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Tsubasa and Solty Rei "licensed"...

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Tsubasa and Solty Rei "licensed"...

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:00 pm FUNI!!! I know some companies (like Viz with Rumiko stuff) like to license series from the same group, but looks like CLAMP's love is really beign split and shared around! Kinda surprised they picked up Tsubasa, but now fans can go "yay". As for the other series... just heard about it in that announcement.

Oh to make thigns clear, it was never actually OFFICIAL that they were licensed by FUNI but on ANN, they show an email that shows FUNI emailing a a fansubber to stop distrubiting some of their titles, including those two :/ Speculations seem easy here... why else would they mention it? Just, not official yet I assume...
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Postby TrigunX89 » Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:14 am

I knew it wouldn't be long before Tsubasa was picked up, but... *sniff sniff* I didn't get to finish the season.

Wait a minute... Does FUNI mean Funimation? Please tell me it's not so.

EDIT: Yup, it seems official. They also nabbed Black Cat! Grr... The torrent sites have indeed removed the series', and AnimeNfo confirms that US Distribution is in the works by FUNi.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:32 am

TrigunX89 wrote:Wait a minute... Does FUNI mean Funimation? Please tell me it's not so.

I really don't see a problem with FUNi anymore... sure, they released bad dubs maybe before, but isn't the uncut stuff making up for it? No one's complained about FMA OR Fruits Basket (which was awarded "Best Dub of the Year" by Anime Insider) ^^ Although 4Kids is a COMPLETELY different story....
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Postby Aka-chan » Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:38 am

I've heard some complaints about FMA, but I would say that FUNi has improved significantly. Even something like the Furuba dub was pretty well acted, even if they butchered the name pronounciations (I thought...) I think they could do a decent job with Tsubasa. (I know nothing about Solty Rei.)

WHOA. They nabbed Black Cat, too?? Already?? That was SUPER fast; it only just started running, didn't it?
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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:23 am

grrrrrr. I also expressed my opinion of this in the CLAMP thread. I'd have preffered almost anyone (except Manga Entertainment) to get Tsubasa over Funi ><. Geneon would have been my preffered choice, since their dubs of X and Chobits were really good (yay for Bang Zoom!), but I'd have liked ADV (the Angelic Layer dub was good too), CPM, Animeworks, or Bandai to have licenced it, over Funi ><. And personally it annoys me that they licenced it so soon. Now we'll have to wait FOREVER to see any episodes past 26, since I'm sure Funi will whip out the dreaded "8 DVDs per season" release schedule and stretch the season 1 release out over 8 to 16 months X_X.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:18 pm

As long as it isn't related to Dragonball, FUNimation does excellent jobs, especially lately.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:30 pm

It would be nice if they did a release similar to Fruits Basket for Tsubasa (6 to 7 episodes per DVD) but it seems more likely that we'd get the standard 3 to 4 episodes per disc release -_-

Another thing I just remembered that also kind of sucks, this probably means that we won't be seeing any fansubbed copies of the XXXHolic/Tsubasa movie any time soon, even if Funi has only licenced the TV series. Hopefully WHEN (right funimation? *glares evilly at them*) the movie gets licenced it will be with the XXXHolic segment; they should be kept together.

It would be amusing if the XXXHolic TV series gets picked up by someone other than Funimation.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:46 pm

Rocketshipper wrote:Now we'll have to wait FOREVER to see any episodes past 26

Buuut... isn't it sort of like OMG? Sure, they licensed the 1st season, but isn't the 2nd season a seperate thing to license? Besides, it hasn't even aired yet!
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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:37 pm

That's another rather scary possibility. Regardless of whether or not the seasons are one licence or seperate licences, I'm sure Funimation will still enforce their Tsubasa license on ALL fansubbers, even if they fansub past season 1, which means that they could hypotheticly prevent us from seeing seasons 2 and 3, even if they don;t release them here. Afterall, they also enforced their Dragon Ball license on these people for torrenting the Dragon Ball MANGA, which is actully licenced by Tokyopop. Any downloads with the word "tsubasa" in them will probably be targeted. *sits back and waits for Funimation to attack the Tsubasa manga scan websites*
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:09 pm

Rocketshipper wrote:Dragon Ball MANGA, which is actully licenced by Tokyopop.

*cough* Viz, actually...
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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:15 pm

oh, sorry. Still not Funimation's license. I wonder how they even got away with enforcing their DB anime licence on the manga.

AnimeonDVD also pointed out that just because they shut down the Tsubasa fansubs doesn't mena 100% that they have the license.

"While not entirely unusual in itself, they also enforced rights for some other properties that have not been announced as licensed yet, Soltey Rei and Tsubasa. Tsubasa has been registered as a .tv domain by FUNimation. Both of these elements do not indicate a license as has been proven in the past, however, FUNimation's track record on registering domains and then announcing them is pretty strong"

I can't imagine why they would by the domain and not license it. That would suck. But does this mean that Tsubasa might end up airing on CN or something. *stares wearily at the Naruto dub* Scary.
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Postby Kisa » Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:01 am

YAY! Tsubasa in English and optional Subs! ^_^
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Postby TrigunX89 » Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:25 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:I really don't see a problem with FUNi anymore... sure, they released bad dubs maybe before, but isn't the uncut stuff making up for it? No one's complained about FMA OR Fruits Basket (which was awarded "Best Dub of the Year" by Anime Insider) ^^ Although 4Kids is a COMPLETELY different story....

Eh, I guess you're right. The FMA dub is pretty good.
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