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X :the series ?

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X :the series ?

Postby GrubbTheFragger » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:09 pm

Any one seen X not the movie cuz i saw that and it was just plan depressing not to mention the nudity (completly unneeded) and it was kinda gory and disturbing in places. But any way i was wondering is the series the same way should i stay away from it ?
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Postby kazekami » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:15 pm

The series has a lot better story and is less gory. However there is nudity and it's angsty. The series is a whole lot closer to the actual manga, which has not even been finished. The story is by far better. THe movie was what I'd call 90 minutes of gore. I hope I was helpful.

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