I'll be praying,
and I'm glad there is a thread out there to offer more help. Personally, though, I'm afraid we will all continue to struggle with sin (All types of sin), right up to the day we die. It's our nature, our fallen nature, and I personally believe each person has a personal sin which affects him/her more then other types of evil, for some it's greed, others anger, others power, and then there's lust.
As others have said, the best way to combat it is prayer and God, but you will not be completely rid of it, no one is completely rid of sin, but God is there to strengthen you to combat such sin. It's a war that rages our entire lifetime here on earth however, but we can choose to lie down and accept ourselves as sinners (which we are), or we can accept ourselves as sinners and fight till we give up our last breath, in which time we will then find eternal peace.
One way I find to combat many types of sin, is to become more active in church activites, outings, set-ups, festivals, something about being around the church constantly and being apart of it that just, I dunno, it's just a great feeling. Soon you'll find your mind craving more church then it will sin. It will always be in the corner of your mind, but it will not be the dominant drive of your self, God will be.
My prayers are with you, God bless,