While discussing the young couple who once occupied the house, they say that they never thought they'd have children because the wife worked at a night club, but, in light of the fact that the wife became pregnant, they conclude that people find time to "do what's necessary."
Zane wrote:But in terms of the violence, you gave it a 5. One Piece and NGE got a 7, Nauscicau got a 4. I'd say that Nausciau was more violent, and to be only two away from NGE where people regularaly get shot and die and Evas get eaten, cities destroyed etc is a pretty big call. Akira got an 8 for violence and One Piece got a 7, that is very inconsistant, don't you think? I thought the violence was a 3 personally, it took up like 4 mins of the entire movie, and was not glorified and only present to help the plot along. The motorbike sliding into the two people crossing the street was black humour on par with Monty Phyton and funny, not violent. The guy getting shot was brief and you only saw the end results of 2 or 3 red dots, and the stabbing flash-back was like a second and taken out of context sounds horific, when it wasn't, and I don't think that I'm particulary desensertised to violence. To give it a 5 is not justifable.
As for the language, sure they used fa--ot and bas-ard alot, but don't we hear this everyday on the streets, in the classroom, and to a lesser extend as the f word wasn't used at all? To rate the bad language, which admittedly was consistent throughout the movie, a 6 makes one wonder how cocooned one is in christian circles, and not in the 'real' world of sinners, where this is everyday language and should not warrent a 6, a 3 would have been fine.
Finally the sexual content which I do think is important to warn viewers about, since one of the main charcters is gay, but not every oppertunity was used to laugh about or comment on homosexuality, and neither did the other female charcter indicate that she thought she was going to be sold into sex slavery, slavery sure, she says that but there was no indication, nor did it cross my mind that she assumes this, unless they subtitled it wrong and she does say so in japanese, in that case I apoligies.
As for that..."and....?", I don't see how that is offencive or worth mentioning.
So, I enjoyed the movie, and looked past the fact that one of the trio had a perverse sense fo sexual identity, and looked to the that fact that all there chracters did deeply care about the others, even though they didn't want to show it. What do you think Mangafanatic??
rocklobster wrote:I enjoyed it a lot. And Mangafanatic, I don't think this story was really trying to condone homosexuality. You seem to imply that.
Merely explaining the context. The movie certainly wasn't promoting it.
Godly Paladin wrote:It wasn't? I guess I missed something, then... O_o
rocklobster wrote:Yep, think about it. Sailor Moon has homosexuals in it too. But it also doesn't seem to approve or condemn their behavior.
Anyway, I've diverted this topic enough with the post.
Zane wrote:Thats what I thought AnimeHeretic, regarding the fact that the three godfathers are the underclass in Japanese society. Thats also why I quite enjoyed the film and why I think it did okay critically in japan (correct me if I'm wrong), because it dealt with social jutice and was a social commentary on japanese hierarchy and class system. By making the lowest of the lowest the protanganists/heros of the film, the director commented on the undervalued nature of poor persons in japanese society.
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