knowledge in poetry or LOTR but that was very well done.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Silvanis » Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:36 pm

Such talent dear Jadefox! You have got the races down pat as well as the ring's journey. You are a wonderful poet!
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Postby LostChild » Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:33 pm

Coolishness!!! I'm all like, "Whoa..." and it seems like the only thing I can write are stupid confusing couplets... *cries* I want to write a Middle-earthen sonnet, but where would I begin? I can't! These are great! I'm jealous...
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Postby Wind » Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:07 am

here is another one I wrote about the rangers

The Rangers of the North

Mysterious hunters of the north,
Strangers among their kin,
Cloaked in Shadow they ride,
honorable enemy of evil,
Wood Rovers,
they hope for peace,
peace is sought through sword reforged,
and through the paths of the dead,
none shall pass, all shall fade
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Felix » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:35 pm

Wow those are all realy cool! ^_^ Very nice!
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Postby Silent Hunter » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:19 pm

wow, those are excellent!

[color=#000000]Me: "Hey, what's her last name?"

Brett: "Doesn't matter. It's going to change anyway."

Brett: "Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot them?"

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Postby Wind » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:25 pm

Here is a couple more new ones I got inspired when I was rewatching the trilogy today one about the Ents and another one about Rohan


Slow to wrath,
Yet wrathful unto death,
Are the shepherds of the trees,
Care they for their trees,
Care they little for the ways of men,
Slow to wrath are the shepherds of the trees,
Yet unto the death they have fought,
To free the waters that have been blocked,
That which ahd been dammed,
To release crystal waters,
To Break Isengard,
Treachery will not last,
Not under tree shepherd's watch,
Under guardians of the trees,
Treachery will not last


Hall of Gold,
Folk of Stout, Bold Hearts,
Graceful, Graceful unto death,
Hardy, hale folk of the riddermark,
They seek no allegiance,
except that of their own,
Hall of Gold,
Spirited Horse,
Helm and Sword,
Warriors of the horse,
White horse on banner of green,
Warrior king,
Sons of Eorl the young,
Valiant with honor unto death,
Honorable valiant kings of old,
Hail mighty Horselords,
In hall of Gold,
Spirited Horse,
Helm and Sword,
Hail mighty horselords,
In hall of Gold
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Silent Hunter » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:28 pm

great work!

[color=#000000]Me: "Hey, what's her last name?"

Brett: "Doesn't matter. It's going to change anyway."

Brett: "Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot them?"

@)}~`,~ Carry This Rose In Your Signature, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
Silent Hunter
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Postby Josh Fisher » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:43 pm

These are are a great Poet Jadefox
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 "Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth, So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless,"

God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV. God is bigger than the boogie man and he's watching out for you and me
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Postby starwarsboy90 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:57 pm

Wow, these LOTR Poems are really excellent!
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Postby Silvanis » Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:40 pm

Your newer ones rock too Jadefox! ^_^
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