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Postby Michael » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:10 pm

There wasn't a Robotech thread, but there is now!

I like this, I know all about how it made, but that doesn't stop me from liking it. It got me into anime. A classic tale of love, war, and giant robots. The perfect (or close to it) story.
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Postby Gypsy » Fri Dec 12, 2003 4:31 pm

I loved Robotech: The Macross Saga. Not sure why, but I thought it was the greatest thing. And it didn't matter to me that aliens were destroying the planet - all I cared about was Lisa hopefully beating the snot out of Minmay.
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Postby cbwing0 » Fri Dec 12, 2003 4:38 pm

I never watched Robotech while it was on tv, but earlier this year I bought the Robotech: New Generation boxed set, not knowing that the Macross Saga came first. So now I have to buy that before I watch it. :mutter:

I also have Robotech: Battlecry for the PS2. It is an excellent game, and I recommend that everyone play it. :)
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Postby shooraijin » Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:20 pm

I'm a Macross Saga fan myself. It's one of the first anime I can remember (just not that it was anime, at the time). Will get the box set! Will get!
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Postby Locke » Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:22 pm

i only watched from wat ive seen on toonamis GIANT ROBOT WEEK were they showed mech anime

and one of them was robotech!

fell in love right there and then
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Postby That Dude » Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:26 pm

Cool a Robotech thread. Yeah I actually read the Macross Saga novels before I watched the show...I think that it has one of the best storylines ever. And I own boxed set of the Macross Saga! It be very cool.
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Postby Straylight » Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:36 pm

I've got Macross Plus -- that was pretty cool
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Postby andyroo » Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:02 pm

I've only seen the Macross II OAV that I got rented from Blockbuster (VHS). It's pretty good from what I saw, but more of what I heard. If I got a better dub or, better yet, got it in sub-titles I might have liked it better. The dub was made in 1991. I may rent the Macross DVDs. I also have the game Robotech: Battle Cry.
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Postby Michael » Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:38 am

<all I cared about was Lisa hopefully beating the snot out of Minmay.>

LOL! It's intense!
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Postby Yoda47 » Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:09 am

I've only seen the episodes that they showed on CN.... so far. TRSI had a sale a while back, so I got the whole series. I just have to find time to watch it now.
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Postby Will Smith, Jr » Tue Dec 16, 2003 3:53 pm

Ah, Robotech. My first true anime love. I have been wanting to talk with Robotech with somebody for so long since I don't keep up with any of the new anime that's out.

Macross Saga was the best saga though all three were good. Man, I was messed up for a day when Roy died. And when the Earth blew up, I was like noooo how could they. And then with Khyron who ranks next to Iago and Satan did his kamikaze move....Great series.

The other two series were very good but not as good as Macross. Nevertheless the entire series was fantastic.

And yes, I ended up buying all 21 books in the collection and I probably love the books more. I don't think I like how it ended though. End of the Circle, cool title but weird plot, was the last book so if anyone who has read it can PM me. I need to talk to some people about it. The Sentinels saga got a little weird too but for the most part was ok. Too bad they ran out of money to finish the series...

And finally, Battlecry on the PS2 was phenomenal. I couldn't believe they were able to capture the essence of the anime in the game. I put the game on the hardest setting just so it would take me forever to complete so I could soak it all up. For those of you who know, this game has been a longtime coming (Crystal Dreams on the Super Nintendo anyone?)

Sorry about the long post, I just had a lot on my chest.

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Postby kaibrightwing » Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:23 pm

Robotech was OK but the series macross series that robotech was base off of was better plus the macross series spanned into many series.

you have:
macross zero: that takes place before macross.
macross: aka robotech macross saga
macross flashback 2012 which is more like movie/music video
macross clash of the bioroids:a moive recapping the macross series.
macross plus: which is the story about how the VF-19 becomes the next new fighter.
macross 7: is about how music was a powerful weapon to stop a evil force called potodevil all happening aborad one of macross colony ships commanded by max and his wife.
macross dyamite 7: is how the hero of macross 7 wants to be free to see the galexy with noone telling him what to do and where to go singing as he travels.

I love macross more than i do robotech plus macross is a great rpg to play with people.
my current game is six years old and is going strong.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
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Postby Will Smith, Jr » Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:50 pm

Good point. There needs to be a distinction between Robotech and Macross. It took me a while to figure that one out. Clash of the Bionoids was one of the strangest movies I had ever seen and I really did not like it. There is another one based on some lady named Ashtar and the SDF-1 being called the Aluce and some reporter following an ace pilot-that one was whack too. Maybe I need to try the other Macross series that you mentioned.

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Postby shooraijin » Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:29 pm

... mostly because Robotech also includes Southern Cross and Mospeada, which are totally unrelated to Macross :) (except for the fact their production design was similar, all the series being done by entirely by Tatsunoko; the art similarity was that which Carl Macek exploited to make the cross-series link rewrites we all know and love in Robotech possible).
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Postby That Dude » Wed Dec 17, 2003 9:18 pm

Woo...To much Robotech/macross info!!! My brain is to full now!!!
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Postby kaibrightwing » Sat Dec 20, 2003 7:57 pm

something interesting! macross 2 is not offical macross nor is part of the macross timeline so it of course is good storyline it is not offical by the creator of the macross. It was created by fans who wanted more macross and the creator was in the middle of a project called macross plus. i thought you would like this.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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Postby andyroo » Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:15 am

That is pretty interesting. I wonder how it ended up in a Blockbuster of all places. It's not all that bad of quality, I guess, from fans back then.
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Postby kaibrightwing » Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:59 pm

If I remember right it came out during the legal fight you would get the rights, or do to some small legal detail it was produced and scent out.
I think my head is a little foggy from work.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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